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Well anyway ... just to prove to everyone how thick I am ... I researched dual booting Ubuntu 12.4/12.10 and Windows very carefully ... including Windows 8. Didn't seem difficult so I boldly went forth and bought the cheapest Laptop I could find ... I wanted one with Windoze 7 (didn't like the look of those tiles) but more or less every model in the shop had pre-installed Windows 8 so ... I bought one. Got home to find that pre-installed Windows * has a different BIOS ... forgotten what its called and the dual boot which seemed semi automatic easy wouldn't work. Googled around and found that people were having same problem ... there was a solution but it seemed hellishly complicated for the likes of me ... so I gave up and just been using Win 8 but just in the desktop and to back up files into hard drive, openoffice and vlc media player.


Now thinking of buying a mac mini ... cos my original back up hard-drive using time machine cannot be read by the Windows machine. damn. tried really hard but ... well damn those Microsofties they got me again ....

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