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What to wear on my feet while cultivating?

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Don't like shoes, don't like cold feet, really don't like foot support. Still haven't found a perfect solution. Wear off brand Ugg type boots with no foot support whn it's really cold, my feet slosh around in them and I stay relaxed. Vibrams with Injinji socks are good. Altras or Vivo barefoot are good when I want something that looks like a normal shoe. And I like my Minnetonka leather soled moccasins. Real solution to probably move somewhere warm and stick to barefeet or sandals. Luna sandals are good. Blech, 4 or 5 more months of shoes.

Edited by zanshin

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Winter is a-comin'. For 'touching earth,' what do folks do when the temps are in the 40s, 30s & lower? And when there's snow on the ground? :huh:


s'like magic. What you do is be aware of the earth, which, no matter what, is under your feet, and plug into it with your own intent.


You can imagine that your feet are extending down into the earth if you like, if you want a good lot of earth energy. IOW, just extend your energy body awareness beyond the visible parameters.

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s'like magic. What you do is be aware of the earth, which, no matter what, is under your feet, and plug into it with your own intent.


You can imagine that your feet are extending down into the earth if you like, if you want a good lot of earth energy. IOW, just extend your energy body awareness beyond the visible parameters.


People seem to be confusing where their energy-body extends to and where their physical body 'stops' :blink::blush:

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Good point.

That's our school motto below this post, part of it says...

Rooted like a tree..

When we teach 'sink' and 'root' we explain that is 'into' the ground not 'onto' the ground.

You can tell who is standing on the ground rather being rooted into the ground when you tell them... "don't claw your toes to grip the ground" ... and then immediately see who visibly unclenches their toes. You can't see their toes but their exp<b></b>ression and actions give them away as they relax into the ground.

I reckon aura (energy body if you will) is a good knee to sole length distance again into the ground beneath on most cultivators, sometimes a lot more for active Martial Arts cultivators and at least nine inches to a foot all round even on absolute beginners.

Sometimes I can see or sense their aura, but that depends on the person; not on me.

Edited by GrandmasterP
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there are general rules and general advices Only when it comes to general wellbeing


if you're looking for specifics on cultivation you'd pretty much have to adress this issue (and whatever else) with your teacher, and follow the instruction of that practice


if that isn't available, you'd have to listen to your body more

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Winter is a-comin'. For 'touching earth,' what do folks do when the temps are in the 40s, 30s & lower? And when there's snow on the ground? :huh:

Cat has the right of it. For energetics simply extend your awareness and seek Earth. Earth has an amazing consciousness that will rock anyone's world.

I touch Earth to discharge static electric charges, not because it is needed for the qigong or neigong. Anything metal that is grounded will discharge the static fields. Never been faced with much snow.

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Different strokes for different folks YM, we teach draw Yin up from ground.

There's plenty there for everyone.

We have specific exercises that do exactly that in our Gift of the Tao movement system - great stuff! My point was that one doesn't have to touch Earth to get yin qi and that I only did it to discharge static electric fields.

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I'm kinda baffled that the ability to plug one's awareness into various energy sources and fields isn't more widespread, once you know the trick it's not terribly difficult. Then again it's something that's hard to describe with words, and most have been conditioned to thinking along linear lines.

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Rubber is electrical insulator but there are some flipflops with a rubber sole mixed with carbon which is conductive material.


I bought a pair for myself but I cannot use them in Montreal, and the winter is just coming.

If I were in SoCal this is what I would wear on a daily basis.

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I'm kinda baffled that the ability to plug one's awareness into various energy sources and fields isn't more widespread, once you know the trick it's not terribly difficult. Then again it's something that's hard to describe with words, and most have been conditioned to thinking along linear lines.


What's the trick? :)


Oh and steam, thanks to you I discovered Zhan Zhuang. I clicked your 'stand still be fit' link and have been doing the practices for over a week now. POWERFUL stuff.

Edited by Celestial
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Hi Enishi. :) Yeah, those linear lines and cultivated ingnorance that starts in childhood. Heaped upon by familly and society.


This would make for a good separate topic.


Agreed, I'm going to make one soon.

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Hi Enishi. :) Yeah, those linear lines and cultivated ingnorance that starts in childhood. Heaped upon by familly and society.


This would make for a good separate topic.

"Cultivated ignorance" DANG!!! Very good expression and quite true.

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s'like magic. What you do is be aware of the earth, which, no matter what, is under your feet, and plug into it with your own intent.


You can imagine that your feet are extending down into the earth if you like, if you want a good lot of earth energy. IOW, just extend your energy body awareness beyond the visible parameters.


I have had success with this in my carpeted living room.

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me too.


not in your living room, obv, but in mine. :)


Do you find the carpet under you when you practice gets unusually warmer than its surroundings as well? It does in my living room, but I cant tell if thats something to do with just good warm carpet or a side effect of the practice.

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That's gotta be a good sign of successful cultivation.

Posted elsewhere about master cultivators who could sit out in the snow all night and come mornng all around them is a warm, dry and snow-free patch of ground.

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That's gotta be a good sign of successful cultivation.

Posted elsewhere about master cultivators who could sit out in the snow all night and come mornng all around them is a warm, dry and snow-free patch of ground.


.*dusts frost from beard*,,,think I'll work up to that slowly.

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I'm kinda baffled that the ability to plug one's awareness into various energy sources and fields isn't more widespread, once you know the trick it's not terribly difficult. Then again it's something that's hard to describe with words, and most have been conditioned to thinking along linear lines.


The traditional Chinese views is that energy is vast and anywhere. The access of energy is not very hard. But one has to build his body up to handle and put the engergy into some useful application. This part is hard and takes long time. They also think if the gates are open before a person is ready, he could be effected by "evil" energy. Only "worthy" disiples are taught the "secret".


I'm a beginer. I don't know if that just a whopper to protect their own interests or it's a good practice.

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Do you find the carpet under you when you practice gets unusually warmer than its surroundings as well? It does in my living room, but I cant tell if thats something to do with just good warm carpet or a side effect of the practice.


hmm, I havent noticed that.I have noticed my bed gets incredibly hot under me.

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