mike 134

kundalini, illuminati, NWO, secret societies, etc

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kind of like santa



Don't be silly.

Santa only comes once a year (bit like a Buddhist).

Nice Ninjas come round whenever they think you need cheering up a bit.

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I have so many sarcastic witty things to say about this thread, but I don't feel like creating anymore bad karma.


Good luck in your pursuit.

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I think there was a mike134 and mike1234, mike1234 definately complaining about his "problem" and I dont know mike134

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Key words being 'be realistic'...

It seems to me that santa comes more than once a year...


I hope he does. Because he has a lot of stuff in those sacks of his.

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It has to be more who you know rather than what you know I guess.

Only way in has to be via somebody already on the inside.

Not much point having a secret society if anyone can just pitch up to meetings and join in.

Bit like 'closed door' MA teachers, only a select few get past the door.

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I was looking at a particular word in a bit of mischievous way... and attempting to make a joke out out it...

specially considering that santa delivers the goods whenever mrs. santa asks him to deliver ... and it's usually more than once a year...


and after that lets see if we can stir this thread back to its original issue... of seeking to work and do good work in secret organizations ... I am sure there are all sort of places who realistically desire to hire someone with talent, intelligence and other abilities... then again maybe its a bit more of just offering the right thing to the right individual at the right time in the right way... Its rather easy to know the right way ... traveling it is a bit more of a challenge... like they say when the student is ready the teacher appears ... I imagine getting invited to those organizations is a bit like that... those who are ready to contribute get invited to contribute...


interesting phrase

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Meh.... I was merely fishing around to see if anybody knows anything, wasn't expecting anything concrete in a million years. But I still have to try, and why not? In this day and age where everyone is so close through the internet, you'd never know what you'll find :)

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Well...there can definitely be some unwanted effects in "kundalini syndrome"...

Definitely agree on that one:-)

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I was thinking about this one again. I'd say no to joining the type of secret society that seeks explicity to control/influence specifics like society, environment, geopolitics. I get all 'yuck' when I think about the gall that some of them have.

I'm surprised that a 'kundalini-awakened' person would be into the idea.

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As Sifu Rumsfeld reminded us on The Unknown...


"As we know,

There are known knowns.

There are things we know we know.

We also know

There are known unknowns.

That is to say

We know there are some things

We do not know.

But there are also unknown unknowns,

The ones we don't know

We don't know".




And who could forget Sifu's satsang where he shared with us and transmitted the secret of the..... Glass Box?



"You know, it's the old glass box at the—

At the gas station,

Where you're using those little things

Trying to pick up the prize,

And you can't find it.




And it's all these arms are going down in there,

And so you keep dropping it

And picking it up again and moving it,



Some of you are probably too young to remember those—

Those glass boxes,



But they used to have them

At all the gas stations

When I was a kid".

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