
Goodbye from Moddy Me (Apech)

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Dear Fellow Bums,


This is my moderation resignation open letter.


I've decided that my moderation activity has come to end of its natural life. I don't think anyone should do it for ever and its time for me to stop.


Firstly thanks to Sean for creating this place and Mal for inviting me on to the moderation team and Cat for suggesting me. Thanks to the rest of Mod Team gang and to everyone else on here.


I want to say a couple of things about TBs and about moderation.


To anyone who still thinks there is some kind of inner conspiracy around controlling the board, favouring some teachers over others … or whatever it is you think is going on … forget it. There's nothing like that here. TBs is exactly what it seems to be and all the better of that. The mod team are just a bunch of volunteers who agreed to help Sean make the place a bit more civil than it was becoming.


I've always thought TBs is a great place because there is no one dogma or preferred set of teachings here. It is only loosely Taoist after all. People come from different backgrounds and bring different knowledge and experience and it all goes into the mixing pot to create something unique.


TBs has a life of its of its own. Sometimes quiet, sometimes sunny, sometimes stormy. In fact it seems to go through cycles. Even near melt down. But always comes out the other side intact. It reflects the people on here … individualistic seekers (?).


There are some (you know who you are) who try to hijack, troll, or deflect the board into whatever obsession you have or whatever game you are playing. It doesn't really work. At worst its a pain in the neck and at best its a joke. I suggest … give it up … you only survive because the moderation is deliberately light touch.


I would like to see TBs developed in some way to encourage more teachers to come on here … to allow more person to person interaction and probably in ways I haven't thought of. Not because I want to mess it up but because I know that change is inherent in life and if you stay the same then eventually the world passes on and things fall away and die. That's a Taoist thought I think.


If anyone is thinking they would like to join the mod team I would encourage you to do so. But you should know that its mostly a tricky and unrewarding task. It changes your TB experience and certainly doesn't make you the most popular guy in town. But it would be good to get more people involved, specially if you have techie knowledge.


Cheers anyway … and good luck.



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So one mod less


This is the second time I see a mod unmod themselves


I've been here that long, you know


To see that rare thing happen


Probably have some experience about the board happenings


And the rules


And how to follow them


And being a mod on 3 other sites


Just saying :lol:

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Hi Apech,


Well, now you have more time to get more involved in some of the threads here.


Your service has been appreciated. Know that well.


Be well and take care!

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thanks for your contributions to the sanity of TaoBums apech!


what are you going to do with all your free time now??


Sanity! Give me a link straight away I want to read that post!


i thought I might just hang around making juvenile comments with the occasional bit of homespun wisdom thrown in.

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Hey Apech,

Really glad to have worked with you as a mod.

Your efforts and contributions have been genuine and sincere, and I respect and appreciate that.

At the end of the day, you can't ask anything else of a person.

Be well my friend and see you around, you Bum!


Edited by steve
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It truly was a pleasure to work with you Apech (and the team of course)

Some great memories ... from over a year ago now :lol:


Love - Mal

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