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"The penis is the exposed tip of the heart" James Broughton

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At the risk of starting a taobums riot, I'd like to introduce bums who might not be familiar with his work to late gay male poet James Broughton. He's someone who tells us that "there is only ONE temple in the world and that is the human body", and that "the proper activity in a temple is worship. Share your holiness. Visit each other's temples." That advice may not to be to everyone's taste, I know. You might not want to visit his temple, but if you're interested in sex and spirit and love and the ways they might come together in the world--if you're interested in that, you really should read his poetry.


"Everything is Song. Everything is Silence. Since it all turns out to be illusion, perfectly being what it is, having nothing to do with good or bad, you are free to die laughing" James Broughton


This is it


This is It

and I am It

and You are It

and so is That

and He is It

and She is It

and It is It

and That is That


O it is This

and it is Thus

and it is Them

and it is Us

and it is Now

and Here It is

and Here We are

so This is It


James Broughton





Having Come This Far


I've been through what my through was to be.

I did what I could and couldn't.

I was never sure how I would get there.


I nourished an ardor for thresholds,

for stepping stones and for ladders.

I discovered detour and ditch.


I swam in the high tides of greed.

I built sandcastles to house my dreams.

I survived the sunburns of love.


No longer do I hunt for targets.

I've climbed all the summits I need to,

and I've eaten my share of lotus.


Now I give praise and thanks

for what could not be avoided,

and for every foolhardy choice.


I cherish my wounds and their cures,

and the sweet enervations of bliss.

My book is an open life.


I wave goodbye to the absolutes,

and send my regards to infinity.

I'd rather be blithe than correct.


Until something transcendent turns up

I splash in my poetry puddle

and try to keep God amused."


James Broughton

Edited by liminal_luke

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These days not many people think of it as a temple while they're visiting


Exactly! We don't think of our own bodies as temples. We don't think of other people's bodies as temples. We don't think of the earth as a temple. And we don't, therefore, touch ourselves, each other, or the earth in a sacred way.


And it's a darn shame.

Edited by liminal_luke

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Here in this body

are the sacred rivers,


here are the sun

and the moon,


as well as all the

pilgrimage places.


I have not encountered

another temple

as blissful as

my own body.




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