
Full Moon before the Solstice

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At first I was wondering why I had so much heat in my heart -- I'm not even in full lotus right now! haha.


Then the strong magnetic bliss kicked in from the center of my brain - the pineal gland. It's pulling my spine straight as I sit with no chair back - just a stool.


O.K. so then I remembered - oh yeah it's the full moon before the Solstice!



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I get a lot of nectar from those full moons too. The whole constant-smile pineal thing really does a number on my face. :)


Yeah the whole Full Moon Solstice energy thing....


Well check out this amazing research on how the American Indian Mound Builders also built the Stone Chambers of New England -- all aligned with Equinoxes and Solstices and as lunar eclipse calenders, etc.




The zinger is that there was a race of giants with double rows of teeth in the U.S.!!


This dude, for the first time, has all the evidence on it -- he's done amazing research.




Here's his 1 hr lecture....


20 years of research! Jim Vieira.

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When I woke up today i should see dark energy "flying" from my lower dan tien to my higher dan tien. Also, my eyes where closed yet I should see! That only happens during deep meditation.



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Lol funny how people were saying in the other thread how they miss Drew, and he returns!

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O.K. so I saw a big black triangle craft up close back in 1997.


So then Agent K said he will post my sighting as an addenum to a new article he's working on. He's convinced they are of E.T. origin which I think is malarkey. haha. Also he sent me new info to me - I posted the link first -- turns out that Boeing has a secret big black triangle antigravity facility!!


So I sent him the below:


Go ahead and use my name. Also consider that UFO Hunters covered the big black triangle yet none of their witnesses actually saw the craft -- just the lights! I saw the craft itself -- up close.


Previous to my sighting I had studied the UFO topic already a bit but I was still totally unaware of the big black triangle sightings. I had read two books by the Fortean investigator John Keel -- Operation Trojan Horse and Mothman Prophecies (which I know is not a UFO book) and I even attended a couple INFO (International Fortean Organization) conferences which featured a few UFO investigators. From the Fortean perspective these phenomenon -- if they are not military -- are some sort of holographic spirit energy that manifests physically. Of course if there are e.t.s this could also be how they travel, etc. People don't like to mix all this stuff together but I mentioned Nick Redfern before -- and he's been investigating this topic, attending many UFO conferences, etc. Redfern thinks that UFOs are some sort of "tulpa" phenomenon which is also what Vallee argues.


Anyway to say that it doesn't make sense from a military perspective and therefore it's E.T.s -- I would be very careful about that line of thinking!! In fact people like Greg Bishop and Walter Bosley have documented that the military makes these "public" demonstrations of secret craft precisely to promote the belief in E.T.s. O.K. so for example I was watching the X-Files but I had no idea that the big black triangle had previously been featured on the X-files! That X-Files show had some collusion with the military I think -- there was some consulting going on from other sources I know.


Something like the big black triangle has no reason to "hide" -- it can hide in broad daylight so to speak -- because it can just evade any jets and use whatever abilities to control people (lasers, etc.). But the CIA, etc. have blatantly promoted the belief in E.T.s as a cover for military craft. On the other hand even if this craft is military it is using technology that is so advanced that it most like taps into paranormal energies.


As for believing in E.T.s -- I have yet to find any evidence for this. For example Robert Hastings claims about UFOs over nuke weapons have been debunked by Tim Hebert, James Carlson and even Hastings own "witnesses" - Eric Carlson and Walt Figel. There's a lot of fake UFO information out there so please be careful. All the science of biology states that so far only simple organic molecules are found in outerspace and that the conditions on Earth are actually very rare for life to evolve as it has done so. Also the means to travel from other star systems, etc. would have to be extraordinally mind boggling.


Again if there are E.T.s -- for example math professor Ian Stewart has a book called Evolving the Alien -- cowritten with a biologist - and they state if there are E.T.s then they are like "Taoist hermits." It just so happens that I know astral spirits are real -- because I have trained with a real Taoist hermit. I sent this information to Ian Stewart but of course he's committed to quantum qubits creating telepathy, etc. -- and Ian Stewart doesn't believe in "natural" paranormal powers. Well I know for a fact that Ian Stewart is wrong about natural paranormal powers (which includes bilocation as physical manifestations) because I've done the training myself!


So to believe that these craft can't be military because it "doesn't make sense" is precisely the absurdity of military propaganda. Nick Redfern has done tons of FOIA requests and sure enough such disinformation has even included holographic image projections -- or at least the plans for them. Even Operation Northwoods was the plan to shoot down a civilian plane and blame the deaths on Castro so that Cuba could be invaded. Already the CIA is proven to have tested biological weapons on citizens in the U.S. not to mention radiation tests on unsuspecting citizens. To say that because it doesn't make sense it can't be military is oxymoronic - like the old saying goes about "military intelligence." haha.


Have you read the book "Stargate Conspiracy" by Prince and Picknett? The fact is the CIA has invested in Egyptology and the CIA is into paranormal and esoteric mysteries. Nick Redfern's recent book "Pyramids and the Pentagon" is another great overview of this. Military intelligence is deeply interested in New Age information and promotes New Age ideology as a cover-up and as a distraction from military secrets. So the belief in E.T.s is actually promoted by the CIA as military disinformation.


I know some people think that these craft have to be E.T. aliens but considering how huge the military budget is and how much of that is "black" -- and also much disinformation propaganda is put out by the military -- and also how there is no real evidence for E.T.s -- I refuse to believe in something that goes against all evidence otherwise. I saw the craft and until I actually see aliens, etc. then the only option is that this is a military craft.

Edited by pythagoreanfulllotus
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Move, move, move like a spinning top:

idk but ive been told if ya never slow down ya never grow old-tom petty

but seriously someone tip that waiter.

yesterday i made a post about wild horses running thru the night, some wolves dancing thru the night

and some famous owl who only spread his wings after dusk,

then when i went outside and saw the moon i was like , doh! ^_^

i would like to invite any bums down the next 2 full moons to cumberland falls to view the moonbow (it is a rare thing)

and quite striking.


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Area 51 is kind of a cool book. I think they've given up on the ET thing and are leaning towards a sort of an 'all is one' unified religion with a bit of transhumanism thrown in to lock things down. There was a bit of noise about the events in the middle east being 'prophetic' but I don't think they've got their ducks in a row on that one.


----opinion etc---


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Hey drew, I notice that you talk about how Chunyi Lin does Full Lotus for hours at a time. I just recently accomplished the level of flexibility needed in order to get into Full Lotus without hurting my knees....how does one make the jump from sitting a few minutes to being able to sit for hours at a time?


Wouldn't want to de-rail this thread...perhaps you could make a separate thread about it? :D


-My 2 cents, Peace

Edited by OldGreen

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I just recently accomplished the level of flexibility needed in order to get into Full Lotus without hurting my knees....how does one make the jump from sitting a few minutes to being able to sit for hours at a time?


Wouldn't want to de-rail this thread...perhaps you could make a separate thread about it? :D


-My 2 cents, Peace


Keep working on the flexibility. The more flexible you are the easier it is, for longer and longer.


There is the Chi factor as well. When the LDT gets enough energy, you can actively 'open' the legs {assuming you are still at middle range flexibility} by breathing down to the feet.

This carries blood which relieves any numbness sensations {from tight hips causing the feet to press to heavy on the thighs} and it can actively soften tight tendons in a quite surprising manner.


But that is not a concern if you are flexible enough, and you Chi can spend its time doing other cool stuff.

Edited by Seth Ananda
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Hi Drew!


your posts inspired me to start full lotus training some while ago, and, yes at the beginning i could only sit for 5 minutes


but this morning i sat for 50 minutes full lotus, and am grateful for your inspiration


oldgreen, i dont have anything technical like seth to say about it... just keep sitting full lotus... your body will open up and youll be able to hold the position longer

Edited by anamatva
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Hey drew, I notice that you talk about how Chunyi Lin does Full Lotus for hours at a time. I just recently accomplished the level of flexibility needed in order to get into Full Lotus without hurting my knees....how does one make the jump from sitting a few minutes to being able to sit for hours at a time?


Wouldn't want to de-rail this thread...perhaps you could make a separate thread about it? :D


-My 2 cents, Peace


Well it's pretty easy -- you just need to save up your life force energy. The progress in qigong is based on building up the jing energy and so the key is balancing the amount and type of food eaten, the amount of heat during sleep and in general, the amount of exercise, and most importantly the emotional information taken in during the day.


The last part is very subtle -- I mean I can have someone touch me for less than a minute -- say shake my hand and hold my shoulder -- and their frequency vibration then needs to be exorcised since it will pull down my energy.


Anyway so that's why Gary Clyman emphasizes personal body space as crucial to the practice, along with storing up the reproductive energy.


O.K. so for full lotus -- Chunyi Lin says 20 minutes of full lotus meditation is worth 4 hours of any other type of meditation.


But this is with the eyes closed -- focusing the energy internally - visualization, mantras, etc. to concentrate the mind.


So I sit in full lotus for hours every day but I take breaks all the time and I am at the computer, etc.


Actual meditation means focusing the mind which is much more challenging actually.


So a 2 hour nonstop full lotus meditation session will "burn bad karma" as Yogananda stated -- full lotus burns bad karma.


Chunyi Lin told Jim Nance to do 2 hour full lotus nonstop every day without missing a day.


That seems simple at the face of it - -straight forward. But you have to have the priorities correct.


For me -- I meditate on the sly since sitting in my room is considered being lazy or I get accused of sleeping, etc. haha.


Sitting at the computer is great because I'm using technology so it appears I'm working or something. haha.


People are really silly about that and people don't understand why meditation is helpful -- people don't understand alchemy or logical inference and what it does for energy, etc.


Anyway someone asked Chunyi Lin on one of the free podcast calls - -just register for the international guild for free and there's monthly free podcast meditations with Q & A sessions -- you email in the question. It's awesome.


Someone asked Chunyi Lin how to get past an hour in full lotus meditation - he said it's all in the mind.


So the question is how to deal with the pain. Actually Chunyi Lin says there's "good pain" from the full lotus but Jim Nance says not to force it. Lesley Vincent said she did a long full lotus session and her whole lower body was numb. haha.


The thing is that the energy is in the upper body with the lower body is numb and then it reverses and the lower body channels open up.


There is increased internal bliss - the orgasmic internal bliss. I can actually track the vagus nerve stimulation. But this is all lower level stuff.


Really you want the body filled with electromagnetic energy so you really don't feel your body any more and you can sit in ease in full lotus.


When the third eye is fully open then in full lotus the whole room fills with light and you do astral travel by creating yin bodies, etc. This is what Chunyi Lin does - I have seen him create multiple yin bodies out of the top of his head - they break off and float out to the person they are going to heal. It's amazing. He explained that's what it is. So he does that while in full lotus.


He also said in deep full lotus meditation in the mountains he levitated up nine feet - spiralling.


So he went 2 months of non-stop full lotus without sleep in a cave in China and he said he wants to do a full year like that.

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