
The Absolute Present

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The one thing this board will never see et-thoughts do - refuse to comment on posts - especially comments on his comments ;)













Count down to another et-thoughts post in





















Message to et-thoughts: - no I very much don't want to 'dialogue' about it. The very fact of doing so misses the point ;)



*...SB wanders off to meditate'*

Edited by SereneBlue
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I see that you are trying use this analogy to get at something deeper, but the formulation is incorrect. "One" cannot travel at the speed of light. Only light can.

So whatever speed one was traveling at would be less than the speed of light and one would see one's reflection.


To be an effective koan I think leave the incorrect physics out of it.


Exactly,...no one, no phenomena, can travel the so-called "speed of light"....yet, at the core of who we think we are, is Undivided Light, the Tao. How to realize that, is by letting go of all that isn't Undivided Light. Nothing of duality (Yin.Yang), nothing of Oneness, is left when Undivided Light is uncovered.

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As long as I can smack someone in the head and they can feel it ,there
material reality

I might have to see it through faulty senses and infer things regarding it ,

but the reality of material things is true.

If mass turns out to be a type of wave form on a miniscule scale.. so be it.,

I can still smack you in the head with that wave form.

And even if time is actually an extension of spacial geometry so be it ,,

you will feel that smack in the head after it happens.

even if you
an illusion floating in a sea of Brahman or Tao or space or undivided light.

You will say Ow


(Do not attempt this test at home ,it should be obvious -without having to actually do it.)

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As long as I can smack someone in the head and they can feel it ,there
material reality




Last night in my dream, I smacked 6 different people, and they all felt being smacked. Dreams must be real.


The truth is,....the 5 skandhas are not real,...although they believe they are.


Feeling a smack is a consequence of the desire for things to be other than they are,...everything that involves the 6 senses is other than things are. Even science has a partial understanding of that,....René Descartes stated, "All that I have tried to understand to the present time has been affected by my senses; now I know these senses are deceivers, and it is prudent to be distrustful after one has been deceived once."


In other words,...the smack is a lie.

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even if you
an illusion floating in a sea of Brahman or Tao or space or undivided light.


And even the immortals have to go pee now and again.

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So what do you want to talk about?

Oh, whatever comes to mind. You know I have no problem with taking a thread off topic if I have something to say.


Yes, sometimes it is best to say nothing.

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Last night in my dream, I smacked 6 different people, and they all felt being smacked. Dreams must be real.

I have never argued against that. Of thoughts either.


But let's remember where they come from. Yes, I'm gonna' watch Stosh if he ever gets close enough to me to slap me aside the head.

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I have never argued against that. Of thoughts either.


But let's remember where they come from. Yes, I'm gonna' watch Stosh if he ever gets close enough to me to slap me aside the head.


I Wouldnt dream of it ! .....


( besides you are already materialist )

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Last night in my dream, I smacked 6 different people, and they all felt being smacked. Dreams must be real.


The truth is,....the 5 skandhas are not real,...although they believe they are.


Feeling a smack is a consequence of the desire for things to be other than they are,...everything that involves the 6 senses is other than things are. Even science has a partial understanding of that,....René Descartes stated, "All that I have tried to understand to the present time has been affected by my senses; now I know these senses are deceivers, and it is prudent to be distrustful after one has been deceived once."


In other words,...the smack is a lie.


Well Id agree dreams are real , they just arent materially- objectively real.


as for feeling a smack being a

'consequence of a desire for things being other than they are ..... '

I really cant see how that shakes out to be so ,

Youd feel it too , denying it is not being OK with the truth of the smack.


All the prophets that ever were also would feel the smack , although I suppose some would be OK with the sensation and others would find it objectionable.


At least thats my take on it , but I am not sure if you are calling the dreams 'real'

or if you are considering them to also be illusory.

I need to read up more on the skandhas to get your point.

In the mean time please consider my point here is to demonstrate

that although my senses cloud my impressions of what IS

They indicate that something IS , and I consider it faulty reasoning

to conclude that no non lies are there to be gleaned


Deny the reality of your feelings if you want to ,

but you have 'em

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And even the immortals have to go pee now and again.


Do they? How would you know?


It is understood that you're not much into Prajnaparamita,... which, until it is proven wrong, a good line of inquiry could be "form, feeling, discrimination, and consciousness are empty of any reality." Interesting, that implication from the Heart Sutra is said to have come from China, and is fully compatable with Lao-zu's Hua Hu Ching.

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Thoughts ARE real. Why not your dreams? Life is as much an illusion as these when you know complete reality as the sameness of Absolute and Samsara. They aren't equal~ they're the same thing. This is the source of the Tai Chi symbol swirling in the void (that's where is swirls).


That's what each of you will see when you arrive at inconceivability. The void of reality is just this here right now. You yourself do not see it— for those of you who cannot, it might as well be a void. Every bit as empty as you.


For those who do see, there is no thing, whom else do you seek?


When the emperor asked Bodhidharma, "Who is talking to me?" This is seeking.


Knowing the emperor had no grasp of emptiness, he replied, "Don't know." This is no thing.


Many of those who are able, interpret his reply as a reflection of the absolute of no distinction; the delusion of samsara.


I say he was pointing directly to the mind itself, directly telling the emperor the unequivocal instructions "Don't know".


True knowledge has no such knowledge. This is also "don't know".


Who can know this can apply the sameness of Samsara and Nirvana as everyday ordinary situations in everyday ordinary situations.


Why doesn't mr V ever discuss the application of his wonderful bookwork in everyday situations? Perhaps that's where he gets smacked himself in real-life, where it evens out in his dreams.

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It is understood that you're not much into Prajnaparamita,...

More accurately, not at all into it, but I still like to find commonalities between my understandings and the bliefs of others.

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Thoughts ARE real. Why not your dreams? Life is as much an illusion as these when you know complete reality as the sameness of Absolute and Samsara. They aren't equal~ they're the same thing. This is the source of the Tai Chi symbol swirling in the void (that's where is swirls).


Who can know this can apply the sameness of Samsara and Nirvana as everyday ordinary situations in everyday ordinary situations.


Why doesn't mr V ever discuss the application of his wonderful bookwork in everyday situations? Perhaps that's where he gets smacked himself in real-life, where it evens out in his dreams.



Your confusion errors from the side of Samsara. Yes, Samsara and Nirvana are two sides of the same coin of Oneness,...yet all three, Samsara, Nirvana, and Oneness are impermanent.



Because most of our society is asleep, it is common that everything is viewed upside down and inside out. For example, we display the T’ai chi T’u symbol arbitrarily. The T’ai chi T’u, or yin-yang, is a well-known symbol that shows dualities’ two primal forces that is simultaneously opposing and complimentary. Although this symbol represents the rhythm of duality within the universe and thus can be viewed in motion, there is a correct, meaningful way to display it statically. The yin, or dark, feminine energy should be located on the left, with its bright eye upward at the top, whereas yang, the bright, masculine energy, should be on the right, downward with its dark eye at the bottom of the pattern. Viewing or displaying the T’ai chi T’u any other way obscures the correct nature of duality. Duality’s reality is not a personal reality.



Simply described, the T’ai chi T’u represents the centripetal/centrafugal motion of duality seeking Source,...which it can never, and will never find, because Yin/Yang is a condition not of Source.



Seneca said, "Do not regard as valuable anything that can be taken away." The feminine is not something that can be separated from duality, nor is it something from which duality can ever be separated. If yin and yang were divided from their cyclical pulse, before the feminine yin could expand beyond duality’s harmonium, and the masculine yang contracted towards a point denser than a so-called black hole, duality would dissolve. Separating yin and yang, if that were possible, would end duality. Such would effect a theoretical straight line in nature and subsequently terminate duality in a way that would cancel Source-out. On the contrary,...Source is only uncovered by canceling duality-out. We can transcend duality and ego, but not undo its circular motion and call it duality. Altering the laws of duality and Nature is the science fiction of ego.


Wholeness is beyond the sum of opposites.


To uncover the Tao, it is necessary to relate with what will never leave you, and from which you can never leave. Any so-called application of Nirvana as something other than impermantent is delusion.


Remember this,...You do not experience a universe that surrounds you, but a universe that surrounded you. All duality is in the past.



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More accurately, not at all into it, but I still like to find commonalities between my understandings and the bliefs of others.


The seeking of commonalities between beliefs is a diversion from truth,...would it not be better to seek and find all the falseness between beliefs?


"we need to draw our attention to what is false in us, for unless we learn to recognize the false as the false, there can be no lasting transformation, and you will always be drawn back into illusion, for that is how the false perpetuates itself" Eckhart Tolle


Of course, I personally enjoy the commonality between the Heart Sutra and Lao-zu's Hua Hu Ching. For the best commentary on the Heart Sutra, read Heart Attack Sutra, by Karl Brunnholzl,...if you can.

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thought forms are just on a different vibrational frequency...same thing as matter..matter just at a lower vibration


Yes,...and all vibration is in the past.

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The seeking of commonalities between beliefs is a diversion from truth,...would it not be better ...

But I already possess the truth. Just looking to see how close others are to it.

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