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Suicidal Ideation and Pharmaceuticals

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Every time I've wanted to kill myself has coincided with some drug I've been taking. In the past it was fluoxetine and sertraline. Most recently it was gabapentin. Anyone else have trouble with medicines causing suicidal thoughts?

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Hi MithShrike,


I am not a MD but I've been in contact on several occasions with people taking the medicines you mentioned mainly for depression and recently for anorexia (sertraline). Suicidal thoughts did surface each time. Actually the risk of having suicidal tendancies is mentioned as a possible side effect of these drugs.

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Not personally, but watching pharmaceutical commercials on TV its amazing the number that include suicidal thoughts among the side affects. I saw one yesterday, a pill for clearer skin. One of the listed side affects, suicidal thoughts!? What the freakin shit ass moron kind of pill is that?? Possibly better skin, possible shorter life?


I defend modern medicine, but these are things that shake my confidence; in western medicine and common sense.

Edited by thelerner
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Pill companies don't represent modern medicine...but the doctor who prescribes them (sometimes unfortunately) does.

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