
What computer games do you play?

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I haven't found a great game since I was a kid. What game, game series, or game maker do you like?



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I've got tetris on my phone that I play here and there. I totally love Wii bowling, but I don't own a Wii.

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Final Fantasy Series.


Metal Gear Series.


I got God of War and will play soon.


PS3 games are going to be off the hook!

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For computer:



Baldaur's Gate

Temple of Elemental Evil

Diablo II

Pool of Radiance: Redux

Sudoku Deluxe



For Xbox 360:


Knights of the Republic

D&D Heroes

Mechassault: Temporal Chasms

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Have you played Gears of War for 360? It's supposed to be THE game. The video game nerds are saying how it has better graphics than anything on PS3 but that's only because PS3 just came out. But as far as system to system 360 is better now. But I think PS3 will catch up with better games this year.

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Yeah, a friend of mine up in Cleveland has been raving about that game.

After seeing your post, I googled it and found this kick arse intro demonstration.

Check it out.


You can see it here

Edited by TwoTrees

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My family has been bonding recently with an old game. We're playing Gauntlet Dark legacy a $14.99 for the Game Cube. Whats nice about it is that is that the characters work together to Kill Kill Kill and get from one level to another. Its easy enough for a 6 year old and entertaining enough for an adult.



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I forgot about Mario Cart for Nintendo's last game system. I hope they come out with one for the Wii system. Totally cute, kid friendly. My pal who just visited said that Mario Cart is his all-time favorite video game.


Michael, do your kids dig the old Atari games or is that too retro?


On another subject, I'm blown away by how popular Star Wars is with boys these days. In terms of Star Wars gear... especially light sabres... Star Wars is much more popular today than it was back in the 70s. Impressive, most impressive.

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We have the retro Midway games for the game cube. Many of them are low quality. The kids enjoyed the Rampage game. Its good in that the monsters you play as cooperate, its bad in that you destroy buildings and gobble down people like popcorn.


The kids love to play Mario cart at a friends house. The public library(!?) has events where they link two gamecubes together, both running Mario cart. You have 8 kids playing the same game (two TV's) and racing on the same track at the same time. Pretty neat for a cheap game machine.



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8 kids in one game. Very cool. Dang... you've got great museums and some kick ass librarians too. Chicago may be too cold for me, it's got it going on!


I'll have to see if my computer is up for that Mario game. (it isn't generally very good for games)

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I have stopped playing video games some fifteen years ago. Pretty much about the time in which I started programming artificial life models. Somehow my work became my game. The rules are the rules of C++, and the aim is to get something that is alive. Or more alive than any other researcher. I know it sounds horrible, but once you realise how hard it is to make some real emergence in models, you end up finding all the other games quite predictable and flat.


But I am waiting for Spores to come out. (look at the movie it's extra cool). And I am considering joining some Multi ROle Playing Game. Maybe one where the interaction among the players make up effects that could not have been predicted.

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I've ran some pretty crazy RPG's myself ...

Quite often it's D&D, sometimes Star Wars, sometimes Shadowrun.

And on the rare occasion I'll get a group that wants to play some Cyberpunk or World of Darkness (which is werewolves, vampires, & spirithunters) ...


You can map out the game's course, but the players always get into craziness along the way ...



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  TwoTrees said:

I've ran some pretty crazy RPG's myself ...

Quite often it's D&D, sometimes Star Wars, sometimes Shadowrun.

And on the rare occasion I'll get a group that wants to play some Cyberpunk or World of Darkness (which is werewolves, vampires, & spirithunters) ...


You can map out the game's course, but the players always get into craziness along the way ...



The last RPG I played was Mage The Ascension, which I loved for how the magic was structured. You had no 'spells' but your understanding of the world changed. So there were 9 spheres (space, time, force, ....) and as you progressed through your life your learned more on each sphere which gave you more powers. So if you has space it's not that you would teleport, is that for you space made no sense. There was no here and there. You were there. The concept was revolutionary. So revolutionary that I have been told thatthey took it off from the latest edition :(.


Another interesting was called I think Nobility. I only had it described. In this each player was a character, but was also an enbodiment of a virtue or of a concept. Some virtues were very strong. like demigods, other were smaller. It is amazing how similar it was with my understanding of the taoist concept of the body of individuality.


Essentially I always had the sensation that from Gary Gygax most of the mythologies in the RPG were taken from real ancient mythologies, (think of the 4 elements and how does it play a role in D&D) and it seem that as more and more info about hidden layers of mythologies come out in the open, so the Player designers use them for their new games.

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I have played 'Mage: the ascension', and must say, I do like the storytelling RPG's, but not too many people will join a group for them, sadly ... must be a lack of imagination or creative mind.


Haven't heard of Nobility, which is kind of odd ...


Pietro - Essentially I always had the sensation that from Gary Gygax most of the mythologies in the RPG were taken from real ancient mythologies, (think of the 4 elements and how does it play a role in D&D) and it seem that as more and more info about hidden layers of mythologies come out in the open, so the Player designers use them for their new games.

It's very interesting that you mention this ... I had a similar conversation with Gygax during the last 'Origins' convention. He was doing some product signing and photos with drawing winners at the store booths, and luckily, our store was fortunate enough to have him (if only for 4 hours), because of it being a new one and our first presence at the 'con representing a store. (Underground Minirealm @ Gamers Portal)

He IS a big time fan of mythology and deitites, and has some really awesome ideas going on for Spring 2007, as far a card games, board games, and RPG based-play goes. There's going to be expansions out the wazoo in collaboration with other creator types. They are brining their head together and combining companies because the gaming world has been slowing down progressively. I told him it's because things are just getting so expensive, if they would just tone it down a bit maybe people would start coming back. From what I could tell he understood but don't know if it's going to make much of a difference. It was just really kewl to get in on some insights as to what will be coming out, and talking to him was quite entertaining. In fact, in many ways he reminds me alot of Plato, with his energy soaring, that specific kind of laid back yet sharp humor, and seeming so youthful in his mannerisms.


Ah, well ... for the time being had to set aside the store endeavors and follow another path ...

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  TwoTrees said:

I have played 'Mage: the ascension', and must say, I do like the storytelling RPG's, but not too many people will join a group for them, sadly ... must be a lack of imagination or creative mind.


Haven't heard of Nobility, which is kind of odd ...

It is Swedish, if I recall well.


Another game I like very much is On Stage. For what I know it has never been translated. Was done in Italian by a friend of mine, and became a big success in Italian. it is a one evening RPG. Which is by itself a great base, for us adults. Every player is an actor in a comedy. And then there is the Director who has limited power (not like normal RPG). The game is divided into different sceenes, and each player bets at the beginning of each sceene to buy it. Who wins decides everything, the setting, who is inside, in what costumes, and so on. Then player has some card with which they can get in, get out, close a scene, throw anothe player in the scene, make a mess, kill another player. Also each player has a certain number of objectives and quotes from the actual piece of theater that they have to reach and to say. For Hamlet in Hamlet, "to be or not to be..." is one. When they say it, in what context can be totally different. The game is a riot. It's just too funny.


And as board games I love playing Quoridor and Go.

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I was lucky not to have a console game system but unlucky enough to get addicted to Everquest 7 years ago. Now I'm game-free for 4 years but if I had to choose between consoles and PC games, I would choose PC games any time.


It all comes to power- even Playstation 3 is a year old technology, and with coming out MS Vista and DirectX10 games made for new generation graphic cards PC gaming can't be beat. Of course, you would have to spend at least $1,500 to build a PC to play them.


Check out 2 PC games for DirectX 10 soon to come out:


Hellgate: London

Edited by Smile

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