
How would a virtuous person act in this situation?

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That whole violence approach has a few flaws in it.

The noisy neighbour could be...


A MMA champ

Out of his tree on drugs

Mentally Challenged

Own a large fierce doggy or two (or even a Lion)

The list goes on.

Violence tends to beget violence but I'm glad to hear that it worked for you without unpleasant repercussions taomeow.

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Call it what you want to call it !

In my point of view violence is not a bad thing, it look bad because it's a primitive way of communication. Adapt : )

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Acting honestly and authentically has much power. But you can't fake it, whether its crying on your hands and knees when he opens the door or grabbing his chest hair, if you act true to your nature it'll be powerful. still might now work though..

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Get down on your hands and knees, sob and whimper for mercy. Then, when he turns his back on you in disgust.. WHACK HIM!

(Homer Simpson).

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Where a lot of people go wrong in a situation like this is playing out the scenario in their minds and assigning any number of personality traits and motives to a person they've never spoken to. It's not only fruitless and stressful, it's somehow un-Taoist to get caught up in fantasy arguments. Be simple, be direct. In the OP's situation, I would (and have more than once) knock on the neighbor's door, point out the issue politely and ask them to lower the noise. It's never turned into a problem for me. If it did, the next logical step is to make a complaint to the landlady. As billb pointed out, do it in writing so you have a paper trail. If the landlady can't solve the problem, you have grounds for breaking your lease and moving out. You can also call the cops. If he really is a meth-head, that may well scare him into quieting down because he certainly doesn't want cops at his doorstep. And if he smokes more meth and forgets to be quiet, hopefully the cops will find something to arrest him on. Sitting and stewing, or thinking this is a chance to work on your karma, are both ways of avoiding the uncomfortable task of expressing displeasure with another person. But you know, that's part of life, so really this is a chance to practice doing it correctly. And under no circumstance get in a fight with someone on drugs, they're often immune to pain, super-strong, and very energetic.

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