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Advice on dvds...

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hi everyone,


I've been trying to learn qigong from dvds and find it almost impossible to sort out the wheat from the chaff. So if anyone can recommend any good dvd, I'd be grateful. I've already spent a lot on some useless dvds, so any advice is welcome 😊

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Thing with QiGong is learning a form until it becomes second nature and sticking with it every day .

It is a very slow process but persistence pays dividends.

That standing 8 strands form is good but there are plenty more out there.

Good Luck and best wishes to you.

Edited by GrandmasterP

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I like Healing Tao USA's stuff from Michael Winn. Particularly the Fundamentals II DVD http://www.healingta...hael Winn#bbckf which has a nice simple form ocean breathing and 5 Movements, simple and direct. He has some samples on Youtube, you can look'em up and see if you like them. He explains the forms well.


If you post the question in the Discussion Area you'll find many more opinions. Quite often on persons treasure is anothers chaff.

Edited by thelerner

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