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Well. Ok.

What's the point then of even believing in the concept? Does it make you feel better?

The truth of life is still the same and the guardian angel cannot protect you from your strengths or your weaknesses... So I just see this concept as erroneous and unnecessary on the pursuit of knowledge and wisdom, as it inhibits ones penetration into the mystery of whatever one is pursuing in an individual way.

Seems to stem from fear...


Again, they are not Guardian Angels. They are Spiritual Guides. Of course, there are some angels helping people in cooperation with Spiritual Guides.


If you knew the amount of help that your Spiritual Guide has supplied to you until now, you would be left in tears. Of course, you may see this concept erroneous and unnecessary on the pursuit of knowledge and wisdom, but in that case I do not understand why you spend your time in this thread.

Edited by Isimsiz Biri

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From the experiences of others i have heard it seems like going after the HGA is dangerous, but not in any literal death just requires you to drop all your excess baggage at the door and large negative aspects of your personality are burned away. Not a fun thing to go through..but its not gonna kill you gives your practice a boost and your ego a kick in the pants.


I have heard of many ended relationships, families, a result of doing the HGA working. However, anyone with some kind of psychological disorder/psychosis should probably stay away form it and magic in general.


My 2 cents, Peace


I did not understand what you mean by HGA working. If a practice ends your relationships, families, careers, etc, definitely, that practice is negative, demonic or Satanic whichever you like. Spiritual Guides are protectors of our families, careers.

Edited by Isimsiz Biri

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I think we see positive and negative snakes differently


In Indigenous/ancient/Hermetic tradition 'positive' means to give out energy negative means to receive energy. Snake can be used in both forms throughout all traditions to act as a symbol or allegory to teach spirituality.


I simply do not know what you mean by Indigenous/ancient/Hermetic tradition. Could you give me a link so that I can learn a little bit more about it. If you do not want to do it in open forum, please PM me


In indigenous tradition here we have 'dreamtime snake' which may be like your " The physical snakes are not bad. Shahmaran is Shah, king of them." There is the original positive King of Snake Wallenganda who spits forth water/venom down on to Ungud; earth receiving water (negative) rainbow serpent. Who then gives water to land (so now rainbow serpent has become active and land receiving/negative.


I always give links with my posts such that everybody understands. You assume I already know Wallenganda and Ungud, which I have heard first time in my life. Are they found in mythology? Scandinavian may be? Link please.


You are talking completely different concept here and asking a question from them. Reply: They are not related with the concepts I had explained. Zero correlation.


I do not misinterpret , I know the difference between a physical snake and a snake in the world of symbol and spiritual teaching (or your astral snake perhaps ?) and the world of 'daimonic snake' ( where the' spiritual snake' can be in the physical world ... in a way - is in the above miracle with the staff and the snake )


I do not understand this paragraph except you know the difference between an astral snake and a physical snake.



Snake has no good or bad. My teacher has been bitten by different snakes ... he goes off (and gets sick, fever, vision ) and transmutes the poison , now he has new snake medicine and another part of Dreaming/Song line. Now that snake wont bite him any more.


Just a minute. Who is your teacher? What is his practice? Is he a Shaman? In Turkey, there is one famous man, a sufi, who prays for a certain person then, snakes and scorpions never come close to that person. Also, that man can get the poison of a snake or scorpion out of the hole of bite. He is much advanced than your teacher in snake practice. :)


Snakes are not bad ... on any level ... maybe you are just not ready for them yet (I know ... I keep away from black snake but can 'charm' other snakes) ... that's not black snakes fault but mine.


The same with the snake who is the subject of this thread ...


The same as I can compare snakes but Aboriginal snake is not the same snake in the Holy Quran. So is the snake in this thread different; it can change from positive to negative but not good or bad, that is in man. So to understand we need to examine snakes in the tradition of reference i.e. The Holy Books Of Thelema.


Although comparison is enlightening.


Again, physical snakes are not bad of course, I explained it. BUT if you see a snake on top of one person's heart, wait for a minute. No being can be on top of a human's heart. No body. If there is, then it is negative.


The Holy Books Of Thelema. ( Sorry, I could not even look at it. It is so negative, my heart was compressed with the negative energy of it. Please do not be offended. It is your free will. If you want to practice Aleister Crowley's works, you are free.


Looking at his photo in the above given link, he is a very very negative man. You can see in his looks. Again, my opinion only. I do not want anybody to attack me as I am sure there is somebody in this forum who loves Aleister Crowley. Everybody is free to choose. Definitely.

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I simply do not know what you mean by Indigenous/ancient/Hermetic tradition. Could you give me a link so that I can learn a little bit more about it. If you do not want to do it in open forum, please PM me

It is general knowledge, google it; Australian Aboriginal Indigenous culture. (it is the oldest culture still being practised in the world with a history of perhaps over 40,000 years) Google ; snake symbolism in ancient cultures. Google Hermetics.


I always give links with my posts such that everybody understands. You assume I already know Wallenganda and Ungud, which I have heard first time in my life. Are they found in mythology? Scandinavian may be? Link please.

It is Australian Indigenous Aboriginal Mythology try googling the words you are unfamiliar with or google 'Rainbow Seroent dreaming by Australian Aboriginals.

You are talking completely different concept here and asking a question from them. Reply: They are not related with the concepts I had explained. Zero correlation.

I believe all similar symbols are somehow related.

I do not understand this paragraph except you know the difference between an astral snake and a physical snake.


Westerners see 2 realities; the material '(real') and the spiritual ( or allegory , symbolic, ideal or even imaginative world). Many indigenous people see 3 realities; the material, the' spiritual' and the daemonic ( a world where both the other two can join).


So if I say to a western materialist or atheist that a staff turned into a snake in front of Moses he cannot accept this in the real material world ... it must be in the mind, belief or imagination or that we are lying or we are deluded (the first material viewpoint). A spiritual person may understand this as a teaching ... they mat not believe that the staff turned into the snake but it is a story we can learn from and it has a spiritual and symbolic meaning for us. (the second meaning, a spiritual world). A religious person and an indigenous person will say (from the third or daimonic) viewpoint ... oh yes! that can happen at times the spiritual world can intersect the physical world and make changes (or 'miracles') in the physical world

Just a minute. Who is your teacher? What is his practice? Is he a Shaman?

He is ONE of my teachers, he is a Shaman , he is an Australian Aboriginal elder and guardian in the culture I described above - 40,000 years old.

In Turkey, there is one famous man, a sufi, who prays for a certain person then, snakes and scorpions never come close to that person. Also, that man can get the poison of a snake or scorpion out of the hole of bite. He is much advanced than your teacher in snake practice. :)

How do you know that if you don't know my teacher ... my teacher has met others from all over the world in many traditions and they all give each other respect and do not compete. Indigenous people and shamans come from all over to come here and meet with Aboriginal people; Arctic people, North American Indians, Maori, Pacific Islanders, Indigenous from Norway, Ireland ... many places, maybe Turkey too. They share ,,, they do not care for who is more advanced :) even the Dali Lama has been here to meet with the Aboriginals ... he never would say that he is more advanced than them because he is too spiritual to say such a thing


you asked for a link ...





Again, physical snakes are not bad of course, I explained it. BUT if you see a snake on top of one person's heart, wait for a minute. No being can be on top of a human's heart. No body. If there is, then it is negative.

The Book that mentions this may be describing something else ... maybe we do not understand things until we have read them deeply and maybe we cant understand them fully unless we are initiated into or devoted to their tradition ?

The Holy Books Of Thelema. ( Sorry, I could not even look at it. It is so negative, my heart was compressed with the negative energy of it. Please do not be offended. It is your free will. If you want to practice Aleister Crowley's works, you are free.


This was the reference for the source material about the 'Heart Girt With a Serpent' the concepts some people are posting about comes from this book.

Looking at his photo in the above given link, he is a very very negative man. You can see in his looks. Again, my opinion only. I do not want anybody to attack me as I am sure there is somebody in this forum who loves Aleister Crowley. Everybody is free to choose. Definitely.

Negative in that he takes in energy?



It is OK I am just joking with you. ;)


Many people do not like Crowley ... I have never met any one that loves him though.


It takes a 'special kind of person' to be able to gain from his writings ... not the average person.


Here is a better picture of him for you.


Crowley was head of an Order that is supposed to have got teachings from the Sufi Soliman ben Aifa and others.

Edited by Nungali
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It is general knowledge, google it; Australian Aboriginal Indigenous culture. (it is the oldest culture still being practised in the world with a history of perhaps over 40,000 years) Google ; snake symbolism in ancient cultures. Google Hermetics.


It is Australian Indigenous Aboriginal Mythology try googling the words you are unfamiliar with or google 'Rainbow Seroent dreaming by Australian Aboriginals.

I believe all similar symbols are somehow related.


Westerners see 2 realities; the material '(real') and the spiritual ( or allegory , symbolic, ideal or even imaginative world). Many indigenous people see 3 realities; the material, the' spiritual' and the daemonic ( a world where both the other two can join).


So if I say to a western materialist or atheist that a staff turned into a snake in front of Moses he cannot accept this in the real material world ... it must be in the mind, belief or imagination or that we are lying or we are deluded (the first material viewpoint). A spiritual person may understand this as a teaching ... they mat not believe that the staff turned into the snake but it is a story we can learn from and it has a spiritual and symbolic meaning for us. (the second meaning, a spiritual world). A religious person and an indigenous person will say (from the third or daimonic) viewpoint ... oh yes! that can happen at times the spiritual world can intersect the physical world and make changes (or 'miracles') in the physical world

He is ONE of my teachers, he is a Shaman , he is an Australian Aboriginal elder and guardian in the culture I described above - 40,000 years old.

How do you know that if you don't know my teacher ... my teacher has met others from all over the world in many traditions and they all give each other respect and do not compete. Indigenous people and shamans come from all over to come here and meet with Aboriginal people; Arctic people, North American Indians, Maori, Pacific Islanders, Indigenous from Norway, Ireland ... many places, maybe Turkey too. They share ,,, they do not care for who is more advanced :) even the Dali Lama has been here to meet with the Aboriginals ... he never would say that he is more advanced than them because he is too spiritual to say such a thing


you asked for a link ...





The Book that mentions this may be describing something else ... maybe we do not understand things until we have read them deeply and maybe we cant understand them fully unless we are initiated into or devoted to their tradition ?


This was the reference for the source material about the 'Heart Girt With a Serpent' the concepts some people are posting about comes from this book.

Negative in that he takes in energy?



It is OK I am just joking with you. ;)


Many people do not like Crowley ... I have never met any one that loves him though.


It takes a 'special kind of person' to be able to gain from his writings ... not the average person.


Here is a better picture of him for you.


Crowley was head of an Order that is supposed to have got teachings from the Sufi Soliman ben Aifa and others.



I know how to google.I asked for original web sites to read and to be on the same page with you. I do not care and I will not spend my valuable time. Sorry.


Aboriginal culture is unknown in the West. All I can say that the book "Mutant Message Down Under" by Marlo Morgan is fake.

I do not understand "Daimonic" ( How can be a demon be in such a relation? I certainly disagree.

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I know how to google.I asked for original web sites to read and to be on the same page with you. I do not care and I will not spend my valuable time. Sorry.


And I am sorry I cant spend my valuable time doing research for you about things you want to know about ;)

Aboriginal culture is unknown in the West. All I can say that the book "Mutant Message Down Under" by Marlo Morgan is fake.


That book sounds like a fake to me too . My friend ... if I wanted to know about the poetry of Rumi I do not read Bhagwan Shree Rajneeshe's book on what Rumi meant about his poems or some hippy rubbish about it ... I would read the works of Rumi and latter Sufi commentaries, then maybe some academic studies about Rumi and Sufism :)


I do not understand "Daimonic" ( How can be a demon be in such a relation? I certainly disagree.
It is not a 'demon' that is a modern / English / Christian word and has a perverted meaning.
LIke many English words ... it is a good language for commerce but not metaphysics.
Unfortunately I am stuck with it :(
I tried already to explain it to you as a third view ... a view the indigenous and religious have about the world they live in and things they DO see and DO experience (all around the world through all times) and the religious see as a miracle.
But the religious turn it back to dualism and see a miracle from God or a 'bad work of magic or sorcery' from Iblis Devil Satan ... and under him , demons.
The indigenous do not necessarily think like that (unless they are religious and not shamanic).
The works of Joseph Harpur are a modern look at an attempt to understand this.
It is probably too deep to work it all out here but the 'uberstanding' ( larger understanding with penetrative insight) of all of that may be essential to getting the gist of this thread?
Edited by Nungali

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And I am sorry I cant spend my valuable time doing research for you about things you want to know about ;)


That book sounds like a fake to me too . My friend ... if I wanted to know about the poetry of Rumi I do not read Bhagwan Shree Rajneeshe's book on what Rumi meant about his poems or some hippy rubbish about it ... I would read the works of Rumi and latter Sufi commentaries, then maybe some academic studies about Rumi and Sufism :)

It is not a 'demon' that is a modern / English / Christian word and has a perverted meaning.
LIke many English words ... it is a good language for commerce but not metaphysics.
Unfortunately I am stuck with it :(
I tried already to explain it to you as a third view ... a view the indigenous and religious have about the world they live in and things they DO see and DO experience (all around the world through all times) and the religious see as a miracle.
But the religious turn it back to dualism and see a miracle from God or a 'bad work of magic or sorcery' from Iblis Devil Satan ... and under him , demons.
The indigenous do not necessarily think like that (unless they are religious and not shamanic).
The works of Joseph Harpur are a modern look at an attempt to understand this.
It is probably too deep to work it all out here but the 'uberstanding' ( larger understanding with penetrative insight) of all of that may be essential to getting the gist of this thread?



You certainly must be reformatted. You are in confusion. You have read too many things. A chop suey. Aborigins + Hermetics + Idris Shah + this + that. There is no consistency in your thoughts. I can not see a synthesis. May be we should speak from Skype. Because your present condition is a pity. You are intelligent and a good guy as I see. I am really sorry.

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You certainly must be reformatted. You are in confusion. You have read too many things. A chop suey. Aborigins + Hermetics + Idris Shah + this + that. There is no consistency in your thoughts. I can not see a synthesis. May be we should speak from Skype. Because your present condition is a pity. You are intelligent and a good guy as I see. I am really sorry.


But they are all connected ,... don't you see the one?



Stand back and see that the shining light that attracts YOU isn't THE light, it is just one facet of the jewel. The jewel reflects a greater light from beyond.



Do not be afraid of the eclectic . You can live on chop suey you know ... if you make it the right way it can be healthy and nourishing ...pity is not a required ingredient though. Maybe a dose of salt is ?



I remember Idris Shah ... I read some of his stuff as a teenager ... many many years ago. .... Its gotta be better than' Mutant Message Down Under ???? yes ??? why would you read a book of that name anyway ???




Did you watch the link I posted for you ... it is many gifted people sharing their traditions ... acknowledging the jewel they are all part off; each a beautiful thread ... or, if you like a chop suey :)



“ Thus we gather up all the threads of human passion and interest, and weave them into an harmonious tapestry, subtly and diligently with great art, that our Order may seem an ornament even to the Stars that are in the Heavens at Night. In our rainbow-coloured texture we set forth the glory of the whole Universe— See thou to it, O brother, that thine own thread be strong, and pure, and of a colour brilliant in itself, yet ready to mingle in all beauty with those of thy brethren! “


Amen / Amoun :closedeyes:


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But they are all connected ,... don't you see the one?



Stand back and see that the shining light that attracts YOU isn't THE light, it is just one facet of the jewel. The jewel reflects a greater light from beyond.



Do not be afraid of the eclectic . You can live on chop suey you know ... if you make it the right way it can be healthy and nourishing ...pity is not a required ingredient though. Maybe a dose of salt is ?



I remember Idris Shah ... I read some of his stuff as a teenager ... many many years ago. .... Its gotta be better than' Mutant Message Down Under ???? yes ??? why would you read a book of that name anyway ???




Did you watch the link I posted for you ... it is many gifted people sharing their traditions ... acknowledging the jewel they are all part off; each a beautiful thread ... or, if you like a chop suey :)



“ Thus we gather up all the threads of human passion and interest, and weave them into an harmonious tapestry, subtly and diligently with great art, that our Order may seem an ornament even to the Stars that are in the Heavens at Night. In our rainbow-coloured texture we set forth the glory of the whole Universe— See thou to it, O brother, that thine own thread be strong, and pure, and of a colour brilliant in itself, yet ready to mingle in all beauty with those of thy brethren! “


Amen / Amoun :closedeyes:




They are all connected? Aleister Crowley is connected to your Aborigin master?


You have to differentiate good/bad.


They are all connected does not explain.

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They are all connected? Aleister Crowley is connected to your Aborigin master?


You have to differentiate good/bad.


They are all connected does not explain.


Firstly ... may I correct you it is Aboriginal ( think of it as 'an original') not Ab origin (although that is interesting as it can mean the 'origin of the father' )


Also, I have no master ... he is one of my teachers.


Cannot a good man and bad man have the same father?


Here is ONE connection for you.


Aboriginal wise man points to Mars " You see that fellah up there! That's Bungil ... he is old eagle eye ... he can get angry, his eye is red. He looks after the Law, if you break the Law he will punish you . he is always flying around up there like an eagle hawk he is watching us. Don't break the Law, you will make him angry and he will swoop down and punish you, and maybe us too if we let you break the Law.


Crowley speaks in terms of Egyptian Gods to explain things ; one concept is Horus. His planet is Mars. He is shown as has a man with hawk's head, In the form of Horus Ra Khuit (Ra-Hoor-Khuit) he is known to vengeful , you can read about him in The Book of the Law.


Australian Aboriginals never met ancient Greeks yet their mythology that is around that group of stars we know as Scorpio has all the traits that come from a Greek astrological (and later) concept/s of Scorpio.


I could go on ... and on ... are you familiar with Jung's concept of the collective unconscious? That is another level where we are all connected ... through the mythic as well.


Inside we are all brothers ... our blood is all red, Each piece of fruit on your table is wonderful and different (and I know Turkey has some of the best food and diet in the world,so you are fortunate ) ... some do not like the lemon ... Iranians eat the lemon and the skin as well. I do not chastise them for it as it hurts no one else.

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Nungali: A difficult issue (considering OP and topic) Is that the thread is about Holy Guardian Angel (and that seems to imply HGA a la Thelema and 'associated gnosis' ( as far as I can tell from the posts ) BUT people are assuming it means Guardian Angel as general term that means .... whatever ... in their own tradition or belief system.


Yes, that is a problem. Can anyone give us a clear description of the HGA as Crowley defines it? Or, can anyone define the HGA from sources before Crowley? I have read through most of this thread and cannot find a clear definition of the HGA. I have had my say (post #46) but I am basing my definition of the HGA on traditions from all over the place. And trying to fit it into what I have experienced. A very haphazard approach.


I will throw out some guesses. Is the HGA a gatekeeper? Is the HGA comparable to Hadit who helps the mystic traveler approach Nuit? Just what is the function of the HGA according to Crowley? My definition is that it leads us inward and, yes, uncovers our strengths or weaknesses. And corrects any imbalances ... over time.


I have not studied Crowley's teachings extensively. But, my family used to be quite active in the Gnostic Mass. There is nothing in Crowley's teachings that I disagree with, that I am aware of.

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can anyone define the HGA from sources before Crowley?


Earlier in this thread I posted here:


and here:


references to material that predates Crowley and is contemporaneous with Abramelin and some that goes back to Antiquity. I have been rather busy of late and have not been able to return to this thread, though I have thought about enlarging upon the material above. I may be able to put some time in the matter shortly and would particularly like to address the confusion between the Higher Self and the Holy Guardian Angel.

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I find the higher self and HGA to be quite different, but things which are difficult to put into words. Well for example higher self is part of me, HGA is separate from me.. but with me for life, and perhaps several lifetimes. Yes there is the uniting during the Abramelin working, however still quite a bit different than the higher self I find.

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Firstly ... may I correct you it is Aboriginal ( think of it as 'an original') not Ab origin (although that is interesting as it can mean the 'origin of the father' )


Also, I have no master ... he is one of my teachers.


Cannot a good man and bad man have the same father?


Here is ONE connection for you.


Aboriginal wise man points to Mars " You see that fellah up there! That's Bungil ... he is old eagle eye ... he can get angry, his eye is red. He looks after the Law, if you break the Law he will punish you . he is always flying around up there like an eagle hawk he is watching us. Don't break the Law, you will make him angry and he will swoop down and punish you, and maybe us too if we let you break the Law.


Crowley speaks in terms of Egyptian Gods to explain things ; one concept is Horus. His planet is Mars. He is shown as has a man with hawk's head, In the form of Horus Ra Khuit (Ra-Hoor-Khuit) he is known to vengeful , you can read about him in The Book of the Law.


Australian Aboriginals never met ancient Greeks yet their mythology that is around that group of stars we know as Scorpio has all the traits that come from a Greek astrological (and later) concept/s of Scorpio.


I could go on ... and on ... are you familiar with Jung's concept of the collective unconscious? That is another level where we are all connected ... through the mythic as well.


Inside we are all brothers ... our blood is all red, Each piece of fruit on your table is wonderful and different (and I know Turkey has some of the best food and diet in the world,so you are fortunate ) ... some do not like the lemon ... Iranians eat the lemon and the skin as well. I do not chastise them for it as it hurts no one else.



I simply do not know how to correct your statements. About Crowley, nothing can be done. Poor guy. About you? Well, I am not so sure.
Jung's theory can be explained very easily if you know astral realms.
May be you should come to Turkey.

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I simply do not know how to correct your statements. About Crowley, nothing can be done. Poor guy. About you? Well, I am not so sure.
Jung's theory can be explained very easily if you know astral realms.
May be you should come to Turkey.

You do not know how to correct them? Maybe if you only see them as wrong you know how to correct them. Crowley is dead, so nothing needs to be done.


I would like to come to Turkey ... thankyou ... can I stay at your house?


I would like to see how you get on in your country by never clearly answering a question or having a logical sequential conversation with anyone :) it must be fascinating, I have a friend from Turkey, he is a Jew , he told me people in Turkey were good and kind to him.

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You do not know how to correct them? Maybe if you only see them as wrong you know how to correct them. Crowley is dead, so nothing needs to be done.


I would like to come to Turkey ... thankyou ... can I stay at your house?


I would like to see how you get on in your country by never clearly answering a question or having a logical sequential conversation with anyone :) it must be fascinating, I have a friend from Turkey, he is a Jew , he told me people in Turkey were good and kind to him.



You can stay at my house. But I have to ask permission from minister of interior, my wife. The point is, how will I present you to her? "Honey, a guy who thinks that Aborigines, a negative magician called Crowley and many other things are related wants to be our guest. Is it ok?" How is that?

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How about "Honey, I know this will sound strange but I have made a new friend and I would like to invite him to visit our country so that I may show him our way of life."


FWIW, neither would fly with my minister of the interior, either...



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How about "Honey, I know this will sound strange but I have made a new friend and I would like to invite him to visit our country so that I may show him our way of life."


FWIW, neither would fly with my minister of the interior, either...





May be we should talk with Nungali on Skype first. :)

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Actually Crowley was quite the white lighter. He said one should never perform any magic which was not part of their true will.


I respect your view but I disagree.

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All of our points are invalid, Isimiz can out coffee us all!


Ever had real Turkish coffee? ;)


Generally we do not have guests who hate us, but if you be my guest, you will definitely have it. Just tell your sugar preference, no sugar, medium sugar, sugar.

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Generally we do not have guests who hate us, but if you be my guest, you will definitely have it. Just tell your sugar preference, no sugar, medium sugar, sugar.


Actually you got the wrong impression, I don't hate you at all. Any TTBs debating was just that, a difference of opinion. (anything else was just simple annoyance due to policy stuff).


I'll go with medium sugar though, thank you :).

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