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I would completely and entirely disagree.  Well aside from the perspective of every single thing is god, including my coffee table.  The tradition comes from much much earlier than the GD/Crowley approach (and neither are my bag of tea at all).  Have you read the Abramelin books?  The Greek Magical Papyri? 


Yes, of course I have read the PGM and Abramelin and I believe the tradition can be traced beyond Greece to Persia as far as I know, perhaps farther back even. If your interested:


On defining God, if your familair with Qabalistic terminology I do not mean Ain Suf who is indeed 'in' everything, but the Lord, Adonai, etc - the Seat of Tiphareth, the Demiurge, the Sun of the Alchemist, the undefiled Ruach.  Either way, once anyone gets to this stage of practice most definitions and clear lines of demarcation are of little use. Hope that helps clarify.

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Well I have to say that beleifs such as "once one hits portal it is Abramelin time" or "magickians are supposed to do the Abramelin rite" are quite a good thing I must say.


Though also there is the whole shortcut can do it in 2 months without changing one's life much approach, I think doesn't quite go as far as 6-18 months, with quite a bit of seclusion and hundreds of hours of practice. 


A two month period will not suffice IMO, it is a lifetime of work, a series of workings of dissolution and coagulation; it's really a misconception we do one ritual or one working and voila we have a hotline to the supernal realms, of course this is another misnomer due to the proliferation of GD derived material on what is essentially a very private and unique rite to each individual, no two paths would be the same, at best Abramelin is a general outline of the life style changes and mindset of one seeking God.

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Crossing the void, or the abyss, or whatever we want to call the place that is everywhere devoid of all meaning ( The Tao) is not a matter of conversing with anyone or anything, it simply a matter of staying concentrated in the awareness of it.  Its all the meanings, and beliefs, and impressions that you cross over that have sprouted up from the abyss.  The abyss is eternal, all thought, all perception, all symbols, all movement originate from it and are transitory in terms of their duration in time-space, their meaning, and their significance.  

The Tao, ( the abyss ) is all that is actually eternal, without will, and without meaning, the great no-thingness.....

" The tao that can be followed is NOT the Eternal Tao.  The way that can be named is not the eternal way"

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And the post that is not about the HGA is not about the HGA. 


One need not cross an abyss  for contact or  to receive the influence of 'HGA'


Eg, in the GD HGA is attributed to below the Abyss on the ToL.  I mean ... if you think a bit, it makes little sense on any plane to have a concept like  one's  HGA   above an abyss of sense of  and operation in the field of 'oneself' . 

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Thanks for being the voice of reason here, Nungali. The abyss is considered the second gate, not the first.



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The Tao, ( the abyss ) is all that is actually eternal, without will, and without meaning, the great no-thingness.....

" The tao that can be followed is NOT the Eternal Tao.  The way that can be named is not the eternal way"


Interesting set of contradictory statements here.  But putting it simply, the occult idea of "the abyss" has nothing to do with the ancient idea of "the tao". 




start to travel

from a distant place

lights go out 


then pleasure/pain

sensations unfamiliar

can make you sick

its a super-human thing

and it does the trick


- devo


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From an interesting discussion from another forums (where many of the members are gone), kowledge and conversation is a Victorian term and actually never used in the source text - the Sacred Magic of Abramelin?? (I'm typing off the top of my mind). Eliazer was said to have had the qabalah (a tool that allowed the use of certain mysteries passed by mouth to ear hence the name QBL - mouth to ear).


Qabalah was traditionally passed to the first son, but Eliazer's favorite son was his youngest, so the book was supposedly his son's gift. Also, the instructions (I don't know if they are explicit or not) required that the operation be done after one's master (usually father's) death. You still need to have the experience of grief and before your mentor's bodies decay.


Thus did Crowley do after Mather's death. Thus did his students do after Crowley's death. But it needs to be summoned to the physical manisfestion. Many magicians feel that Crowley failed in that regard. He only summoned it partly. The "HGA" is said to be the departed manipura chakra of a dead magician. It can be abused for power or it can be used to help cross the abyss - but it was meant to be your master's investment to you.


Just something interesting to add. You don't need to take my words seriously.

Edited by Kaspar

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Certainly not, unless you can give a good reference to this claim; " The "HGA" is said to be the departed manipura chakra of a dead magician. It can be abused for power or it can be used to help cross the abyss - but it was meant to be your master's investment to you. "  


? ? ?   :blink:

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Oh here. I found where someone said it better than me:


Alternatives are devisable, but that is not what the Abramelin Operation is - mostly read the intro - it is about creating and perpetuating a magical legacy that is interactive between the living and dead magicians.


Nungali - don't believe me then. It's cool. I'm only adding fuel for discussion.

Edited by Kaspar

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communication with passed teachers, masters, etc. is not the "holy guardian angel" that crowley referred to, thats for sure... he was already communicating with dead people anyways, apparently (allegedly)


anyways, "the abyss" is a test of will, trajectory, and unified momentum.. its a place that strips away the chaff, but if all you are is chaff, then you get crushed and blasted and scattered.. its a place of directionlessness, a writhing chaos that requires active penetration, like a veil that must be cast aside... if you've got the juice, then you become the juice and are reborn as that juice


As I've told you, the tonal and the nagual are two different worlds. In one you talk, in the other you act. At first all of us secretly do not want the world of the nagual. We are afraid and have second thoughts. Our unbending intent and our impeccability gets us thru that.


When one has nothing to lose, one becomes courageous. We are timid only when there is something we can still cling to.
A warrior doesn't seek anything for his solace, nor can he possibly leave anything to chance. A warrior actually affects the outcome of events by the force of his awareness and his unbending intent.

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Oh here. I found where someone said it better than me:


Alternatives are devisable, but that is not what the Abramelin Operation is - mostly read the intro - it is about creating and perpetuating a magical legacy that is interactive between the living and dead magicians.


Nungali - don't believe me then. It's cool. I'm only adding fuel for discussion.



I would like the reference so I can follow up the fuel. Maybe I will find something new and interesting?.  The transmission of magical 'authority' is certainly an interesting and not unknown  thing, 


Have you read the earlier posts, I put up heaps of similar concept back there with refs. I am interested in the 'process' but perhaps not in the way this thread title implies.


Nowadys I sway towards the Zoroastrian concepts ( links provided back tin this link about that  too ) 

Edited by Nungali

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I tried to find it by having a lightning tour of this thread ...


My Goodness, what a little 'magical diary' it is !  There is stuff waaay back and ... well, only like daobums can get   :wub:


lets just say, if you are interested in the refs. I made to it - and you dont want to wade though that amusing journey I referenced  ;     and check out the 'see also' links


and the Zoroastrian perspective, 'Fraveshi'  :

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Also, the instructions (I don't know if they are explicit or not) required that the operation be done after one's master (usually father's) death. You still need to have the experience of grief and before your mentor's bodies decay.


Thus did Crowley do after Mather's death. Thus did his students do after Crowley's death. But it needs to be summoned to the physical manisfestion. Many magicians feel that Crowley failed in that regard. He only summoned it partly. The "HGA" is said to be the departed manipura chakra of a dead magician. It can be abused for power or it can be used to help cross the abyss - but it was meant to be your master's investment to you.


Just something interesting to add. You don't need to take my words seriously.


I think we should step back and address the above speculation.


K&CHGA does not require anyone's death to achieve. The Higher Genius will make itself known on its own terms and on its own timeframe, regardless of what you do or don't do. Or rather, that which you think you are doing to manifest its presence should rightly be considered its own plan unfolding through you. 


The HG does not need to be summoned to physical manifestation. And the Abramelin operation is allegedly one man's description of how he did it, one approach among many intended to bring one to a place where they are able to knowingly stand in the presence of the HG.


I might add that most who have achieved K&C have never heard of anything called a "manipura chakra".



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On 4/14/2013 at 5:21 AM, RiverSnake said:

I was recently listening to a practitioner and he said communion with ones HGA was basically the result of opening ones heart center? Anyone know if that is true? He said this was because Tiphareth was associated with the heart center


I disagree with what you were told.


There is not a "basic" method.  Communion for each individual is different, because everyone is different and everyone's HGA is different.  Tipheret connects to all the others which is a good reason to cultivate it, however, cultivating tipheret is not the same as "opening the heart center".  Tipheret connects to all including strict judgement, and denial.  Strict judgement and denial are not "opening", they are "closing".  Tipheret includes both "opening" and "closing" and all the others simultaneously, but, the conglomerate of forces has not taken a specific form in its corresponding realm.


I would suggest cultivating malchut for drawing close to one's HGA.  Malchut includes all the sefirot in the form which is most natural for each individual.


Edited by Daniel

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