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mike 134

downward/descending kundalini? how do you achieve this?

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Hi ppl,


This post won't endear me to anybody here, but it's important to me, and I am 100% serious about it. I've been reading something called downward or descending kundalini. It seems like most ppl, especially ppl here on this forum, want their kundalini going up, because it makes you more "spiritual" and leads to interesting states like OBE's, NDE, and eventually oneness consciousness. But I hear that, under certain circumstances, kundalini can flow downward, making you materialistic and egotistical. This site, for instance, states


If awakened prematurely, one common effect is that the kundalini power rushes downwards in the body instead of upward, exciting the most undesirable passions, making it impossible for the person to resist them.




....the force sometimes leads downward to unrestrained lust




So this energy has two forms. When this energy flows towards the body it becomes sex


So the question I have is, is it possible to deliberately force kundalini to flow downward? How do I make this happen? I'm not talking about merely grounding. I want it to be actively going down. I actually happen to like lust, sex, and passion, way better than spiritual things. Anybody?? Thanks.

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Kunlun method or yigong (qigong for self healing) is said to be downward flow.


I personally think that relaxing and chilling out helps. Getting craniosacral helps...or getting massage can help. Less mind helps (mind is the thing that continually tells you that you've got this kundalini problem, or whatever else; it's good to cultivate silence)...and all of this will have to be a continual process for you. When it's already rising, it's not as easy to cause downward flow.


Time heals, as well.


I view all symptoms as temporary. It helps you move past them if you're able to let go...which is paradoxical. But that is the way things are, and in many cases there is no way around that.

Edited by turtle shell

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Kunlun method or yigong


Is there a specific thing I can do? Especially something easy and simple that I can do over and over again. Also I have the ability to consciously send heat to most parts of my body. Is there a way to use this heat skill in order to cause kundalini to flow down? I try to concentrate and imagine heat going down my spine and torso instead of upward, but it doesn't do anything. Shouldn't I theoretically be able to control kundalini by sending heat to particular parts of the body? It would be nice to "turn on" all the stuff responsible for life, happiness, ambition, sex, and libido, and "turn off" useless things like ringing in the ears, vibration in the feet, random twitching, and heat sensations, and also detachment/nonattachment and apathy. Thanks.


EDIT: yay, 70th post!!!

Edited by mike 134

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Is there a specific thing I can do?


Yup, what you quoted. That practice causes energy to descend without trying...sometimes when I practiced, it caused my feet to become red hot.


Over a long period of time, you will find that the practice has healed you. It doesn't happen immediately.


That is one option...just throwing that out there...doesn't matter to me what you're led to and what you choose to do, that is your path.


It would be nice to "turn on" all the stuff responsible for life, happiness, ambition, sex, and libido, and "turn off" useless things like ringing in the ears, vibration in the feet, random twitching, and heat sensations, and also detachment/nonattachment and apathy.


This is why I've recommended the "cultivating heartfulness" book in my signature over and over. It does this if you study and practice a lot.

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Hi Mike,

Kunlun is not a remedy for kundalini symptoms. The aspect of the downward flow is not that it grounds energy into the feet, or into the earth. The downward flow in Kunlun is from above the Crown to the heart. It is the water method. You should not do Kunlun, it will only make things worse with your kundalini. And, the heat just opens channels/nadis making kundalini flow around, and probably into places you don't really want it to go.


You have been given advice time and time again about your condition. The best advice has been to seek out a healer/shaman/guru who has experience with this type of problem. It has been months and you have not taken that advice.

You will never heal yourself because 1) You don't have the interest or discipline to perform spiritual practices (this is not your fault). 2) You don't have the training to perform spiritual practices correctly (this is not your fault). 3) You are interested only in the baser hedonistic pleasures which most spiritual practitioners are trying to avoid or transcend. You are walking into Heaven here and asking directions on how to get back down to Hell.


You have been posting time and time again, yet, you don't take the best advice. Instead, you feel it is ok to take everyone's time, you ask questions which do rile some spiritual practitioners, you don't give them the full background and history of your situation and you just keep coming back for more and more.


The best advice to you is get professional help from an authentic healer/shaman/guru. I have heard many stories about how one touch or proper shaktipat can ground the kundalini for you. You have to get over your trust issues.


But now that I think about, it, maybe that isn't going to help either unless you decide to change your lifestyle. Your lifestyle activated your kundalini. Lust, sex, anger, passion and excessive exercise are what caused your kundalini to activate. Even if someone grounded it for you, unless you learn to work with it instead of against it, kundalini will just keep coming back.


I sincerely hope you do get better, but I don't understand what the point is of asking endless questions when you do seem to want to take the best advice. Go get professional help.




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Kunlun is not a remedy for kundalini symptoms. The aspect of the downward flow is not that it grounds energy into the feet, or into the earth. The downward flow in Kunlun is from above the Crown to the heart. It is the water method. You should not do Kunlun, it will only make things worse with your kundalini. And, the heat just opens channels/nadis making kundalini flow around, and probably into places you don't really want it to go.


Well, at least personally it has tended to balance my negative kundalini symptoms completely.


But caution is good; not necessarily disagreeing with you TI.

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What you want is desire. When desire becomes sublimated or "consumed," it becomes kundalini energy, or yang energy. You don't like the feel of energy. You like desire. So don't sublimate it in the first place. I already told you how to stop. Stop looking at porn. Stop doing your crazy marathon exercise. You'll feel horny again. YAYYYYYYYYAYAYAYAYAYAYAYAYHOHHHHHHHHHHHOOOOOOOOO.


edit: downward energy has nothing to do with this. your desire has already become energy and cannot become desire again, unless you use the energy to digest high amount of food. so eat a lot of meat.

Edited by thetaoiseasy
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Well, at least personally it has tended to balance my negative kundalini symptoms completely.


But caution is good; not necessarily disagreeing with you TI.


Hi Turtle Shell :)

You know, I'm open to hearing about it.

I'll just say. I have had kundalini for about 8 years now. It hasn't gone away. Just today, I did three recitations of the mantra while focusing on the third eye, and for the rest of the day I just cooked. I nearly approached that old "reality looks like a bare raw wire that I just sent 220 volts through". Raw, wide awake, crawling the walls. I've taken Kunlun with personal transmission and the experiences that I've had would make anyone think I was psychotic/schizo. (But I love it). But Kunlun didn't make my kundalini go away. If anything, it opened up the upper part of the body (nadis/channels) so that kundalini could get up there more easily, especially the third eye.


So, perhaps you could describe what your kundalini symptoms were, what kind of experiences you were having, mental abnormalities etc.. How long, (years), how intense, etc.. and how you know that it was kundalini.

Also, please describe your level of experience with Kunlun. Did you recieve the transmission? From who? How often did you practice? What were the effects? Do you have no more kundalini symptoms now?


It really would be a great thing if Kunlun cured Kundalini, but Kundalini isn't a disease, the symptoms are or can be, well, serious stuff. The whole point of kundalini is to send it up through the crown so it showers down around you, (or take it back down to the heart.. it can live in the head or the heart) which is something that Mike doesn't want to do. He is scared of too many sleepless nights, night astral body dissociations, brain fog, etc.. the typical kundalini overload stuff. And I don't blame him.


So if anyone believes that Kunlun will "cure" kundalini, I would love to hear about it. There are so many people on this forum who would benefit from it.


One of the reasons I'm not too thrilled about Kunlun is that I've seen posted on the website that if you have some kind of sickness or disease, you will not be allowed to take Kunlun. They only want practitioners who are sincere about learning the art, not just interested in curing their ailments. So, that isn't going to help Mike at all. (Even though I've read stories about Max curing several students of specific maladies).


I think what Mike needs is a good swift kick in the a$$ to go see a true professional healer/guru/shaman/Dzogchen master.




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I'd rather not get into myself aside from what I said, which is fully true.


Just consider that Jenny Lamb calls it "qigong for self healing". If you don't mix it with any other methods, it really does that.


But I am not at all interested in "selling" these methods I'm done. I apologize for being brief...

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Dichotomous ideas about 'spiritual vs 'baser'' aspects of life aren't, I think, a helpful view. Nor is telling someone they will 'never' resolve their present situation, nor is scolding them for being unable at this point to practice 'correct' technique.

I would also be interested to hear suggestions for resolving this sort of issue. So far it's been interesting.


---personal opinion alert---

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Is there a specific thing I can do? Especially something easy and simple that I can do over and over again. Also I have the ability to consciously send heat to most parts of my body. Is there a way to use this heat skill in order to cause kundalini to flow down? I try to concentrate and imagine heat going down my spine and torso instead of upward, but it doesn't do anything. Shouldn't I theoretically be able to control kundalini by sending heat to particular parts of the body? It would be nice to "turn on" all the stuff responsible for life, happiness, ambition, sex, and libido, and "turn off" useless things like ringing in the ears, vibration in the feet, random twitching, and heat sensations, and also detachment/nonattachment and apathy. Thanks.


EDIT: yay, 70th post!!!


All good suggestions on here Mike so good luck with those. Coming at it from another angle and just a suggestion...

Have you had a go at MCO?

Might be worth a try if you fancy it.

Edited by GrandmasterP

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I can certainly understand a person's desire to back down from enlightenment and 'live normal', more or less, because I did, but I also went into the experience with the intention of having an awakening. Working with one's energy is a tool intended to aid in the process of awakening, not a toy for gratifying urges, as you now know. Reversing it, on the other hand, may not be completely possible; the veil between the former illusions you had regarding reality and the arrival of some sorts of insight have already been breached. In short, you will likely have difficulty being completely normal ... but in addition to Taoiseasy's suggestions, other things to try:


1) no more energy practice unless you are going to use it for it's intended purpose, with this exception:

using normal, relaxed breathing (no muscular contractions aside from those necessary to breath) Tongue down, mouth slightly open, draw the air in through the nose, energy sinking down on the inhale. No locks, no lengthy pauses. Tongue down, exhale through the mouth, heat going out of the body.


It isn't a cure, but it might help when your head is full of light and you can hear what the cat is thinking.

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just going off 2 weeks of kunlun practice, but it seems to move a lot of energy to the crown right now.


BUT, in my experience, kunlun will give you the libido you are looking for. after 2 weeks i get hard a lot more frequently, and now apparently i can not only cum twice, but continue to have an orgasm for a few minutes. Only after two weeks!


Don't know if it stays this way for long though

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"but I also went into the experience with the intention of having an awakening"


Well, there's a very good point. Some people (including myself) don't:-)

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Have you had a go at MCO?


Yeah, a couple of times some months back, it always seems to get stuck in the back behind the heart though, and it can't go up further. However I also had heat in the head so it looks like it was skipping. Nowadays I only try to make everything go down, in both directions, ie, I trace downward from the top of the head, down the tongue (keeping it on the palate), down the front of the body, resting in the lower abdomen, and down the back route (which normally ppl trace upward). So I think of heat from the top of the head down the back of my neck, down my back, and going into the lower abdomen. Strangely I feel a bit of resistance when I trace backward.


Yeah it's kind of tough when I get a lot of advice (thanks!) but a lot of it is contradictory, and I try something once or twice, find it doesn't do anything, and then stop doing it and try something else. Yeah maybe it makes me look bad but hey I'm not a spiritual person and I totally lack any sort of spiritual discipline. Always looking for something quick and easy I can do without much effort :) I suppose it would make more sense seeing a professional who can give me one consistent regimen to stick to, although I did have the following strange experience:


A couple of months ago I showed up to a local group which professed to practice "kundalini meditation." I wanted to get some answers and see what they know. I told them about my symptoms, and they said, no way, there is no such thing as "kundalini syndrome." You have something else. Kundalini is gentle, peaceful, and cool. There is no heat in kundalini. Uh, WTF? And they told me to try their strange practices, which includes lighting up some candles and praying to their idol (who looks like a fat ugly toad). Yeah right lol.


Ice, you mentioned that Rinpoce guy in an earlier post. I might as well give them a call they live close to me.


Hey when you guys say kunlun are you talking about the book written by Max Christenssen??


How long is the book, and is it easy to do? Is there a free pdf ebook? Thx.

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Do you want to cross the abyss Mike134?


If not, stop with these spiritual practices.


My friend ended up in a mental institution due to full blown psychosis. If you are not prepared to give everything up, then stop.

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After many years, for first the time I decided to take on students to show them stuff in person this past christmas. My observation in the ones who have bad qigong side effects is that they've all been doing the simplest thing wrong...based on reading a bunch of random books.


You might have heard the basic tip to place your tongue against the palate to induce downward flow.. When I saw my students do this, I realized that all of their tongues were laying flat against the palate. This causes major stagnation!


The real idea is to "curl" the tip of your tongue upward and against the front teeth gums, so the tip of the tongue is pointing upwards. Many of my students had immediate relief.


You might find this tip a bit helpful. At this point, I will leave this thread, since I think you have clear ideas of what you want.

Edited by thetaoiseasy
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Yes, that is the kunlun we speak of. i have another book, but i hear what you want is the latest book. i believe you can get it on their website.


It is incredibly easy, you basically sit there for an hour hardly doing anything. First time i felt like i was shot out of a cannon. YMMV

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Lol, mike your threads are always a bit entertaining....unfortunately regards to sexuality this is a video I often reflect on in my choice of currently not having a partner. Also in case you didn't know its possible that people whom you are involved with sexuality can open up their Yang Chi/Kundalini accidentally as a result.



-My 2 cents, Peace

Edited by OldGreen

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hey thats an interesting perspective. I don't want to bring this up but I think its a good one to follow once ppl reach a certain level of maturity, or when the hormones are burned out. The guy mentioned Geroge Best as an example of how somebody who tried to live the material life eventually succumbed to his inner demons (alcohol). But I think that when you are still young and the hormones are raging it is good to take full advantage of this and live as liberally as possible,

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hey thats an interesting perspective. I don't want to bring this up but I think its a good one to follow once ppl reach a certain level of maturity, or when the hormones are burned out. The guy mentioned Geroge Best as an example of how somebody who tried to live the material life eventually succumbed to his inner demons (alcohol). But I think that when you are still young and the hormones are raging it is good to take full advantage of this and live as liberally as possible,


You're right there's really no hurry, afterall we have an eternity ahead of us....or so I have heard.....ultimately it's your least outside of the whole kundalini thing....


-My 2 cents, Peace



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