
Japan - A Story of Love and Hate BBC

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"thank you, thank you" haha


Few minutes into this documentary and it would be difficult to not watch I think... I had myself intended to watch it some other time.



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Naoki had a lot of bad self-indoctrination there. Probably coming from resignation.

So beautiful though how well he was accepted by her family. Her dad saying they are considered a "strange family" by people around - strange is good. It shows things not in the mainstream. It's healthy. And especially what her father emphazised: openness. The widespread social sickness in Japan is closedness and pretentiousness. Very likely all things that were engrained in the culture by powerful leaders imprinting their own issues onto society.


Also, when the filmmaker said about the workplace experience that it looked like communism pretending to be capitalism, I thought, wow, he couldn't have been more wrong and confused, as it should be obvious that it's capitalism pretending to be communism - if at all. Depends on how you interpret communism.

Edited by Owledge
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