
Not that I'm paranoid or anything but uh.......

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All this seems to add up to ... well nothing ... because you have shooting after shooting and nothing seems to change ... and the obvious outrage at hearing about innocents mown down by bullets sickens everyone.


Well, something does change, but it's mostly unnoticed (because there aren't big death numbers involved, and because it's against the agenda)...the times that there are people with concealed carry in the area, you find that the criminal is stopped early on. As far as I know...every single time!

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Well, something does change, but it's mostly unnoticed (because there aren't big death numbers involved, and because it's against the agenda)...the times that there are people with concealed carry in the area, you find that the criminal is stopped early on. As far as I know...every single time!


Well someone's been listening to Rush Limbaugh, or at least you quote him word for word. And we're the blind conformists? Rush has an agenda, in particular to the NRA, one of the largest contributors to the republican party. I wouldn't use him as a source for objective arguments.



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I don't remember anyone making any personal comments, perhaps you're seeing something that isn't there?




Go ahead and reread your own post.

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Well someone's been listening to Rush Limbaugh, or at least you quote him word for word. And we're the blind conformists? Rush has an agenda, in particular to the NRA, one of the largest contributors to the republican party. I wouldn't use him as a source for objective arguments.




I never listen to him, and would never side with him on any issue...


These are my own thoughts, based on an endless supply of evidence that you can google or look up in the news. Feel free to pay attention. Please make a coherent argument using real world examples...please don't try to associate me with people like that to make my point seem worthless. It is not.

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I never listen to him, and would never side with him on any issue...


These are my own thoughts, based on an endless supply of evidence that you can google or look up in the news. Feel free to pay attention. Please make a coherent argument using real world examples...please don't try to associate me with people like that to make my point seem worthless. It is not.


The so called pieces of evidence are nothing more than unsubstantial allegations. Nothing more.

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Well, something does change, but it's mostly unnoticed (because there aren't big death numbers involved, and because it's against the agenda)...the times that there are people with concealed carry in the area, you find that the criminal is stopped early on. As far as I know...every single time!


'concealed carry' - that's pistols in holsters is it? How does any one know that people have guns if they are concealed (serious question)???


...and yes I can see as in Game Theory solutions some kind of general population armed to the teeth would discourage some kinds of crime ... however I would think that it would also encourage the criminals to carry even bigger weapons.

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I never listen to him, and would never side with him on any issue...


These are my own thoughts, based on an endless supply of evidence that you can google or look up in the news. Feel free to pay attention. Please make a coherent argument using real world examples...please don't try to associate me with people like that to make my point seem worthless. It is not.


Hmm... since Rush Limbaugh was saying the same thing as you have said here, almost verbatim, I would say that you are associated with his ideas, if not him personally. All of this misinformation is being spread by nut jobs trying to justify their right to bear arms that are solely intended to kill people. None of this conspiracy crap has any factual basis, it's all based on half truths.



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The alleged evidence is a series of Facebook pages that appear to be photo shopped.


I personally went to the Victoria Soto facebook page when it was first pointed out. It really was created before the 14th, and that one was not photoshopped. But like I said on page 1, the explanation is that the page was created for a different purpose at first and then the creator changed the name. It would take some real digging to find out what was actually posted at first...like maybe the NSA stores that kind of information, or maybe Facebook kept it.


It's true that in the midst of conspiracies, some corrupt people can make up false evidence and throw it out there....versus truth seeking people simply compiling evidence. But do you realize, that's another conspiracy in itself that you're subscribing to?

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The so called pieces of evidence are nothing more than unsubstantial allegations. Nothing more.


Not sure what you mean. I'm referring to reports in the news of multiple incidences where a concealed carry person helped "save the day"...

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"save the day"...


this is such a funny expression, as if someone not saving the day would cause perpetual night time

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I personally went to the Victoria Soto facebook page when it was first pointed out. It really was created before the 14th, and that one was not photoshopped. But like I said on page 1, the explanation is that the page was created for a different purpose at first and then the creator changed the name. It would take some real digging to find out what was actually posted at first...like maybe the NSA stores that kind of information, or maybe Facebook kept it.


It's true that in the midst of conspiracies, some corrupt people can make up false evidence and throw it out there....versus truth seeking people simply compiling evidence. But do you realize, that's another conspiracy in itself that you're subscribing to?



I said it appeared to be photo shopped. I never stated otherwise. Do you have any idea how content can be manipulated on Facebook pages? Do you even have a clue as to the power of photo shopped images?


Maybe Facebook kept it or the NSA conspired to do what? Exactly what is your real narrative? Just making this up as you go?

Edited by ralis

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'concealed carry' - that's pistols in holsters is it? How does any one know that people have guns if they are concealed (serious question)???


...and yes I can see as in Game Theory solutions some kind of general population armed to the teeth would discourage some kinds of crime ... however I would think that it would also encourage the criminals to carry even bigger weapons.


Yes, I think concealed means it's not a holster hanging outside of the pants and shirt...it's underneath and no one should be able to tell who is carrying.


It may encourage criminals to carry bigger weapons...but a well aimed pistol can go up against anything else....and of course you can't conceal bigger weapons so these criminals would become more obvious. So, I don't think that's a good argument for keeping citizens as 'sitting ducks'.

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I said it appeared to be photo shopped. I never stated otherwise. Do you have any idea how content can be manipulated on Facebook pages? Do you even have a clue as to the power of photo shopped images?


Well, I'm just letting you know that it wasn't photoshopped. The facebook page displayed that date.


I do have a clue about this...

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Yes, I think concealed means it's not a holster hanging outside of the pants and shirt...it's underneath and no one should be able to tell who is carrying.


It may encourage criminals to carry bigger weapons...but a well aimed pistol can go up against anything else....and of course you can't conceal bigger weapons so these criminals would become more obvious. So, I don't think that's a good argument for keeping citizens as 'sitting ducks'.


Ok but how do people know that concealed carry is going on? Is it ok in the US to walk around packing a handgun all the time?

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Hmm... since Rush Limbaugh was saying the same thing as you have said here, almost verbatim, I would say that you are associated with his ideas, if not him personally. All of this misinformation is being spread by nut jobs trying to justify their right to bear arms that are solely intended to kill people. None of this conspiracy crap has any factual basis, it's all based on half truths.




Give it a rest...I have absolutely no connection to him, even second hand. I don't listen to him, or listen to anyone who listens to him.

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Ok but how do people know that concealed carry is going on? Is it ok in the US to walk around packing a handgun all the time?


I know that people have handguns and applied for the license. We hear reports of them in the news or in other places (like seeing it on youtube) stopping the criminals.


There are buildings that guns or other weapons aren't allowed. My gym doesn't allow any inside. Schools don't, even within a certain range of the property. I think some movie theaters. Government buildings are gun free as far as I'm aware...and sometimes they actually have metal detectors.


Some states still don't have concealed carry, and also have stricter gun laws. Perhaps those places are where we are seeing more gun crime...

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Well, I'm just letting you know that it wasn't photoshopped. The facebook page displayed that date.


I do have a clue about this...


You are looking at the date after the fact.

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I know that people have handguns and applied for the license. We hear reports of them in the news or in other places (like seeing it on youtube) stopping the criminals.


There are buildings that guns or other weapons aren't allowed. My gym doesn't allow any inside. Schools don't, even within a certain range of the property. I think some movie theaters. Government buildings are gun free as far as I'm aware...and sometimes they actually have metal detectors.


Some states still don't have concealed carry, and also have stricter gun laws. Perhaps those places are where we are seeing more gun crime...


There's been times when I wished I had a gun. And increasingly criminal gangs in the UK have them. I think generally though I still prefer laws against carrying guns ... but I can see that wouldn't work in the States because of the history/culture etc.

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You are looking at the date after the fact.


If you can show me how to change the creation date of a facebook page...and then if you can make a sensible argument for why someone would do that (approximately on the 17th of Dec when I looked)...feel free to prove it.


I can make a facebook page, and then you can try to change the date. Sound good?


I think it's nearly impossible for what you're suggesting to have happened...but if it's actually an easy thing to do, I'm all ears.

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Yes, I think concealed means it's not a holster hanging outside of the pants and shirt...it's underneath and no one should be able to tell who is carrying.


It may encourage criminals to carry bigger weapons...but a well aimed pistol can go up against anything else....and of course you can't conceal bigger weapons so these criminals would become more obvious. So, I don't think that's a good argument for keeping citizens as 'sitting ducks'.


"but a well aimed pistol can go up against anything else"


Your statement does not hold water in the real world and you know it.

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"but a well aimed pistol can go up against anything else"


Your statement does not hold water in the real world and you know it.


Actually, it does. Lets say a criminal has an AK-47 for instance. Those have armor piercing rounds and are automatic machine guns. Deadly stuff. If someone simply shot one pistol round into that person's brainstem, the AK47 wouldn't be doing any more damage.


This is why military special operations spends so many hours practicing shooting. So they can aim.


Now...a somewhat untrained civilian with concealed carry. They won't be able to aim as well...but I'd rather they have the opportunity, than to be a 'sitting duck'.

Edited by turtle shell
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Actually, it does. Lets say a criminal has an AK-47 for instance. it is. hose have armor piercing rounds and are automatic machine guns. Deadly stuff. If someone simply shot one pistol round into that person's brainstem, the AK47 wouldn't be doing any more damage.


This is why military special operations spends so many hours practicing shooting. So they can aim.


Now...a somewhat untrained civilian with concealed carry. They won't be able to aim as well...but I'd rather they have the opportunity, than to be a 'sitting duck'.


Up until the newtown tragedy they called them concealed weapons permits, I wonder why that's changed?



Edited by Aaron

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I said it appeared to be photo shopped. I never stated otherwise. Do you have any idea how content can be manipulated on Facebook pages? Do you even have a clue as to the power of photo shopped images?



We know that Nancy Lanza was an anti-abortion, gun enthusist, Tea Party Catholic who was supported by alimony payments which left her very well off. She often took her son to a shooting range to indoctrinate him of the need to protect her family against left-wing advocates of Health Care, Women's Rights, and LGBT issues. She was a regular viewer of Fox News, and spoke of the god foresaken liberals at Sandy Hook Elementary, and the poor children of those liberals being brainwashed with open-minded ideas.


Perhaps Carl Rove, Rush Limbough, and Dick Army were aware of Nancy Lanza's predicament through her generous donations (via her substantial alimony payments) to Tea Party causes, and thus, to deflect attention from their own anti-American, social fascist agenda, changed the dates on those mentioned accounts to promote a conspiracy theory, and undermine Taoists conversations on TTB.

Edited by Vmarco
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