
Treating everyone as a Buddha

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I have never heard an instance where a buddha or enlightened being treated any body like a buddha. Buddhas treat buddhas like a drunken drunk treats his fellow drunken drunk— they spit and cuss and laugh like only drunks can …either that or one gets left for dead in the street..


How could an ignoramus possibly know what like a buddha is? That's within the province of seeing your nature. When you see your buddha-nature, you don't have to act like.


The whole like a buddha premise is some kinda socialist bullshit shit.


God damn you people are so full of it.


Know yourself. I DARE you.


Please do what the title says....:)

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if ya'll wuz a buddha I'd spit in my hand and rub it in your faces.


But yer not.❤


I have not misinterpreted anything.

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I say don't act like this so I don't.


Y'all say act like this and you don't.


Ha! Y'all are some bunch a buddhas if there ever was…❤

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Visualisation, ways of thinking etc are not anti-spirituality, the thoughts you have are a type of energy practice loving thoughts versus hateful thoughts. I am not the only one who has said this is african shamanic practices they connect to feeling good feelings to open the heart first then emptiness etc, also I was just reading chunyi lin and he seems to have a ton of things to say about things like forgiveness, gratitude, kindness etc. What one calls forcing kindness and being repressive can often just be another word for justifying why one is not kind, no one is 100% kind all the time, but it is nice to aim at something, imo if someone is not kind, compassionate etc it is difficult for me to view them as having achieved something spiritually. Also I dont suggest anyone think like this or that I do think like this, merely just throwing the topic out there, not having much of an opinion either way sharing random thoughts that come to my mind, and discussing them, anyways whatever anyone says is all good, all relevant I guess.

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quotes michael lomax - However, something that may help is the "Great Wallyworld High Level" practice. Go into a really big store. Get into your qi state before entering. Think of nothing. Everyone you come up to put your awareness half way between you and them while gazing at them. Say to yourself, "This is me only at a different level of awareness" SEE that this is so.


chunyi lin- Hello my dear friends! Consider doing this:

Every day find two or three things and they can be anything- paper clip, cord, glasses, food, pet, plant, paper- anything. Consider those beings as a gift from the Universe, God, Love, etc. Tell each being that you honor and appreciate it--tell each being that you love it and say thank you to it. Do this several times a day to each being. You will find your gratitude and heart opening so much in your life when you do this.

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Deci belle writes:


if ya'll wuz a buddha I'd spit in my hand and rub it in your faces.




K responds:

Deci, yer just as skanty as Mr VMarco in this one.






Is that really how some see my posts here? As "hahahahhahahhahahahhahahhahahaha...." What an interesting view.


I must assume that "skanty" implies scanty,...that is, my post are seen as lacking and insufficient in explaination. Personally, don't see that as the real issue, but I'll try to be more "ample" in my posts.

Edited by Vmarco
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Before he became a hermit, Zarathud was a young Priest, and took great delight in making fools of his opponents in front of his followers.

One day Zarathud took his students to a pleasant pasture and there he confronted The Sacred Chao while She was contentedly grazing.


"Tell me, you dumb beast." demanded the Priest in his commanding voice, "why don't you do something worthwhile. What is your Purpose in Life, anyway?"


Munching the tasty grass, The Sacred Chao replied "MU".*


Upon hearing this, absolutely nobody was enlightened. Primarily because nobody could understand Chinese.


* "MU" is the Chinese ideogram for NO-THING






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if ya'll wuz a buddha I'd spit in my hand and rub it in your faces.


But yer not.❤


I have not misinterpreted anything.


We all are not Buddhas but it was asked to be treated like one. It is only a matter of respect as the intention of the title.

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Perhaps it would be more effective if people would endeavor to treat themselves as buddhas unbeknownst to anyone to the point where they actually find out for themselves what it means to be a buddha.


Then they can solidify that realization for ten to twenty years before even beginning to talk about it to others.


I've seen an empty room full of buddhas. They don't do anything!!


If people would stop acting out arbitrary ideas dependent on conventional ideals, that would be precisely what it means to treat themselves as a buddha.


Conventional mores are very reasonable. ya, I got that. But buddhahood has nothing to do with conventional mores.


Its about seeing reality as is.


In four years I have less than a thousand posts. I even hesitated to comment on this thread… but it was too juicy to resist.


It's not like bullyhood is my main venue. Enlightenment is a matter of interrupting the beginningless flow of one's inherited and learned conditioned awareness. I aim to jog the human mentality in people.



It is not that reality looks different than illusion in terms of enlightening being, it is a matter of no longer viewing externals as a separate reality because seeing entails accepting the knowledge that the created is nothing but illusion, ourselves included.


So those who strive to treat themselves as a buddha do not leave anyone out. The distinction may seem small, but the difference is inconceivable.

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i would not ever ask to be referred to as or treated "like a buddha" because i dont imagine i'd want anyone to treat me any differently if i were myself, a buddha.


Oi❤ Since you are yourself a buddha, only you don't know it, there wouldn't be any change in you if you did, so you would never have to be treated like a buddha~ isn't that convenient, hmmmm?!!❤❤ You wouldn't even have to buy new shoes (unless you're a girl)!!!!!!!!!!!!


Everyone's enlightened essence shines unobstructed from time to time, but is then again lost in the course of habit energy coming to the fore reacting to stimulus and random thought coming from nowhere from time immemorial and beyond.


It is the gradual process of self-refinement leading to sudden realization and its subsequent careful maturation that solidifies the achievement and stabilizes subtle awareness above the once dominant ego-reflective intellectually habituated mentality.

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