
Selling Out? Really?

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I would have allowed her to stay.


Yes, that was the ultimate reduction for me also,...just allow. Her appearance was neither an invitation to go or come,...neither consciously nor subconsciously. It occurred at a place called Nogal Peak in 1974, and altered my views on meditation and the 6 senses.

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...just allow. Her appearance was neither an invitation to go or come,...neither consciously nor subconsciously.

Interesting response. Much can be said regarding the concept of allowing but I fear it might take us way too far off topic. (Hey! What's the topic? Hehehe.)


Selling out. Allowing. Allowing what is to be be. But sometimes we are faced with choices. These are the times we must act - make a choice - this or that. Selling out? Really? No. Making choices. Sometimes these choices need be based on logic; othertimes based on instinct (intuition). All we can do is hope we make the best (whatever that is) choice.

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That's a real interesting idea Mr MH. What do you reckon one's intuition covers? Let's say you have a set of reference points that are currently not applicable (e.g. conditions have changed, new stuff is in play that you don't know about) is one's intuition only taking those into account or is it able to go beyond to include the current actual conditions?

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You mentioned "possibly" Dakini? Only place i ever read THAT word was in a web comic about "Monsters and Nekkid Ladies", the Dakini were either a name that humans attributed the female cacubi, the succubi, OR it was a clan of the cacubi.... which would have been teh wisdom keepers if im not mistaken?

ANYWAYS.... im more interested in teh REAL origins of the word/meaning ;)

P.S. i THINK, im not sure, issue 13 is where Sable and the Dakini are mentioned, i cant remember...

Edited by Northern Avid Judo Ant

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That's a real interesting idea Mr MH. What do you reckon one's intuition covers? Let's say you have a set of reference points that are currently not applicable (e.g. conditions have changed, new stuff is in play that you don't know about) is one's intuition only taking those into account or is it able to go beyond to include the current actual conditions?

Hi -K-,


You really do want me to go off topic, don't you? Hehehe.


Okay, before I say 'anything' I must say that I do not believe in being able to foretell the future. I got that little (intuitional) feeling that I needed to say that from the last phrase in your final question.


I suppose that we really should separate instinct from intuition because they really are two different concepts.


Instincts include such things as our bodily function as well as our bodily needs such as eating and mating.


Intuition includes ... Hahaha. I'm going to try to stay out of trouble here. Intuition includes such things as 'feeling' we get for no obvious reason. You know, like as attraction to a certain person; the uncomforable feeling we get in certain environments but we have no obvious reason for feeling that way.


I think that most of our intuitional 'feelings' originate in our unconscious mind. Past experiences that we have consciously forgotten but bits and pieces of those experiences still remain in our unconscious mind.


Now, it is true, I believe in Chi energy. Both personal Chi and universal Chi. I believe that these energies are constantly effecting our inner essence. And I believe that these energies contain information. Consciously intelligent information? No. Not that, but rather information of a different type. Information that may, at times, alter our inner harmony (or chaos) of Yin/Yang. No, I have no scientific proof to support these beliefs. It's just intuitional stuff.

Edited by Marblehead

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i an in opposition of a few of MH's positions :D :

Intuition is something of an "unthought idea" or even comparable to instinct. Where instinct is a learned self preservation "program" occouring over many generations of evolution, intuition is a sort of "connection" to all of the ("other") observers (in reality) and allows us to gain knowing of information that we have not directly encountered in a "scientific/psychical" manner...

Intuition is nothing extremely unique or special, just underappreciated.

One half of the mind transciever is a logical CPU. On the left side, nothing's right.
One half of the mind transciever is an intuition connection to the internet. On the right side, nothing's left!

Problem is
, Human brains are predisposed to favor logical, mathematical, pattern recognition, and by lack of another description, "scientific" thinking processes.

The result is that "educated" humans almost shut down half of their entire thinking potential and focus instead on what they are told to believe to be of greater value than the imagination and fantasy land of intuition.

"The left side versus the right side" is bred out of civilization's pursuits of control over the human species.

Chi is conscious. i cannot disclude consciousness from anything that DOES OR DOES NOT exist. it goes agaisnt my every perception of reality :P

So by that position, it is theoretically possible to communicate with chi and learn from it; the whole world over.... without ever standing up and leaving your full lotus under the tree :D

I just havent learned the language of chi well enough to say it with authority ;)

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i an in opposition of a few of MH's positions :D :

Not the first time and you are not the first person.


Now I will go back and read the rest of your post. :ph34r:

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Interesting response. Much can be said regarding the concept of allowing but I fear it might take us way too far off topic. (Hey! What's the topic? Hehehe.)


Selling out. Allowing. Allowing what is to be be. But sometimes we are faced with choices. These are the times we must act - make a choice - this or that. Selling out? Really? No. Making choices. Sometimes these choices need be based on logic; othertimes based on instinct (intuition). All we can do is hope we make the best (whatever that is) choice.



It's all on-topic,...does one really have a choice? Oh yes,...there is certainly a perception of choice,...but what if we reduced it down? IMO Buddha could claim choice, that after he uncovered his Buddha, he could have chose to live happily ever after with Sujata,...the girl how talked him out of killing himself through meditation. Was that a choice for Buddha not to die as a stupid ascetic, and parttake of Sujata's food? No,...not IMO,...he had no choice,...he was suppose to eat Sujata's food.


From the point of view of esoteric Buddhism and Taoism, who does a sentient being really make a choice? A sentient being is someone who perceives the universe through their 6 senses. While esoteric Buddhism and Taoism instructs that sentience is incapable of seeing the universe as it is. Thus, can there be such a thing as selling-out within the illision of maya?


Does a sentient being actually have the so-called free-will to make any choice? For many, if entertained philosophically, will surely hurt their head.


IMO, a sentient being, at some level, resonate with an inherent vibration that, if it could speak, would say, relate with what will never leave you, and from which you can never leave. Until we uncover that,...what will never leave us, suspicion is that real choice may be impossible.

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Does a sentient being actually have the so-called free-will to make any choice? For many, if entertained philosophically, will surely hurt their head.

Hmnn, if that is a multiple choice question, then I choose Yes. Course I'm a keep it simple, kind of guy- by choice.

A rock is rock, the table a table. Things are ephemeral though, our thoughts, dreams and desires even more so.

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Hmnn, if that is a multiple choice question, then I choose Yes. Course I'm a keep it simple, kind of guy- by choice.

A rock is rock, the table a table. Things are ephemeral though, our thoughts, dreams and desires even more so.



Sounds more like that you keep it sentient. Try this for a twist:


For anyone to say that the planets around us do not exert forces, albeit subtle, is like saying that the seasons do not affect the clothes that we wear or the foods that we crave. It would be like claiming that our moon has nothing to do with ocean’s tides or that the orbital distribution of electrons within an atom does not influence its nucleus. Viewing astrology only through the blinders of a sciential point of view, instead of through the point of view of what is being observed, is paralogical.


To differentiate my assessment of astrology from a relative perspective, consider Bode’s law. If the earth were one measure from the Sun, then Mars would be 1.5, the asteroid belt 2.5, Jupiter 5, and Saturn 9.5, relationships less in relative distance than the particles within the volumes of many atoms.


The influence that celestial bodies have upon the disposition and character of our bio-electrodynamic form within the invisible energy field of physical life, from my observations, is real, not imaginary. Therefore, throughout the first five years after I realized the existence of this influence, I computed, before the touch-a-button personal computer age, as many birth charts as I could. For many, especially skeptics, I would often bet them, with no strings attached, my services as their slave for one year if they could do one thing that was not in their natal astrology chart or cosmograph. It was a sort of neti-neti approach to astrology. By identifying what they cannot do, show that astrology has yet to be proven false. I would tell them what wasn’t in their natal graph or chart that they could not do. For example, one woman, eager to win my services to liberate herself from cleaning house and preparing food for a year, had a particularly aspected Saturn positioned in her eighth house. Essentially, the eighth house signifies sex, and with Saturn being the planet of limitations, her sexual activities were restricted, which is to say, she could not satisfy a partner sexually, no matter how much technique she attempted to develop. Her task, then, was to sexually satisfy a partner. However, the moment I articulated this, she had a light-bulb moment that my challenge accurately described her, and she immediately conceded the bet. At the same time, I showed her the strengths in her natal graph or chart, and since then, she has become quite successful and joyous, aware of how to flow with the nature of her own unique vibrational current. VMarco


So,...are you a simple (sentient) guy by choice,...or is it your astrological temperment? If it is an astrological temperment, or in case of one believing that they are "selling-out" astrological transit, choice really just a perception, like everything else in maya?

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Hi -K-,


You really do want me to go off topic, don't you? Hehehe.


Okay, before I say 'anything' I must say that I do not believe in being able to foretell the future. I got that little (intuitional) feeling that I needed to say that from the last phrase in your final question.


I suppose that we really should separate instinct from intuition because they really are two different concepts.


Instincts include such things as our bodily function as well as our bodily needs such as eating and mating.


Intuition includes ... Hahaha. I'm going to try to stay out of trouble here. Intuition includes such things as 'feeling' we get for no obvious reason. You know, like as attraction to a certain person; the uncomforable feeling we get in certain environments but we have no obvious reason for feeling that way.


I think that most of our intuitional 'feelings' originate in our unconscious mind. Past experiences that we have consciously forgotten but bits and pieces of those experiences still remain in our unconscious mind.


Now, it is true, I believe in Chi energy. Both personal Chi and universal Chi. I believe that these energies are constantly effecting our inner essence. And I believe that these energies contain information. Consciously intelligent information? No. Not that, but rather information of a different type. Information that may, at times, alter our inner harmony (or chaos) of Yin/Yang. No, I have no scientific proof to support these beliefs. It's just intuitional stuff.

I don't want you to do anything Mr MH:-)

I wasn't thinking about future-telling as much as I was thinking about the relationship between intuition, information and reference points.

Let's say my current reference points for any given 'area' of reality are A, B and C (aside from the fact they might be wrong due to my misunderstanding- information)so when I use my intuition, what's it relying on? Reference points ABC, something else?


You did talk to that in your last idea about chi. I haven't any firm conclusions on it yet.

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So,...are you a simple (sentient) guy by choice,...or is it your astrological temperment? If it is an astrological temperment, or in case of one believing that they are "selling-out" astrological transit, choice really just a perception, like everything else in maya?

Don't believe in maya, don't believe in astrology. Sun warms, earth axis creates seasons. Gravity is a force that drops in power exponentially with distance. Moon is big and close it effects us, tides & woman tied to its cycles. I just like looking at it. The sun is far but its big we roll along its curvature of space time. The other planets too far and not large enough to effect us, there gravity field effecting me as much as this cup of tea. Probably less since the tea will make me go to the washroom.


In my opinion life's problems and answers lie within ourselves, not the stars, even the wandering ones. And thats good because its easier to change ourselves then the skies.


If I had a planet, it'd be Mars, cause thats where all the monsters are ;).

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This is puzzling. How could she not satisfy a partner. Why would 'technique' be required for such a thing to happen?


Is this a riddle? Is it that in fact she was so deeply erotic that no flame was ever quenched in her presence : that she inspired, or actually found the unquenchable flame?


Saturn being about hard work alongside the limitations it highlights... for profound rewards. If your task is to sexually satisfy a partner.. wouldnt that take a lifetime and still not be done?


Like satisfying an appetite for food and drink, for laughter and love.. when does an appetite get satisfied? Doesnt it just ebb and flow?


The last time you mentioned this astrological anecdote, VMarco, I remember picking up on the astrology of it because an eight house saturn actually doesnt indicate what you suggest, by any means..


..... you are speaking here of what never leaves you, and which you can never leave.....


the Plutonic aspect of the Eight house makes it one resonant with the death and rebirth archetype.. sex is a little death, and it is always reborn.


An afflicted 8th House Saturn does restrict 8th House activities. Try Liz Greene's book Saturn for an intro to Saturn in one's chart.


Although we (that is, the we that we are) are not our charts,...the body, that is, the vehicle we use, is surely astrologically influenced.


Not true about Planets having no influence over us,....Jupiter's magneto-tail is 435 million miles long.

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Until we uncover that,...what will never leave us, suspicion is that real choice may be impossible.

Yeah, but you are a Buddhist so you will need forgiving for this conclusion.

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An afflicted 8th House Saturn does restrict 8th House activities. Try Liz Greene's book Saturn for an intro to Saturn in one's chart.


Although we (that is, the we that we are) are not our charts,...the body, that is, the vehicle we use, is surely astrologically influenced.


Not true about Planets having no influence over us,....Jupiter's magneto-tail is 435 million miles long.

yes, I studied astrology. I also can draw up and interpret a chart. I read that book. All Liz Greene's books. And Howard Sassportas. etc. You said the same thing to me last time you told this anecdote. I was saying something more than your response addresses. But it is of no moment for this thread, so forgive me for going off topic.

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Don't believe in maya, don't believe in astrology. Sun warms, earth axis creates seasons. Gravity is a force that drops in power exponentially with distance. Moon is big and close it effects us, tides & woman tied to its cycles. I just like looking at it. The sun is far but its big we roll along its curvature of space time. The other planets too far and not large enough to effect us, there gravity field effecting me as much as this cup of tea. Probably less since the tea will make me go to the washroom.


In my opinion life's problems and answers lie within ourselves, not the stars, even the wandering ones. And thats good because its easier to change ourselves then the skies.


If I had a planet, it'd be Mars, cause thats where all the monsters are ;).


As I mentioned....


To differentiate my assessment of astrology from a relative perspective, consider Bode’s law. If the earth were one measure from the Sun, then Mars would be 1.5, the asteroid belt 2.5, Jupiter 5, and Saturn 9.5, relationships less in relative distance than the particles within the volumes of many atoms.


In other words, your idea of gravity and cups of tea all fall within Bode's law. Of course, the thinking of sentient beings don't readily see things like that. Sentient beings are more into the BS of empirical evidence,...evidence based on the knowledge of the senses. For example, for many people, the daily temperature can fluxuate 35 degress a day,...and thus most don't understand that a 3.5 degree rise in the Earths surface temperature would pretty much bring the end of humanity.

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yes, I studied astrology. I also can draw up and interpret a chart. I read that book. All Liz Greene's books. And Howard Sassportas. etc. You said the same thing to me last time you told this anecdote. I was saying something more than your response addresses. But it is of no moment for this thread, so forgive me for going off topic.


All seems on-topic to me,...we are discussing Selling-Out,...and thus if that is actually possible for a sentient being.

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Elephant circumcisers are a happy crowd too.

The wages aren't great but the tips are enormous.

That comment made my day! :D

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All seems on-topic to me,...we are discussing Selling-Out,...and thus if that is actually possible for a sentient being.

My post was off topic. What you wrote prompted a train of thought for me, for which, thankyou. And it was nothing to do with selling out.

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For example, for many people, the daily temperature can fluxuate 35 degress a day,...and thus most don't understand that a 3.5 degree rise in the Earths surface temperature would pretty much bring the end of humanity.

Oh, no! More global warming! We are still coming out of the last ice age. Of course the globe is warming up. (But the effects will be felt differently at different places on the globe - climate change.)

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