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Close down Qi, or always stay connected?

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Some spiritual teachers suggest that you should be in a state of permanent connectedness with your inner body at all times...

“The key is to be in a state of permanent connectedness with your inner body-to feel it at all times. This will rapidly deepen and transform your life. The more consciousness you direct into the inner body, the higher its vibrational frequency becomes, much like a light that grows brighter as you turn up the dimmer switch and so increase the flow of electricity. At this higher energy level, negativity cannot affect you anymore, and you tend to attract new circumstances that reflect your higher frequency.” “If you keep your attention on the body as much as possible, you will be anchored in the Now. You won’t lose yourself in the external world, and you won’t lose yourself in your mind. Thoughts and emotions, fears and desires, may still be there to some extent, but they won’t take you over.” ~Eckhart Tolle


In my experience, I have seen that being in a state of deep awareness of your body can give you massive amounts of personal power and additional abilities which most people are not aware of. By consciously being aware of my inner body (in the fullest capacity I am able), I have been able to dissolve lots of dysfunctional and toxic emotions and have developed an interesting level of control over my physical appearance. At one point, when I would eat, I was able to essentially position mass wherever I wanted it in my body. I could also choose to convert the food into mass or into what I feel was "spirit"-- like converting the food into motivation or fuel for an emotional force.


So it certainly is interesting what you can find out about your own potential, BUT is it the best idea to be in a state of "permanent connectedness" with your inner body? I can make my question more specific. Shouldn't the body be left to control itself, without your interference, at times?


I think my awareness is still egoic and controlling at times and although keeping a high level of bodily awareness has given me great health, immunity from illness, and abilities, I think it might be healthier to release my body to do what it will, without my conscious control.


What do you all do? Are you always aware of your inner body/flow of qi throughout your body, or do you at times drop all such awareness? Do you only choose to become conscious of your body at specific times? What works well?


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It's like breathing, we do it.... Job done.

No need to think about it as a rule.

Qi's the same.

Cultivating physically fair enough then be mindful of Qi but at other times Qi just goes where blood flows and as long as it's free to flow it flows.

Regular Cultivation overcomes blockages.

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Being aware all the time is a high level practise. Eventually your previous level of awareness will disintegrate , you will fully inhabit the new level of awareness and there is no 'going back'.


OP It would be beneficial for us to hear how it is for you living in the world with the level of abilities and awareness that you have developed.


What 'emotional force' do you choose to cultivate? How do those around you respond to such force? Simply by the fact of it being a force, you must meet a lot of resistance?


'negativity cannot affect you anymore'.. have you reached this state? How does this affect your conversation and interaction with 'normal' people who have negative feelings.. do you discount their feelings ie has it impeded your ability to take them seriously or care about what they perceive as negative? Do you attempt to show others that negative isnt present, if so, how can you do this?


Has your partner reached the same level of awareness, if not.. how does it work between you?


You sound as though you are in a level which would make usual consciousness tricky to relate to.. no?


I'm just wondering how you live in the world, with all your awareness, force , abilities, power, and lack of negativity. How does it go?

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In the system of neigong I practice they emphasize 24 hour practice....ofcourse it takes time and practice to develop the level of awareness to do "sleeping practices".


My 2 cents, Peace

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all things are like waves of sound, ebb and flow, pitch and fall, peak and valley...

"always on" awareness and "mindless" autonomy.

Sometiems balance isnt maintaining a flat position, but flowing freely between extremes without obstruction.

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