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Long Time Newbie On His Way

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I've had Taoism on my radar for a little over a decade, but never really went all the way with it. It's probably accurate to say I've been a Taoist for a long time and didn't fully realize it myself. I recently started on the kendo path to enlightenment (1000 men suburi for 1000 days) but haven't quite gotten to the starting line yet. I've been adding 50 strikes per day so my arms don't revolt on me and say no the next day. The only thing that fits under my ceiling is a near 4 pound monster of a sword, and if you don't think that sounds like a lot, well, you can say that after doing 1000 strikes with it properly. lol


More specifically I found this site by accident. I recently added yoga to my routine (if you can call it that, it's DDPYoga) and have started incorporating qigong. I found some posts on here discussing Qigong discs I've been thinking about buying and doing a lot of reading. After I get through that monster Flying Phoenix Chi Kung thread I'll have either made up my mind or be imposing for some advise.

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