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Starting on Qigong...But Where?

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Ah famous and infamous head of CFQ. I only read the green book and know from him from Sifu Wong Kiew Kits book.

He get praised by Sifu Wong. I read one Book about CFQ and found it a bit below my expectation for the things Mr.Yap can do at that time.


But well I hadnt a seminar and expirience the person myself. Even the infamous stories are legendary, which you have to look for yourself which do not neglect his being powerful in linear forces. But the method are not good to learn from a book since there are parts of explaination missing that makes this Qigong very effective, which I can touch only the surface because I realized it only after I had a talk with student from a different system which do not want to be named and I would rate what the teacher from this student system would be level1 and Mr.Yap present even level2 (addition of a doing) and this level 2 can be done complete physical without any growth - more I am not allowed to talk.


The result is, this one has to be checked out personal if one is a bloody beginner and this treat is about starting right?


I had a healing from him a number of years ago and he is the real deal, yet many people may overlook him as his techniques are very simple and he doesn't have a long lineage or tradition credentials to back him up so he is a self discovered or self lit master which some people don't trust, yet I have heard stories of him performing all sorts of semi miraculous healings including things like improving the motor ability of people with down syndrome and reviving people from a coma. Some of the level 1 techniques I think you can learn from a book yet people think they are too simple to be effective. When I met him I found him to be very humble yet powerful plus he didn't charge very much for his healing which I always take as a good sign. I wonder what he is doing these days though as he seems to have stopped travelling and teaching abroad and he can't be that old.

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