
Say something completely undisputable

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Not to be picky but there is a difference between indisputable and undisputable. Which did the OP intend?

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Not to be picky but there is a difference between indisputable and undisputable. Which did the OP intend?


Good one,...be picky. I could say that no matter how irrefutably true something is, for example, that there is no present in time,...someone will likely dispute it. Thus, the question could be,...is there a topic that no one on Earth would dispute? Is a banana yellow? Nope!


Absorbing all spectral light except yellow doesn’t make it yellow.


Indisputable may be slightly different, however it still can imply something not disputable. I recall the film A Knight's Tale, when at the end, the Black Prince says, my words (which he just made up) are beyond contestation (in other words, try and get your head cut off).


This all usually leads back to what is truth. So many are predisposed to say that there is no truth, which to me is such an idiotic statement, because if there was no truth, than the truth would be absolutely nothing, thus an absolute truth.


I recall you once bringing up the subject of Korzybski and the limitations of language. What we don't have in English, is a vocabulary consistent with relating with what will never leave you, and from which you can never leave. A language of the Heart, instead of the Head.


Maslow attempted it through his Transcendence, but ordinary people could hardly grasp Self-Actualization, let alone realize it.


If one wants to discuss law, they learn the language of law,...if astrology, then the language of astrology,...if medicine or botony, then the language of medine or botony. But for some reason, people think they can engage in an intelligible conversation about Heart-Mind without even the basics of the language of Heart-Mind. The language of Heart-Mind is even more specific than law, astrology, medicine and botony combined, mostly because such a language is not only foreign to the accumulate knowledge of mundane experience, but threatens the continued existence of knowledge itself.

Edited by Vmarco

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Not to be picky but there is a difference between indisputable and undisputable. Which did the OP intend?


i just googled both and they use some of the exact same words to define them. what are your meanings?

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everything is possible in this theoretical situation, physics out the window, etc. say something that is absolute truth and has no counterstatement


all this talk of ultimate truth is making me think ;)


"The eye sees only what the mind is prepared to comprehend." Robertson Davies.

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everything is possible in this theoretical situation, physics out the window, etc. say something that is absolute truth and has no counterstatement


all this talk of ultimate truth is making me think ;)

"Nothing is undisputable."

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"Nothing is undisputable."


Is that the Buddhist "Nothing" or the Taoist "Nothing" or did you mean "No-Thing" ?


Because all three of those are 'disputable' imo.

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Is that the Buddhist "Nothing" or the Taoist "Nothing" or did you mean "No-Thing" ?


Because all three of those are 'disputable' imo.

none of them

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The mirror is empty; it is not reflecting anything.


Disputer: I dispute that there is not even a mirror.


Osho: You are correct, the mirror is EMPTY.

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not if you become immortal...

Somewhat off-topic, but I just realized something funny. There's a saying, at least in Germany: 'The devil is in the detail.'

Immortality is associated with God or the divine, but you take away just one letter and the result is something that is very much not divine, but looks almost the same if you don't play close attention: immorality.

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Like this guy?


Technically, you can't be immortal if other people can kill you through beheading. Even if you are the only one left who is Highlander-style immortal, even mortals can kill you with a beheading. It might kill them, but still.

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