
Living at peace with society...

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I love bullies.


I actually collect bullies. They are like my pokemon. Only bullies are actually infinite times more cooler then pokemon to have around.


Yes, not everyone is interested in a peaceful society. And those who aren't, have vicious dog breeds, enable bullies, etc. What are some other traits of inconsiderateness towards society-at-large of those with no interest in a peaceful society? Seriously,...I appreciate the imput.

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LOL, what's with you and vicious dogs? :lol: You bring that up whenever an opportunity arises.

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T.S, on 25 Jan 2013 - 12:34, said:snapback.png

How do you do it? People around my area tend to, on the whole, be rather superficial and judgemental...I'm not saying this because I think I'm superior in any way, but after having some mind-blowing spiritual experiences, and being into all the stuff I am, I simply don't feel as if I belong/fit in around here at all. I've always been a bit "sensitive", and it's almost like I pick up, on some level, people's conditioned notions of what a male my age, in an area like this, "should" be like. The good news is, I'm working towards moving to another part of the country (or possibly overseas) next year, but in the mean time, how can I learn to just...accept? It's quite possible I'm making too much of this, and just need to seek out more friends in other parts of town, but for some reason I seem to have trouble in that area (making new connections that is).


Aaaaah, just venting.


I understand how annoying it can be to be talked down to as if the older person must be older and wiser and you re just a complete idiot, kind of like they suck your energy, this is turn affects self esteem and might make you do this to others, however I guess people have their preconceptions and if you have certain expectations and/or devloped more confidence people may hesitate to do this to you, also I guess fame or whatevr can be a bad thing sometimes with people leeching off you, maybe better to hide your light sometimes, dont want to rub anything in other peoples faces either I guess.

Edited by sinansencer
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Most people can intuitively feel these out for themselves.....a simple example is a Troll on this site. A troll posts some outrageous comments which he may or may not believe and this post stirs people up emotionally and psychologically because they lack self-control.....this triggers lots of argument or fighting and very long useless threads....all of which feeds the troll/vampire.


There easy enough to sense when you develop a bit of intuition. I see them all the time and I just ignore them. People can subconsciously or consciously be vampires as well....at one point or another in our lives we have unknowingly sucked other people's energy. Its conscious and aware vamps that can be quite annoying. Here's a couple of linkson the topic:









My 2 cent, Peace


I agree with you on the "vamps" thing.


However I also think its pretty uncompassionate to label someone a psychic vampire I mean Im sure Ive done it to some extent in the past and probably still do it subtly its a very unconscious thing and to label someone a psychic vampire and run away from them, is like calling them a demon and completely dehumanising them, everyones not perfect you know. I hope/I trust you do this is a humble respectful way when you label people

Edited by sinansencer

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I think we're saying exactly the same thing. I can recognize the buttons that used to be there, or may be there still to some degree, but the reaction to act out in a given direction is gone. Before they were gone, the button-pushing would always involve Reaction A. When the button is removed, I can choose Reaction A,B,C, or no reaction at all. Full poential is realized.


The way you described stealing potential reminds me of a mental image I've talked about before. The moment of most potential is that moment when the conductor's baton is raised, there is dead silence and lack of motion. then, when a sound is made, the note is committed, the potential is reduced. Perhaps the most beautiful music is the silence.


I don't get the sense we are saying exactly the same thing. It's IMO something to watch out for when comparing and also how 'conceptual drift' happens in belief-systems. I'm personally struggling with the 'everything looks like a nail' thing at the moment. Reading about practices and belief systems has gotten impossible to do without me cross-referencing all over the place:-). I reckon it's your personal attribution of 'I' to an impersonal consciousness that's the main difference here (as I understand it).


I also suppose a button doesn't become one without repeated pushing to start with. Then, of course, it can become an automatic tripswitch and relatively difficult to find and undo. But I'm finding almost always in my personal explorations that something occurred to create that 'button'. We can get into ideas of predisposing factors (what would they be?). I feel as if karma theory overshoots some of this, or maybe it's just not explicit enough.

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LOL, what's with you and vicious dogs? :lol: You bring that up whenever an opportunity arises.


So,...can you envision a peaceful society (topic of this thread) with people needing vicious, protective animals where millions per year (4.5 million in the US alone) are attacked every year?


My view is quite simple,...people with vicious breeds are not considerate of others.

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So,...can you envision a peaceful society (topic of this thread) with people needing vicious, protective animals where millions per year (4.5 million in the US alone) are attacked every year?


My view is quite simple,...people with vicious breeds are not considerate of others.



I have no problem what so ever. none. AT ALL. vicious animals are not necessary at all.

But to be so beligerant and asinine as to assume to know any breed is as ignorant to make claims against any specific race of humanity.


EVERY organism is an individual, and EVERY individual has intrinsic nature as well as instinct, and EVERY INSTINCT is about self preservation.





Pit bulls are beautiful creatures and loving ones too. SO ARE TIGERS.



But there comes a fine line between "vicious breed" and "vicious animal". No breed is inherently vicious nor is it impossible to raise them to unlearn vicious habits.



But viciousness is not something to be ignored. it is something that can be cured, and by attacking, weather physically or emotionally or in your case, verbally, so called "vicious breeds" you aare only furthering their infection of "viciousness".





Can you love another so much so as to allow them to destroy your physical body? That might very well be the only cure for the vicious mentality.



But which is more important HMMMM???



an utopian vicious-free society, or self preservation and viciousness-avoidance????


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just my opinion guys...lets leave the vicious breed stuff into some offtopic thread...I like this thread and would rather it doesnt go offtopic.

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I liked Dr Hyatt's suggestion of finding out which personality disorders one has then being aware of them manifesting. It was kind of hardcore mindfulness with social commentary thrown in.


I wouldn't recommend if feeling depressed though. And not at the stranger moments of kundalini.

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"A disorder of physics"?


Right, Where's that gif of the soaring seagull? I have no idea what you mean Mr North. Physics doesn't bother with this consciousness problem. Well, it does a bit, but only because it's staring it in the face.

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"A disorder of physics"? Right, Where's that gif of the soaring seagull? I have no idea what you mean Mr North. Physics doesn't bother with this consciousness problem. Well, it does a bit, but only because it's staring it in the face.


its the other way around, personality is trying to make the consciousness part of the physical (laws). our autonomous bodies wouldn't have a whole lot of intended personality...



though that brings up a point of weather or not personality comes with intent or if it is autonomous, so maybe I had my own thoughts scrambled... I think I need to think :D


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I'd say mine is pretty darn autonomous. That's why this cultivation gig is so difficult.


Joking aside. Gerard was talking about physical gunk somewhere.

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I agree with you on the "vamps" thing.


However I also think its pretty uncompassionate to label someone a psychic vampire I mean Im sure Ive done it to some extent in the past and probably still do it subtly its a very unconscious thing and to label someone a psychic vampire and run away from them, is like calling them a demon and completely dehumanising them, everyones not perfect you know. I hope/I trust you do this is a humble respectful way when you label people


There is no judgment in it at all (thats just another way of getting sucked into attachment) for me nor do I label people as we are all constantly in flux. But as a general rule I have found that its not fun to be around people whom are constantly negative, it's literally a "drain".......in order to "Live at peace with society" it's important to choose ones environment as it does effect you no matter how cultivated you are and as mentioned before always shield oneself.


IMO once you raise your energy to a certain extent you will naturally not gravitate towards such people and things will naturally shift, you don't need to label people....water finds its own level....higher energy people tend to gravitate towards people with similar energy.


I have never meet someone whom was consciously an energetic vampire and thus a practitioner of black magic. If I did I would do my best to avoid them at all costs. People whom are regularly leaching others energy either unconsciously or consciously have a lot of self-healing to do....and such a task can only be done by themselves....you just gotta respect other people's freedom to do what they want for better or worse and keep your distance and be detached. The greatest of bodhsattva know that you can point people in the right direction but in the end its up to them to choose which path to take....that's my compassion.


My 2 cents, Peace

Edited by OldGreen
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As a workplace union rep I reluctantly have to spend some of my work time alongside vampires and lizards.

We call them managers.

That sort gravitate to jobs where they might find a chance suck the life out of others.

Not all managers are like that just some but the ones that are are real doozies.

David Icke has an interesting take on this. Even if the guy is a bit odd, taken as a metaphor; his idea that there are those amongst us who are lizard/vampire sorts, seems pretty sound.

May be an off topic in this. let's see.

Edited by GrandmasterP
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just my opinion guys...lets leave the vicious breed stuff into some offtopic thread...I like this thread and would rather it doesnt go offtopic.


Discussion of those few breeds of dogs that end up in millions of attacks per year (4.5 million in the US alone) must surely be a legitimate subject for a thread titled "Living at peace with Society"


There is nothing "Offtopic" about why millions of people choose have unpredictable, territorial, barking, growling, threatening, terrorizing dogs breed for attacking, protection, killing, etc.


Living at Peace with Society? Can a person, inconsiderate of others safety, by owning a dog, that is inherently dangerous, breed to injure, harm, terrorize, be living at peace with society?


Out of more than 500 dog breeds, the facts say 3 breeds, Pit Bulls, Rottweilers, Presa Canarios were responsible for 65% of the canine caused homicides. Do the math.


In a peaceful,...aka., considerate society, would there be millions of dog attacks per year? Of the 4.5 million dog attacks in America in 2011, up to 53% are known to have been by Pit Bulls and their hybrids.



"All the joy the world contains

Has come through wishing happiness for others.

All the misery the world contains

Has come through wanting pleasure for oneself."


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Pit bulls are beautiful creatures and loving ones too. SO ARE TIGERS.



But there comes a fine line between "vicious breed" and "vicious animal". No breed is inherently vicious nor is it impossible to raise them to unlearn vicious habits.






That is a very ignorant statement,...especially in a thread about Peace in Society. A dog bred to kill, mame, harm, terrorize, is not a "trait" of bad ownership. That's like saying you can train a lynx to be a house cat. Perhaps, over time, you can create a new bred of lynx, but you are not going change the genetic temperment of an existing breed through good ownership.


HOWEVER,...what makes that statement even more ignorant, is that it has nothing to do with "Living at Peace with Society" The question should be,...why do millions of people have the need to perpetuate a non-peaceful society by owning unpredictable dogs breeds that, as matter of fact, injure, terrorize, or kill millions of people per year. Where's the PEACE in that? That's the question. Not if your subject-ive view is that Pit Bulls are beautiful animals.


A peaceful person does not own a dog bred to be vicious and aggressive


Clifford Wright was a known Pit Bull advocate who facilated local and Statewide Pit Bull ownership workshops,...he was killed by his loving Pit Bull.



Edited by Vmarco

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Discussion of those few breeds of dogs that end up in millions of attacks per year (4.5 million in the US alone) must surely be a legitimate subject for a thread titled "Living at peace with Society"


There is nothing "Offtopic" about why millions of people choose have unpredictable, territorial, barking, growling, threatening, terrorizing dogs breed for attacking, protection, killing, etc.


Living at Peace with Society? Can a person, inconsiderate of others safety, by owning a dog, that is inherently dangerous, breed to injure, harm, terrorize, be living at peace with society?


Out of more than 500 dog breeds, the facts say 3 breeds, Pit Bulls, Rottweilers, Presa Canarios were responsible for 65% of the canine caused homicides. Do the math.


In a peaceful,...aka., considerate society, would there be millions of dog attacks per year? Of the 4.5 million dog attacks in America in 2011, up to 53% are known to have been by Pit Bulls and their hybrids.



"All the joy the world contains

Has come through wishing happiness for others.

All the misery the world contains

Has come through wanting pleasure for oneself."



Personally mate I get the feeling you had some kind of personal issue with this yourself? So I can understand the frustration/annoyance etc etc, but arent you big on the whole non beliefs things...pitbulls, alsations etc etc are also very loving animals at times, and the small ones are occasionally much more vicious, in a taoist society everything is included, peace without security can often be difficult, thats why people shut their doors at night, their are jails etc.


I think Im going off topic here, but yeh.

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Personally mate I get the feeling you had some kind of personal issue with this yourself? So I can understand the frustration/annoyance etc etc, but arent you big on the whole non beliefs things...pitbulls, alsations etc etc are also very loving animals at times, and the small ones are occasionally much more vicious, in a taoist society everything is included, peace without security can often be difficult, thats why people shut their doors at night, their are jails etc.


I think Im going off topic here, but yeh.


Yes, I agree you are going off topic,....what does your feelings about me, have to do with the question,...does ownership of vicious, aggressive dog breeds, known to cause injuries, terror, and death to millions every year, promote "Living in Peace with Society?"

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I'm sorry i cant get past this blatant contradiction of terms in one statenemt.

I couldnt read past this, couldnt tear my eyes off of it...

A dog bred to kill, mame, harm, terrorize, is not a "trait" of bad ownership.

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Very good example of obsession.


No,...a good example of not moving on, and allowing the topic question, which does not want to be honestly addresed, to be swept under the delusion.

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I'm sorry i cant get past this blatant contradiction of terms in one statenemt.


I couldnt read past this, couldnt tear my eyes off of it...



A dog bred to kill, mame, harm, terrorize, is not a "trait" of bad ownership.


What I'm comprehending from you, is that you believe a dog, which over hundreds of years, has been bred to kill, mame, harm, terrorize, can simply be trained to no longer have the traits it was bred for,...even though millions every years, are killed, mamed, harmed, terrorized by these breeds,...even against the best and most trained of owners.


Where you really should not take your eyes from, and address, is how the owners of breeds bred to kill, mame, harm and terrorize, contribute to a peaceful society?


Training a dog bred to kill, mame, harm and terrorize to be other than what it was bred for, would be like wishing a rose, bred to be blue, to be red.

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No,...a good example of not moving on, and allowing the topic question, which does not want to be honestly addresed, to be swept under the delusion.

If the question doesn't want to, why don't you leave it alone? ^_^

Edited by Owledge

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