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Edited by sinansencer

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Doesn't matter, people sometimes get all wrapped around in thinking about unnecessary things

I can't think of the same word in Russian that would be used the same way

It would be nice to forget about the word and just act naturally in the world, it would slow you down if you think about it before you decide to do something


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Doesn't matter, people sometimes get all wrapped around in thinking about unnecessary things

I can't think of the same word in Russian that would be used the same way

It would be nice to forget about the word and just act naturally in the world, it would slow you down if you think about it before you decide to do something



"One is never afraid of the unknown; one is afraid of the known coming to an end." J Krishnamurti

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i do not fear the end of known/knowing... i do not fear what i do not know/the unknown...

I fear that there is a possibility the "infinite" does not exist and that eternity is a lie.

Then i remember it's not and stop feeling worried :D

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i do not fear the end of known/knowing... i do not fear what i do not know/the unknown...


I fear that there is a possibility the "infinite" does not exist and that eternity is a lie.



Then i remember it's not and stop feeling worried :D


Well, infinity is merely a mathematically term conjured up to make beliefs more palatable, you should probably let go of that fear.


As I mentioned before,...most people fail to recognize that the foundation of a mathematical statement is only true in relation to the assumptions of "set theory," the assumption that any collection of objects actually exists. All objects, without exception, are indeed mathematical. The reason for that lies in the multiplying/dividing nature of the optically organized universe. However, the modern cosmological understanding of the universe suggests that no objects exist, indicating that mathematics pivots on a misguided belief in materialism. The sciences usually expound on relative reality through the assumption that object-ive reality actually exists. However, objectivism is based on objects, and those objects are no more real than last night’s dream.


Infinity is another voguish belief topic among the object-ive minded. Theories of infinite space, time, and quantity are just more object-ive math. Definitions of infinity are related or relative to the concept of immeasurability in space, time, or quantity. However, if there is no space, time, or quantity, as implied by quantum cosmology, then there is no infinity. In contrast, the word eternity points to that which is without beginning or end, timelessness beyond the perception of space, time, and quantity. Recognizing the difference between infinity and eternity is inevitable for those shifting towards an earnest spiritual viewpoint and subsequently a clearer understanding of consciousness. Time and eternity are contradictions. A belief in time perpetuates the dream as a dream. Eternity points to a timeless present in which the dream is just a dream and does not actually exist.


Eternity is not a lie,...however, it lies only in the present.


Wei Wu Wei said, "Phenomenally, we can know no present, as it must be in the ‘past’ before our senses can complete the process of recording it, leaving only a suppositional past and future; noumenally, there is no question of ‘past’ or ‘future,’ but only a presence that knows neither ‘time’ nor ‘space.’ "


There is no Present in Time. There is no phenomena beyond time.

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If you can take the time to question existence, it definitely exists at the very least: ENOUGH FOR YOU TO PONDER.

I'm not concerned about sets, objects, or the physical nature of our existence. the infinite i speak of is not about space/quantum. i am confident that there is a definite quantum with which our experiential existence is "built", to the effect that i would like to create a representation of that very idea, within itself; a world within a world within a world, etc. it will take some learning about the physical world i percieve in order to do that but it is not my realm which fear affects me.

I am concerned that there could ever be an eternal null within which even the question of existence cannot be pondered, that the illusion cannot be cast, a permable state of sungularity void without duality...

Though i suspect that reality is born of void regardless... the fear remains in a subtle place in the back of my mind...

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