
Trolling and Off-topic disruptions

Trolling and Off-topic dispruptions  

44 members have voted

  1. 1. Should TTB enforce a policy against trolling and off-topic comments meant to disrupt topics?

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    • No
    • I have no opinion regarding this.

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I tried that and it didn't work for me. If someone is shovelling BS I feel the need to let others know that what is being shovelled is BS and not honey from the bees.


Gurdjieff said that he once wore the red robes at the Sarmoun lamasery, indicating more than a mere short stay with the "bees" who gathered and preserved the honey of wisdom. Thus the Fourth Way is a Western lineage of Tilopa’s transmission, one overlaid with Middle Eastern Sufi influences of Gurdjieff’s youth. Many who seek wisdom, like Gurdjieff, understand that like bees, nectar is gathered from many flowers.

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Gurdjieff said that he once wore the red robes at the Sarmoun lamasery, indicating more than a mere short stay with the "bees" who gathered and preserved the honey of wisdom. Thus the Fourth Way is a Western lineage of Tilopa’s transmission, one overlaid with Middle Eastern Sufi influences of Gurdjieff’s youth. Many who seek wisdom, like Gurdjieff, understand that like bees, nectar is gathered from many flowers.

What a perfect example of one thought leading to another (that could be considered off topic by some).


The thoughts are linked - one to the other.


There are also diamonds to be found in coal. (Superman could make diamonds from coal.)

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What a perfect example of one thought leading to another (that could be considered off topic by some).


The thoughts are linked - one to the other.


There are also diamonds to be found in coal. (Superman could make diamonds from coal.)


Yep,...guess I was trolling!


"Just because a diamond is in the mud doesn’t mean that it has lost its luster." Saraha

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Yep,...guess I was trolling!


"Just because a diamond is in the mud doesn’t mean that it has lost its luster." Saraha

Yep. Therein is the problem. Some would have considered you to have been trolling with that above post. (I don't, you know.)

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Hi Rainbowvein,


Perhaps that's why a lot of this isn't dealt with, because the moderators fail to police their friends? Just putting that out there, not sure if it's true or not.




Putting it out there for what purpose other suggesting or hinting that it may be true?


Generally mods look at reports ... and then decide whether to act. Reports 90% come from other non-mod members. If no-one reports certain members then they are unlikely to acted on unless a mod stumbles upon it and reports it - though there's always the issue of hot threads which are going critical.


Mod actions are the result of discussions in the mod team. If a particular mod has some kind of link to one of the members reported they are more likely to back off from making the decision than to intervene to keep impartial.


Its not always perfect of course but at the end of the day the referee blows the whistle and that's that - a decision perfect or no. (I made this point before and was told to fuck off on a personal basis but I still think its true.) Someone ... and in this case someone chosen by Sean has to bite the bullet and make the call. That's how it is.

Edited by Apech
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Let's not pour any more gasoline onto the burning fire....shall we....??? :o

Edited by ChiDragon
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No-one has been banned for spirited debate. For a start you weren't banned you were suspended from posting for a few days. Insults and ad hominem attack that's what gets people suspended.


Well, hate to dig up the past, but I was certainly suspended a couple times when I hadn't broken a single forum rule. I recall now...it was said that I was being "inflammatory". That's another word for being one of the people involved in a spirited debate. It's a matter of perspective...in this case, it was skewed perspective on the part of whatever mods decided that.


I think Seth had insulted me 27 times, and I was simply reporting him and asking for moderator action. I didn't break a single rule during this one...then I got a 7 day suspension. Or was it 30? I don't recall, and at this point don't care...unless that kind of thing happens again to someone here.


I'm not holding a grudge against anyone about it...but moderator action here certainly hasn't been FAIR over the years. We don't remember those major disagreements between now-former moderators? I do.


Lately, little action is taken so it's hard to say. But there is one problem currently: when insults happen and people report it, it's generally allowed, despite it being against forum rules. "No insult policy" means not a single insult, yeah? Moderators should at least give a warning. But these days, they are picky about who to warn and who to not, I'm assuming.


Last time I reported an insult (being called "anal" by Vmarco...do you know what that word brings to mind? I could post a picture, if you want?) cat was hanging around and chose to do nothing about it. No response from any moderator to my report. In fact, cat joked about it as if to insist I really was being "anal"...in the sense of being an asshole, and being anal retentive at the same time, I guess.


So...things need improvement. This will sound misogynist, but I think we need a sensible guy on the mod team (not me). Not one of the people in the little club that likes each other and dislikes certain members.

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And that's just the way life is. Hehehe. (No, it doesn't have to be that way. But it is.)


A mods gotta do what a mods gotta do :)

Edited by Apech
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I think the mods are doing a great job for being Wu Wei. BTW This is a Taoist forum, you know.......!!!
If everyone talks about learning and following the Way of Tao on the initial post, then everyone should act like one or at least pretended like one.

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If you hate to dig up the past don't do it.


Moderation works in the way I described. There is no conscious attempt to be partial or preferential. People do their best on a voluntary basis and I'm guessing that if you went back through all the decisions made you'll find some that could be questioned. It would be a bit freakish if that wasn't the case.


Time to get over all that and look at the board now. I think it works well. I think generally we all get on and can contribute. What's the fuss about?

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If you hate to dig up the past don't do it.


It's necessary to learn from our history, so as to avoid mistakes in the future.


Moderation works in the way I described.


Ideally, yes. It would work best that way. But historically on this forum, it clearly hasn't worked that way.


There is no conscious attempt to be partial or preferential.


But if that's happening, then we need moderators who are more conscious with their decisions.


People do their best on a voluntary basis and I'm guessing that if you went back through all the decisions made you'll find some that could be questioned. It would be a bit freakish if that wasn't the case.


Well yes, I brought up a couple...and there were more in regard to other members.


Like I said, I'm not holding a grudge...just hoping to prevent the nonsense with some awareness.



Time to get over all that and look at the board now. I think it works well. I think generally we all get on and can contribute. What's the fuss about?


Like I said, I'm over it. Forgiven. But not forgotten...forgetfulness is stupidity.


Right now the board is working well, like I said. Maybe you weren't reading my post with a clear mind? The only fuss currently is toward the end of my post. And it isn't raising a "fuss" or being annoying...it's raising a legitimate concern about the moderation here. It is meant as constructive criticism...not anything for people to get all flustered over and attempt to ignore.

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I think the mods are doing a great job for being Wu Wei. BTW This is a Taoist forum, you know.......!!!

If everyone talks about learning and following the Way of Tao on the initial post, then everyone should act like one or at least pretended like one.


They would be more wu wei, if they either had no forum rules or mods at all...or if the rules that they have are enforced without bias. Bias is completely opposite to wu wei.

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It's necessary to learn from our history, so as to avoid mistakes in the future.



Ideally, yes. It would work best that way. But historically on this forum, it clearly hasn't worked that way.



But if that's happening, then we need moderators who are more conscious with their decisions.



Well yes, I brought up a couple...and there were more in regard to other members.


Like I said, I'm not holding a grudge...just hoping to prevent the nonsense with some awareness.




Like I said, I'm over it. Forgiven. But not forgotten...forgetfulness is stupidity.


Right now the board is working well, like I said. Maybe you weren't reading my post with a clear mind? The only fuss currently is toward the end of my post. And it isn't raising a "fuss" or being annoying...it's raising a legitimate concern about the moderation here. It is meant as constructive criticism...not anything for people to get all flustered over and attempt to ignore.



I didn't mean you by 'the fuss' ... I meant the fact that we have this thread at all.


Anyway I suppose its healthy to discuss these things from time to time .. but I for one don't see anything drastically wrong.

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Well then, you sir are like an anus.


Just kidding. I don't mean that...but making a point.


Please ... no points on my anus! And don't point at it either ....

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They would be more wu wei, if they either had no forum rules or mods at all...or if the rules that they have are enforced without bias. Bias is completely opposite to wu wei.


The rules are made to be available as cosmetics for immature audience; but hopefully nobody breaks them and no need to enforce them....!!!

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Let's not pour any more gasoline onto the burning fire....shall we....??? :o

Wouldn't that depend on whether we are trying to melt lead or iron?

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The rules are made to be available as cosmetics for immature audience; but hopefully nobody breaks them and no need to enforce them....!!!


When people break them, there is a need to reasonably enforce them...otherwise, why do they exist at all?

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