Lindelani Mnisi

Where is the love?

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I'm an eccentric, happy-go-lucky type of guy. Always happy, always weird and because of that, alot of people are constantly trying to put me down and kill my where is the love? Because you find 'haters' everywhere. Shouldn't we as humans naturally love and support one another. Why can't we be friends?

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Edited by sinansencer

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Love Only Waits on Welcome. If you wish for love, don’t focus on love,…uncover all the barriers you built against welcome. In Buddhism, welcome is seen as the dharma or highest quality of a person.


Real love does not avoid,...perfect love is not coddling,...authentic love shines it light on all the barriers (beliefs) that people have built againt it. True love is honest,...honesty does not tolerate dishonesty. All beliefs are dishonest. All beliefs are barriers to love.



A Lojong proverb says, "find the consciousness you had before you were born." To realize that, it is suggested to first recognize that everything we perceive is a dream. Through treating everything between meditations as a dream, all anxiety dissolves, because what's there to worry about, the Lojong says, "there's nothing real about our confusion." Thus, through the release of worry comes ease, and through ease the depth of a woman (Aphrodite) no longer frightens us.


A frightened man fears Aphrodite. Men, as author Tim Ward says, "wants the foam, the aphros of Aphrodite, but not her depth." Men do not want the wisdom of Aphrodite to get inside them. "They want to watch her on TV, see her on film, or better yet as a porn star, so there's not even a face to remember, just body parts."


I feel most people are frightened of love. Welcoming love can make everything one thought meaningful to be meaningless,...a realization that all hopes and fears are irrelevant.

Edited by Vmarco

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When i'm just trying to make friends and someone is shitting all over my good time and screaming in my face all this spiritual stuff goes right out the window. It looks good on paper, but do you really act like that in every crappy situation? i dunno if i believe in the super enlightened nothing ever bothers me outlook on everything. We are human, we become sad sometimes.


and i think "perfect love" requires that you accept this fact sometimes and not beat yourself up about it

Edited by Flolfolil

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We lost a sense of brotherhood

it's dog eat dog... hunger games now...

materialism, consumerism, blind individualism

I like to highlight that the word competition once had the meaning of ... Striving together

that through our competition we make ourselves and each other better people... (pushing each other to the limits... / most fullest expression)

now it has been twisted... to destroy each other

thing also have come to... because people feel empty inside.... they have nothing

no true culture / family / people

they are people with no roots

they don't know who they are

they have no meaningful direction

Edited by White Wolf Running On Air

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Nice post Vmarco.

Love Only Waits on Welcome. If you wish for love, don’t focus on love,…uncover all the barriers you built against welcome. In Buddhism, welcome is seen as the dharma or highest quality of a person.


Real love does not avoid,...

This is true , uncover the barriers built against welcome.



It is important to know that humans are not angels (well actaualy even angels are not that holy always ), and have no holy expectations , which of course does not prevent us from becoming a decent and loving human being. Nature is wild , she is not just a tamed puppy and this is the beuty of it all.

Edited by suninmyeyes

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I'm an eccentric, happy-go-lucky type of guy. Always happy, always weird and because of that, alot of people are constantly trying to put me down and kill my where is the love? Because you find 'haters' everywhere. Shouldn't we as humans naturally love and support one another. Why can't we be friends?

Whats wrong, don't you love the haters? You're killing the vibe man! :P

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Get too far outside a person's norm and they tend to try to counter balance you. You don't have to accept there outlook, but sometimes you have to tone down your expression in order to not trigger there counter mechanism. Two pieces of good news in this: You don't have to stop being who you are; just tone it down infront of some people. Two, with repeated contact you can bring people's norms up, get them used to higher happier energy, but it takes time. Positivity and optimism are better then the norm.


Also no one likes to be told what to do, don't convert or preach, just be a positive living example, and be open enough to reflect your environment without overly compromising your core.


I'd add, shooting for love is a hard target. Acceptance and understanding are easier to hit and still worth while. Love takes time and like sticks much rubbing together before it ignites; for friends as well as lovers.

Edited by thelerner
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Get too far outside a person's norm and they tend to try to counter balance you....etc.


This is some seriously excellent advice, the whole post. Wish i had this information exactly 1 year ago i would probably still have friends.


Also, this works wonders and is very powerful. If you have a memory of a time when someone acted desirably, imagine them acting that way instead of holding the image in your mind of them acting negatively. You will see them start to be more like that. Its not like you are controlling them, you are just allowing yourself to view their positive qualities and they pick up on that vibe and allow themselves to chill out. There are negative sides to this, but it is situational. Experiment for yourself

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Also, this works wonders and is very powerful. If you have a memory of a time when someone acted desirably, imagine them acting that way instead of holding the image in your mind of them acting negatively. You will see them start to be more like that. Its not like you are controlling them, you are just allowing yourself to view their positive qualities and they pick up on that vibe and allow themselves to chill out. There are negative sides to this, but it is situational. Experiment for yourself


That's good advice,...however, ever try to imagine the times when you acted desirable, and held that image,... wonder how that would be.

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Yeah, all deep philosophical and book quotes aside, you're just living in a society which doesn't outwardly show love a lot. People associate hugs and "I love you, man" with silly hippies, and see it as lame. So they make fun of it. It's not cool to be all lovey.


But a lot of of people who would make fun of, will definitley give you a hug if everybody else is doing it. "Wait a minute, maybe it IS cool...I don't want to be different from THIS group, either, so hug away!" "And by the way, I love you, man!"



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Yeah, all deep philosophical and book quotes aside, you're just living in a society which doesn't outwardly show love a lot. People associate hugs and "I love you, man" with silly hippies, and see it as lame. So they make fun of it. It's not cool to be all lovey. But a lot of of people who would make fun of, will definitley give you a hug if everybody else is doing it. "Wait a minute, maybe it IS cool...I don't want to be different from THIS group, either, so hug away!" "And by the way, I love you, man!"


I likely hug forty non-family members per week, and surely feel that outward displays of honoring others is appropriate. In fact, if everyone visualized hugging a poster before responding, instead of visualizing them as an opponent, I'd bet the posts would be different. However,...hugs are not necessarily translating to love.


As you expressed a keen appreciation for deep philosophical items, consider that real love may not have the same outward display as hippies like to express.


In 'Practical Work on Self' by EJ Gold, he writes: "Real emotions are communicated by outward radiation of the mood, and originate through an awakened emotional center, which has no reverberational effects in other parts of the body, and is not necessary to verbally communicate the emotion.


Positive and negative emotion are subjective mental states occuring in reflex, and must be verbalized and elaborately described, explained, rationalized and mentally communicated and understood.


Those who can produce real emotions in themselves never communicate about emotional states in mental language; they just radiate the emotions, allowing the emotion to speak for itself.


"In the presence of someone who is able to produce real emotion, we experience feelings - perhaps for the first time. Very often, someone who has awakened the higher Emotional Body and who has learned to radiate emotions becomes a celebrity-guru, and people gather like cattle to bathe in the higher emotions. These higher emotions are often mistaken for some mysterious cosmic force or interpreted in some pseudo-religious way, but really they are just emotions.


What a pity that human beings are so unaccustomed to emotion that they feel compelled to submissively huddle together in the warmth of the emotional radiation of someone just as mechanical as they are, but who happened to have activated, by accident, the higher Emotional Body."

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There are definitely a lot of people just playing the game, trying to fit into the hippy "love" thing. I'd rather be with people whose love for each other is obvious and doesn't need to be spoken, than with a bunch of people not necessarily feeling it, but constantly talking about love.


But if I had a choice between people who give hugs, talk about love and mean it, or people who are afraid to express those emotions, and make fun of people for it, I know who I'd pick.

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There are definitely a lot of people just playing the game, trying to fit into the hippy "love" thing. I'd rather be with people whose love for each other is obvious and doesn't need to be spoken, than with a bunch of people not necessarily feeling it, but constantly talking about love.


But if I had a choice between people who give hugs, talk about love and mean it, or people who are afraid to express those emotions, and make fun of people for it, I know who I'd pick.


Well,...we live in a cerebro-centric society, not a cardio-centric one. In fact, most who believe that they acting out of a cardio-centric viewpoint, are really cerebro-centric. This is why the thymus gland begins atrophying right after birth,...whereas in ancient cultures, the thymus was as large as the heart in adults. Somewhere in history, the psyche took prominence over the thymos,...knowledge became more important than gnowledge,...empirical evidence trumped gnosis.

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opposites attract so if you have lots of love then you suck up other people's hate -- you become "the fall guy."


The solution is more meditation to transform all the anger hate that was sucked up back into more love energy.


It works via the vagus nerve. Right side vagus nerve increases dopamine and then serotonin for the internal orgasm and then left side vagus nerve increases the oxytocin love to the heart.


So the problem with modern society -- the lack of love -- is because males don't know how to have internal female orgasms.


So then the males are too stressed out and then they stress out the females.


It takes about 40 internal orgasms to really open up the heart energy.


Check out the bonobos -- our closet primate cousins - it's all about female orgasms and love energy.


So I sat in full lotus for an hour today and then out of nowhere I have a nice big internal orgasm -- my big clitoris (penis) is throbbing and the love juice is shooting up my spine. All the tension in my back is released.


The male external ejaculation triggers the sympathetic stress nervous system.


A lot of females think they need to get males to ejaculate in order for the females to get love.


That's how messed up modern society is - the opposite of the original human culture - the Bushmen going back to 100,000 BCE - all the males train to sublimate the energy.


So there is a technique to love - it's not some magic secret except that it is a secret of psychophysiology.


The male electromagnetic energy is what triggers the female internal climax of the vagus nerve connection to the reproductive organ.


So this male electromagnetic energy is then transmitted externally also -- and so the haters are naturally attracted to the electromagnetic energy - they subconsciously have to feed off it since they are not able to produce it on their own.


Through meditation we can produce it on our own - so they bring on the hate - we suck it up -- and then transform it back into love energy.


Not much the haters can do except passively take in more love energy from us until they finally decide to learn how to meditate or trance dance, etc. to make it themselves.


Modern society is addicted to stress -- this is the dopamine addiction:


salt, sugar, caffeine, nicotine, alcohol, and win-lose games like card games and sports.


So for example the national sport of Burma, a Burmese culture, is a group hacky sack game.


There are no losers - so it's a serotonin bliss trance game - not this dopamine violence addiction game like Western sports.



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opposites attract so if you have lots of love then you suck up other people's hate -- you become "the fall guy."


The solution is more meditation to transform all the anger hate that was sucked up back into more love energy.



So the problem with modern society -- the lack of love -- is because males don't know how to have internal female orgasms.


So then the males are too stressed out and then they stress out the females.


It takes about 40 internal orgasms to really open up the heart energy.



So I sat in full lotus for an hour today and then out of nowhere I have a nice big internal orgasm -- my big clitoris (penis) is throbbing and the love juice is shooting up my spine. All the tension in my back is released.



That's how messed up modern society is - the opposite of the original human culture - the Bushmen going back to 100,000 BCE - all the males train to sublimate the energy.


So there is a technique to love - it's not some magic secret except that it is a secret of psychophysiology.


The male electromagnetic energy is what triggers the female internal climax of the vagus nerve connection to the reproductive organ.


So this male electromagnetic energy is then transmitted externally also -- and so the haters are naturally attracted to the electromagnetic energy - they subconsciously have to feed off it since they are not able to produce it on their own.




I disagree with much of that,...including the orgasms. If males could have female type orgasms (and they can, by increasing their estrogen), most females would not want them. Just as a guy who helps around the house, not only gets less sex, but his female partner starts to stray, in search of a proper bad-boy.


As for my opinion,...I think the above is very unfortunate.


Next, opposites attract? No! But the belief they do has detrimental effects,..for example, the belief that Wholeness is a union of opposites. The truth is, Wholeness is beyond the sum of opposites.


Like attracts like; opposites do not attract. Charles Coulomb’s object-ive point of view, although seemingly appropriate for the attraction and repulsion of electrical charges, is misleading when applied to nature. Like conditions actually attract like conditions. From my view, two magnets cancel out the end poles of any point of union.


Every condition, whether a belief, an element from the Periodic Table of the Elements, or a huge planet in orbit within our solar system, has a frequency that attracts to itself what it gives off.


Notwithstanding,..there are many interesting ideas in your post. Perhaps though, we should be differentiating what "kind" of love we're discussing. Instinctual love? Biological love? Emotional love? Conscious love? Conditional love? Unconditional love?

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uhh...what ARE you talking about? i think i fall into that 99% lol


Yeah when I posted the Tantra Mongoose before on thetaobums someone complained that Tantra Mongoose takes energy from females. Actually that is how the "O at a D" works - the female energy taken in is the electrochemical jing energy and then it's transformed into male electromagnetic chi energy to be transmitted back into the females.


Michael Winn discusses this:



The thing that seemed to help his back pain was

having teams of young female devotes massage his body, reminding me of the

celibate Mahatma Ghandi sleeping beside two young teen girls to rejuvenate

himself. The sexual energy Baba denied himself his entire life he could only

allow himself to receive indirectly through female touch.


Michael Winn, “The Quest for Spiritual Orgasm: Daoist and Tantric Sexual Cultivation in the West,”

Universal Healing Tao, 2002



Our subtle bodies

would quickly attune and we found we could exchange deep sexual energy for

hours, lying beside each other, naked or clothed, without any physical stimulation

or intercourse. It was a direct exchange of sexually polarized subtle bodies. As our

energy bodies mingled and coupled, we were infused with loving spiritual

qualities. This led us to long periods of spontaneous abstention from physical

intercourse that could last for many months, but with exquisitely sublime daily

subtle body coitus. As our subtle bodies crystallized and became more “real”, it

eventually graduated to astral sex - the ability to intentionally exchange orgasmic

subtle energy at great distances.


So yeah Michael Winn corroborates what I discovered by accident and dubbed the "O at a D" or orgasm at a distance....


Umm. Gurdjieff is mentioned doing this in Rom Landau's book God Is My Adventure...


Otherwise -- this is actually very low level energy -- it doesn't take much chi energy at all to activate the vagus nerve - it's mainly just jing energy being transmitted.


So Chunyi Lin qigong master told me that my transmissions would always be weak until I started storing up the chi energy in the lower tan tien.


So that is the difficult part -- storing up the energy. That's why the males traditionally go on retreat away from the females for a month at a time or three months, etc.

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O at D, orgasm at distance....interesting. I'm afraid to ask. :huh:


Yeah if you read the book "Taoist Yoga: Alchemy and Immortality" which I think is the best training manual -- it says basically then when you build up jing energy then if you see a female and then you get a boner very easily but this is not the activation of your jing energy because it is "false fire of the heart."


So this point is not easily understood in qigong -- for example Gary Clyman says to watch pornography while doing the lower tan tien jing exercises -- to activate the jing energy - but this goes against the real creation of chi energy. Clyman says he studied "Taoist Yoga: Alchemy and Immortality" but it says this is wrong.


Taoist Yoga says it's like kicking a ball over and over and then the ball deflates -- so the jing energy gets burned off.


Michael Winn and Mantak Chia discuss how indeed there is an energy exchange -- a taking in of the jing energy and then turning it into chi energy which is then transmitted back to the source of the jing energy.


But this again is lower level tantra healing - it's great for creating real love energy -- after about 40 mutual climaxes then the heart center really does open up as magnetic chi love. So if there is physical separation from the person then it's a feeling of a broken heart because of the magnetic separation.


The real chi energy has to get past the overexcitement of the heart -- sure there is increased orgasmic bliss as the energy increases but it has to depend on the Emptiness and non-attachment to the emotions.


So this is a very difficult part of the training. Bill Bodri has a great article on tantra love meditation -- its limitations but also that it's great for health and happiness. So it's limited to the lower level of the realm of form and the high level of the realm of desire.


Qigong master Chunyi Lin stated it was great that I could give females bliss by flexing my pineal gland but that until I stored up energy in my lower tan tien then my transmissions would always be weak. So I immediately stopped flexing my pineal gland and it was a dramatic change of reality. haha.


A Little About Sexual Tantra …


So Bodri and Nan explicitly state that tantra is dirty -- that yes you can take in someone's jing and turn it into chi but that along with the jing energy there is a lot of dirty energy taken in that needs to be purified.


So real meditation requires mind celibacy -- the Emptiness focus -- since there has to be purification of the jing energy to create real chi energy.

Edited by pythagoreanfulllotus
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