
Slavery By Consent

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Horrible presentation in so many ways, I don't even know where to start. Messy, muddled, annoying. Opens with the worst poetry I've ever seen, and the creators can't even agree on how their label name is spelled.

Audio quality through the whole video is horrible and doesn't match the 128 kb/s AAC of the file.

Also, why is there a "HD" label in the corner when it's not even Youtube HD standard?


This is a good example for how not to make a convincing video. Had they called themselves "Bushwacko", it would at least be acceptable as a parody. :P


I recommend checking out some of the sources used for this video. They probably present the stuff in a more convincing way, with solid evidence instead of personal sloppy interpretation. Sorry, at some point I started skimming the video because I couldn't bear it anymore.


The whole topic of admiralty law is so profoundly relevant and extremely complex that it can't be conveyed in a video like that, unless it's alright to be totally not convinced after watching.

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I agree it is as you say... though I didn't mind so much.

There is information in there that could lead one to some very interesting finds...

Such as... Admiralty Law, as you mentioned

If people watch and pursue these bits and pieces of information... lots of empowering stuff.

Sadly most people are too lazy / want everything handed to them / spelled out to them A B C D

You can lead a horse to water...

I think you are pretty switched on though ;)

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One interesting bit I found was (and I'm adding wikipedia info here) that about US detainees - people having been imprisoned for repeated minor stuff that was classified as felony in certain states - fortunately no longer applicable now. But the fact that prisoners are being used as cheap labor and thus the government has a strong interest to create more prisoners, that's tough stuff.

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Yes, and the brit Steven Fry states these things on TV, and I hope he's just dumbfounded because it's happening right now. I mean... one word: Australia.

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