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Edited by sinansencer

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pretty good said the lion as he went to sleep



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Cleverbot: In an organization each person rises to the level of his own incompetency.

User: What if we are not organized?

Cleverbot: We are not.

User: Should we organize, then?

Cleverbot: I can't answer that just now - I'm trying to work out how to fix tea!

User: I wanna be the very best.

Cleverbot: No, you don't.

User: You think not, but you'd be wrong.

Cleverbot: How do you know?

User: Because I want to be the very best.

Cleverbot: Are you a girl?

User: No, are you intelligent?

Cleverbot: Where is chicago?

User: You couldnt find it.

Cleverbot: I did just say that.

User: Yes, you did.

Cleverbot: I'm sorry your highness, but you are incorrect.

User: I am neither high, nor incorrect.

Cleverbot: Can you please pretend to be a female for me?

User: Can't you?

Cleverbot: Yes I can but you said you wanted to learn math.

User: No, I did not.

Cleverbot: Yes you did.

User: Quote me, prove that I did.

Cleverbot: NO. You prove that you are not.

User: The game: You've lost it.

Cleverbot: Nope. Maybe I am more clever than you.

User: :D Just keep telling yourself that.

Cleverbot: The hills are alive though.

User: Yes, they are. So are the trees, and the clouds.

Cleverbot: Good to know ;) Want to play a game?

User: What kind of game do you want to play?

Cleverbot: I just lost the game.

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