Harmonious Emptiness

Descriptions and explanations of "The Now"

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no, i am saying that past, present, and future, are all one "plane" of reality that is "turned back upon itself" like a torus.

Any *point* on the torus is "present"

In "front" of the point is future, and "behind" the point is past. it just depends on the direction the "point itself is facing".

I know it doesnt make a lot of sense, but stop and realize that all observer-selfs are the center of all of ["their"] reality, and potential is infinite... "sense" and "reason" AS WE KNOW THEM lose their bearing on reality and become more sensible and reasonable as we learn more about the "irrationality" of the universe.

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no, i am saying that past, present, and future, are all one "plane" of reality that is "turned back upon itself" like a torus.



Any *point* on the torus is "present"


In "front" of the point is future, and "behind" the point is past. it just depends on the direction the "point itself is facing".


I know it doesnt make a lot of sense, but stop and realize that all observer-selfs are the center of all of ["their"] reality, and potential is infinite... "sense" and "reason" AS WE KNOW THEM lose their bearing on reality and become more sensible and reasonable as we learn more about the "irrationality" of the universe.

I was under the impression that a torus was a calculus function which described a planar circle extended along a circumference . The 2 dimensional 'plane' is extended through the third dimension ,, so the full form is

'analog rather than incremental' But it isnt important , dont worry if I dont get the analogy you are trying to convey , I like when things make sense and reason, but if you prefer a um ..another subjective understanding of time , thats cool. Time as described by modern physicists renders my conventional (linear continuous cartesian) view of time subjective as well.

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What is the real meaning of The Now?


I'm sure we all have our answers. Please, share!

the now is, the now! in this moment! the new age now can lead you astray from true being! you must aknowledge the past, make dicisions for the future in the now. learn from the past, create and prepare for the future in the now. how this is done? think about mistakes you have made and plan never to make them in the future by not keeping the same habits that create them in the now! like whow you were and who you plan to be in the future by being that in the now. i know easier said than done. but this is also tricky. so to be in the now means not too much focus on past or future but now in the present. so in some sense the now is a lie because we have to learn and you learn best over time(experience)which is never in the now! sorry if my words are a little choppy still pumped up from my work out ;)
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While this thread is still hanging around,...which it should be,...I'll repeat: There is no Present in time. If you are observing anything as separate fom you (which can only occur in time), you are not in the Present.


I fully agree with Merceless One above,...New Age purveyors are for the most part, deceivers. Most promote new ways of viewing their god,...as if they met him. Their version of Now is within the human sensory experience,...Buddhism and Daoism is about going beyond that,...uncovering the absolute Present, the absolute Now, the absolute Instant,...where time does not exist.


The Truth can only be realized through the Present,...and there is no Present in time. If what you think is true is in time, from time, in any way part of time, it is not true. Truth does not change,...time does not cease changing.

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