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Prophecy is a big word that has been pretty contorted by Religion - but "seeing" into pasts, present or futures is certainly part of the turf of opening the third eye.


It can be something used for gain, something that hinders ones progress - or it can simply be what it is and grow from that as an ability the one has and learns from - it is not what people think - it is far more.


Take almost all of what you think is the utility and toss that out the window - do not look at it as a utility. It certainly can be - but it is also a torture to learn from and help to grind down and refine ones being.


Imagine knowing large futures - seeing them unfold as you saw they would from the moment of inception - and allowing the rage against it to rise and coming much later to realize for all your efforts you could barely turn a head - so mesmerized and robotic is the set frequency of the play unfolding. You then see this in yourself time and again - finally finally these patterns become unbearable - it is a great and very compressed lesson but it can get the job done of tiring you of your story and all the other stories.


You see person after person with their story, the positions, mind loops - everyone self contained in their own personal tornado. And you play tornado with them - and then see it and try to extricate yourself from it - over and over and over and over until it is a nausea, angst, exhaustion.


At some point hopefully you may clearly see that this was the prize - the exhaustion - it brings death to the tornado and in this the falling away of what you thought was "I".

A study of history yields similar I think, best to step out of the way, go to the mountains and work on yourself, like the Taoists hm? World is getting smaller though, seemingly, for now.

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"Most key in my Qi Gong practice was when I finally "heard" the message - BE - in your lower dan Tien - breath into your lower dan Tien (LDT)."

Does this match with?

"The Manipūra Chakra is the “City of Jewels” in which we find the pearls of clarity, wisdom, self-confidence and wellbeing. Their lustre radiates down to the lower Chakras as well as up to the Heart Centre (Anāhata Chakra). The feelings of love and happiness that we feel in our heart actually originate in the Manipūra Chakra and rise from there to the Anāhata Chakra. The positive radiance emanating from the Manipūra Chakra also purifies the Svādhishthāna and Mūlādhāra Chakras and their qualities."


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Posted Today, 12:19 PM

In general take heed in this:


Whether it is in Yoga or Qi Gong - the base practice starts from root and that is all that is needed. Refinement spreads from root practice and no "doing" is needed.


With that said - engineering practices are two fold - on the one hand the process has been noted and detailed and on the other hand the process has become often a dogma and a "doing" which is not necessary and is most typically a blocking in what would otherwise be a process: meaning the process of simple practice will lead to the processes which require no "doing" and are typically better done with "no doing".


Yet - in looking at the details of the process from the idea of a "doing action" we can glean where we might wish to exert awareness.


The simple act or shift of awareness acts upon us immediately. If one is practicing basic root practice - simple practice - and one has an awareness on any pattern within - that pattern alights and the root practice works upon it with no effort.


Typically only the general drift of a teaching is needed to become extremely helpful in alighting upon ones most current features that "need work".


It is also helpful to be in an active teaching with a teacher and other students and all the interaction for this same reason.


A great deal of the engineering we see in the ancient texts are noted processes that have become dogmatized and "doing" preoccupations - a great way to not move along a path or delay it for no reason.


For most that have awakened - (all) it is really a process in so many ways of sheer exhaustion from the attempt to "do".

Look at so many that have achieved this state - often it is by giving up and simply meditating for 20 hours a day until some ten or twenty days later they Awaken. Or sitting on a rock and telling a deity that they are either going to awaken there on the rock or die - no more "doing", no more control.

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Physical "doing" in the sense of general breath and postures as well as good diet is part of "root" practice.


Very "advanced" practice will evolve all by itself from a good root practice.


Thus it has been correctly taught that if you learn and know correct root practice and practice it diligently and regularly - all of Yoga will unfold to you. Yoga in the small sense - all yoga practice - and Yoga in the large sense - Awakening and an Enlightening state.

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Physical "doing" in the sense of general breath and postures as well as good diet is part of "root" practice.


Very "advanced" practice will evolve all by itself from a good root practice.


Thus it has been correctly taught that if you learn and know correct root practice and practice it diligently and regularly - all of Yoga will unfold to you. Yoga in the small sense - all yoga practice - and Yoga in the large sense - Awakening and an Enlightening state.

Yes, I have found first diet, with a pure diet breathing is naturally much deeper and from that all unfolds. People doing this I've read accounts of what appears to be Soma and leaving the body etc all spontaneous once the body is purified. In a pure body light moves like electricity firing the cells, like water is to a rose and it's unfolding. If the stomach is corrupted everything else is going to be much more difficult, near impossible really, like trying to start a car without fuel ha.


Have you found your diet becoming more and more simple? some things can easily throw you out of balance. I used half a teaspoon of cacao the other day and my nervous system was agitated by it. Previous to that feeling very good. 





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I generally stay away from the idea of a pure body and perfection "pictures" - I have always had an iron stomach and have eaten cold things and icy things and very spicy things all my life. I have never approached my diet from a level of tricky balancing.


But I have learned about alkalinity - food combining - timing in eating and balancing very long ago.


Also - with regard to spiritual practice - certain foods are trance inducers - certain foods are very heavy - and certain foods and combinations create anxiousness or lethargy.


Goood clean organics are nice and I always try to eat them but having negative thoughts while eating something otherwise is worse than a poor quality food in many cases.


I have a very resilient system.


I do find myself eating simpler - but I also find my self even more resilient than before in many ways.

I do not become ungrounded by food anymore - if it is really disruptive I stay grounded and am forced to deal with the awareness and discomfort of it.


- - -


On an odd note - today I was poolside with my wife and son and had two iced coffees - black coffee on ice - later I found out that each was a triple shot of expresso - but I remained calm, grounded and relaxed. And going to sleep will be no problem.

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I generally stay away from the idea of a pure body and perfection "pictures" - I have always had an iron stomach and have eaten cold things and icy things and very spicy things all my life. I have never approached my diet from a level of tricky balancing.

But I have learned about alkalinity - food combining - timing in eating and balancing very long ago.

Also - with regard to spiritual practice - certain foods are trance inducers - certain foods are very heavy - and certain foods and combinations create anxiousness or lethargy.

Goood clean organics are nice and I always try to eat them but having negative thoughts while eating something otherwise is worse than a poor quality food in many cases.

I have a very resilient system.

I do find myself eating simpler - but I also find my self even more resilient than before in many ways.

I do not become ungrounded by food anymore - if it is really disruptive I stay grounded and am forced to deal with the awareness and discomfort of it.

- - -

On an odd note - today I was poolside with my wife and son and had two iced coffees - black coffee on ice - later I found out that each was a triple shot of expresso - but I remained calm, grounded and relaxed. And going to sleep will be no problem.

Interesting point because when I was at my most "talented" I wasn't watching anything. I am just as puzzled by all the talk about detoxing the pineal gland yet mine thrives all by itself with no effort from me.

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How many peoples pineal glands are thriving all by itself?

How many people take 2 triple shot espressos and maintain a calm nervous system?

How many people are eating fast food and are vibrant?

I could say Natural, rather than pure, a wild apple is natural and pure (measuring biophotons, organic has 2x and wild has 3x more than conventional)

There are strong correlations between a junkfood diet > nutrient deficiencies and criminality (+depression etc)... rather than give people the impression food isn't of much importance, potentially misleading. It is good you are able to overcome these things. I assume you have excellent health and physique being able to energetically overcome any unnatural foods. People with pure/ natural diets start to glow minus Qigong, I wonder what the result would be combining these.

You suggest a better approach of not aiming for purity. We all have some target in mind, you do not practice for no reason, there is something you want to achieve though you do not have an expectation, like soft focus with candle gazing?

I believe people will find things easier if they have a natural diet (at least to start with)

I have seen some here meditating for decades asking, what is happiness? can bliss be achieved etc...

1 week mango (food of the gods) fast and they will see...


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How many peoples pineal glands are thriving all by itself?

How many people take 2 triple shot espressos and maintain a calm nervous system?

How many people are eating fast food and are vibrant?

I could say Natural, rather than pure, a wild apple is natural and pure (measuring biophotons, organic has 2x and wild has 3x more than conventional)

There are strong correlations between a junkfood diet > nutrient deficiencies and criminality (+depression etc)... rather than give people the impression food isn't of much importance, potentially misleading. It is good you are able to overcome these things. I assume you have excellent health and physique being able to energetically overcome any unnatural foods. People with pure/ natural diets start to glow minus Qigong, I wonder what the result would be combining these.

You suggest a better approach of not aiming for purity. We all have some target in mind, you do not practice for no reason, there is something you want to achieve though you do not have an expectation, like soft focus with candle gazing?

I believe people will find things easier if they have a natural diet (at least to start with)fresh-fruits-and-vegetables1.jpg

I have seen some here meditating for decades asking, what is happiness? can bliss be achieved etc...

1 week mango (food of the gods) fast and they will see...


I do not disagree with the general gist and what a great picture - looks fantastic and full of some of my favorite foods.


I was trying to clarify that while some general guidelines are certainly prudent - often people get way to caught up in Perfection pictures (ideals) - perfection pictures are the single biggest block to spiritual growth - every single one of them is in the past.


I would bet that 99 out of 100 of those that Awaken eat pretty poorly overall by the standards of the All Organic, Floride Free, Vegan, Kombucha crowd. And I have nothing agaist this crowd - I'm vegan and eat mostly organic and while I drink fluoridated water I use un-fluoridated tooth paste (but not for pituitary health).


The words Pure and Perfect are like Should and Never - when using these words - do a double take and examine what you have just said - they are trance words - hypnotic assumptive and wall builders - and egos just love these words.

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They are a description, people can build ego/ I ness/ identity around all kinds of things, maybe you have built an ego around not using these words? 

I am not against ego (which is latin for I (I am), rather than diminish oneself/ destroy the ego/ I ... my path I believe is in expanding it. Not having an ego/ or good sense of self could be the reason for negative behaviors, people having insecurities etc. I think someone with a good sense of I-ness (ego) doesn't engage negative, a man who knows himself I think is content. They are self fulfilled. A person with a more expanded I can see themselves as many things also /empathy, say having feeling for the suffering of animals/ others. If one was to have no self/ I how do they experience anything?

Say 2 people can be in a state of no-mind, they will have different creations. No-mind is more a pure expression of ones Spirit? flowing unimpeded by the ordinary mind? I think the no ego thing can became a type of neurosis... more so than saying an apple is pure and that eating natural foods will make pure/ clean the body (greater clarity) each in their own purity/ becoming greater perfection, do we not see this desire in nature, in it's evolution into higher order? 

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They are a description, people can build ego/ I ness/ identity around all kinds of things, maybe you have built an ego around not using these words? 

I am not against ego (which is latin for I (I am), rather than diminish oneself/ destroy the ego/ I ... my path I believe is in expanding it. Not having an ego/ or good sense of self could be the reason for negative behaviors, people having insecurities etc. I think someone with a good sense of I-ness (ego) doesn't engage negative, a man who knows himself I think is content. They are self fulfilled. A person with a more expanded I can see themselves as many things also /empathy, say having feeling for the suffering of animals/ others. If one was to have no self/ I how do they experience anything?

Say 2 people can be in a state of no-mind, they will have different creations. No-mind is more a pure expression of ones Spirit? flowing unimpeded by the ordinary mind? I think the whole no ego thing can became a type of neurosis... more so than saying an apple is pure and that eating natural foods will make pure/ clean the body (greater clarity) each in their own purity/ becoming greater perfection, do we not see this desire in nature, in it's evolution into higher order?


All the best to you!

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Spotless is probably referring to the "absolute" nature of terms like "pure" and "perfect" and so forth.  In that sense it is more about the limits of perception or ability, rather than an actual absolute position.  For example, the human eye perceives light in a certain range... if there is not enough of it, you wont see anything - however, if there is too much its the same result.  At the limits of human eyesight, it doesnt matter if its too much or not enough because the end result is the same: blindness.  Does that mean that there is no light beyond what the human eye can see?  Of course not, it means that humans just cant perceive it.


Perfection in particular is quite interesting, because it is possible to manifest it, and yet it remains a relative aspect in reality.  It is the upper limit of a particular formation.  Going further means losing that lesser perfection for a greater imperfection.


Relativity exists because perception exists.  There is a relationship between subject and object - they relate to each other, and the correspondence between them is a relative matter.  As long as there is a subject and object, existence is relative to it.  There is no actual reality to an absolute in such existence, except as the source or basis of the phenomena of the subject-object relationship itself.  This source is already absolute, already far beyond ideas such as "pure" and "perfect" and so on.  The danger of confusing relative ideas for absolute realities is one of the most prevalent in the traditions of religion, practice, philosophy and so on.  Its not uncommon, in fact its a necessary phase to go through.  Good luck.

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on the topic of body this, body that... take a look at Sri Neem Karoli Baba, here




all of you "pure body" and "perfect body" types will probably think this is not looking too good, eh?  But this guy was a Siddha of crazy immense power.  He could literally manifest objects from thin air, and plenty of witness will attest to it as well as countless other things.  Disciples are still in contact with him on the astral level.  He was one of the key gurus of the hippie movement - you could say he is a spiritual godfather of the modern western world's spiritual "scene".


How would you reconcile this type of master with your beliefs in the health of the body and so forth?

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I read through some of his words/ quotes, general/ vague statements, like love everyone etc work is worship? eh, the corporations will enjoy that.

Work til you can't breath anymore, everyone is Godb8ac6f27b00015b5767357.jpg

"It is believed that by the time Neem Karoli Baba was 17 years old, he knew everything."

"Neem Karoli Baba died at approximately 1.15 a.m. in the early morning hours of September 11, 1973 in a hospital at Vrindavan, India after slipping into a diabetic coma. He had been returning by night train to Kainchi near Nainital, from Agra where he had visited a heart specialist due to experiencing pains in his chest. He and his traveling companions had disembarked at Mathura railway station where he began convulsing and requested being taken to Vrindavan."

Knows everything, requires a heart specialist?

Can't maintain his own health "Only Baba Neem Karoli is capable of restoring life. You pray to him to fulfill your wish.”

I think he is a fraud. "Total truth is necessary." I agree Baba.

He says "I am the father of the world", I am thinking delusional.

Buddha "The brahman Sonadaõóa described him as ‘handsome, of fine appearance, pleasant to see, with a good complexion and a beautiful form and countenance’ (D.I,114). These natural good looks were further enhanced by his deep inner calm."

Nature is more often than not beautiful/ proportional without question 




Dare I say perfect?

"Hippies can be traced back to a late 19th century German naturmenschen countercultural movement that embraced nudity, paganism, and natural foods. Gordon Kennedy wrote a good photo-filled book about the movement called Children of the Sun."

Baba Neem was yet to be born when ^ was happening. I think an element of the European people have always been making attempts to return to nature, to their pre Christian existence.

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I don't want to derail the thread either. So, if you're okay with it, I'd like to continue here. Responding to my understanding such as it is, not just the words, where am I going wrong? I know that I don't have all of my problems reconciled nor do I have a perfected state of stability. At the same time, I don't have the defining things "awakened" individuals seem to describe losing.


Apologies for drawing this out but there feels like a genuine clash in the details and I would like to understand it better. Of all the "experienced" members here, you seem to indulge least in trance states and for that reason you seem to be the best qualified for actually being able to zero-in on where things may be amiss.

I find it strange that this thread is about the third eye but people are not credible because they use it? Please explain if I am not understanding...


By the way having your inner vision activated and being "awakened" are not the same thing. It is but one energy area among many. People who see well with their third eye are not necessarily pure of mind or body. My cousin is extremely competent with her third eye and she is terminally ill. Others yet again do really evil things with it so are clearly not pure if heart.


So is the topic the third eye or being awakened as there is a difference...


I guess I lost track of what the real point is. The point is by-products of self-development? The third eye's activation being one of them? As a person who always had mine active I cannot relate to it being independant of trance. When I am fully grounded in the physical I am not using it...I have to alter my consciousness to use it (sometimes involuntarily). I don't see this as an "indulging" and feel bad that people see something so natural and normal as a sort of an indulgence. It is not an activity it is a way of seeing things that are not physical, nothing weird about it. And it doesn't indicate any work on myself nor any spiritual advancement as I have said before.


Again, correct me if I am not getting your point.

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How many peoples pineal glands are thriving all by itself?

How many people take 2 triple shot espressos and maintain a calm nervous system?

How many people are eating fast food and are vibrant?

I could say Natural, rather than pure, a wild apple is natural and pure (measuring biophotons, organic has 2x and wild has 3x more than conventional)

There are strong correlations between a junkfood diet > nutrient deficiencies and criminality (+depression etc)... rather than give people the impression food isn't of much importance, potentially misleading. It is good you are able to overcome these things. I assume you have excellent health and physique being able to energetically overcome any unnatural foods. People with pure/ natural diets start to glow minus Qigong, I wonder what the result would be combining these.

You suggest a better approach of not aiming for purity. We all have some target in mind, you do not practice for no reason, there is something you want to achieve though you do not have an expectation, like soft focus with candle gazing?

I believe people will find things easier if they have a natural diet (at least to start with)fresh-fruits-and-vegetables1.jpg

I have seen some here meditating for decades asking, what is happiness? can bliss be achieved etc...

1 week mango (food of the gods) fast and they will see...


Was this à response to me? I have a very healthy lifestyle but I was born "with the veil" as my people call it. I did smoke weed and do irreponsible things when I was young but it didn't stop my usual way of being. I don't encourage people to be careless, don't get me wrong. I am just saying it is not an absolute for every body.

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Ehh...this was a continuation of a conversation that began in the "gender differences that influence cultivation" thread. Trance, itself, is not really a third eye thing as far as I have experienced it. My experience is that it is a periodically emergent state that gets in the way of a clear state of mind and the co-attendent energy flow. The difference between third eye and trance is that trance is pretty much the entanglement of awareness with the entirely personal stuff you have swirling around in your energy body. The third eye is a thing/faculty which can apprehend that stuff and a lot more without having it overtake your clarity of awareness.


Although my third eye doesn't seem to be entirely open so I'm not certain that I can tie functionality to different objects since I don't have a perfect third-person perspective on them.

Thanks for the rectification I was confused as to what you were saying. I don't agree about your view on trances but it doesn't matter. Mine give me lots of clarity and help me evolve and understand many things especially the nature of matter and subjectivity of reality. It also connects me to better sources of intelligence. But maybe we are caught up in definitions of states that may not be the same so I would prefer not to debate as our visions may have been very different in nature or origin. One man's meat is another man's poison.


What I am referring to is a dimensional shift that allows me to see what my physical eyes can't see.

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Regarding "awakening" this came up in another thread. I was able to find several different sources to put this into a more classical daoist perspective, which was helpful for me. It seems there are some strong common themes shared between the various expressions. The overall goal seems clearer now, as well as ways to prepare and avoid dangers.

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Regarding meditation and trance:



In meditation we learn emergence in Presence. It is very simple - it is not an engineering project - not a controlling project - it is no project: simple awareness in stillness while mind may fly along a bit and some fidgeting happens, the day still lingers in our emotions, but simple awareness in no-effort and no-doing just rests and emerges without focus or control.


As we do this, compression within our state releases - not in a "doing" but in no-effort. In this we become more and more neutral - (resistance dissipates). In this state increasingly we are inclined by our natural abilities to open and unfold - and from in-body-ment fear gradually dissipates and we come to "see" fully present - whether with eyes open or closed - we are not in trance - we are fully within body and Presence. We see from Presence increasingly clear from our karmic frequency - Presence is "seeing" within body. It is not a case of "we" escaping body to see or be above entrapment.


One can learn trance seeing within a day or a few weeks - and since we are already trance addicts it is just a simple adjunct to our illusion. Typically a large adjunct to our ego and sense of knowing something. Fascination - fascinating - mesmerizing sleep.


The open human eye is capable of seeing auras and all sorts of things science has removed from the table. This is true of a thousand gifts we have in body - and the body is no entrapment - not in the least.


In our daily waking sleep walking state - Stillness will increasingly emerge - and if we are not too blinded by our teachings and reading and "spiritual" programming - meditation is carried on in the waking state - simple neutral abidance - non-expectation - no inertia - stillness - this begins to waft through the tornado of trance sleep-walk.


Being in the past or future is trance - it is bypassing / leaving Now - and going to incredible fantastical worlds - we live thousands of days every day - we put our body through constant stress and many lives half lived for seconds.

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Awakening is the end to seeking, it is essentially the end to suffering and it is release from karma. Considerably more than some who have discarded it as "only" a first step to Enlightenment - which is erroneously referred to as though Enlightenment is some singular culmination.


It takes some time to settle into the Awakened state and it is easily lost - though it is also easily kept.


In short form - Awakening is Presence coming forward - identification / noise / position gone. Presence is alway with us - it is referred to as the unborn - unblemished - spotless - all and everything.


In the Awakened state their is a stark contrast to the illusion we were in previously - often only seconds ago - this change does not and cannot just seep in like having tea or creating a collage of "knowledge" that eventually shows us the way.


It is the end at least in balance to the illusion and we are no longer in past/future. The roar is gone - hell is gone - and even in the initial stages one does not vacillate between the two. When settling-in one does not go in and out of the roar - but we will have residual patterns from our prior "I's" "Me's" and we will still sense this and some mind loops will arise - but we are not lost in them and typically for a good time we are not in any way rooted in them anymore.


Awareness - stillness stays but we can vacillate or fade from a strong awareness to a somewhat ethereal presence. Initially mind loops cease all together - even residual patterns appear gone. As it is happening - in my case while meditating - it was very exciting - "I" was falling away in huge chunks at the same time the shackles of bound energy were dissolving - a brilliant Awareness came forth - their was no feeling of loss - only gain or rather natural fulfilled Presence - an astonishing and wonderful Presence in stillness.


It is disorienting then in the coming days weeks and months - it takes time to acclimate and it might be very worrisome to many.


In Presence we are out of karma - we are not in a patterned frequency to which the grind of karma is applied by us. From a settled Awakened state death will be a movement that is by comparison - completely fluid from open frequency to open - from light through body / spirit / Presence to light through spirit / Presence and more.


In karma we are like the tire of the wheel - we choose to be on the outside - we choose the roughness or lightness of the roads surface - we choose the frequency of the road that we bounce and turn and scrap upon it. We scream at it and the unfairness of it and we are mortified by what is to come and are proud of the pounding we have been delivered through. Sometimes our frequency attracts a road of comfort and we are proud of our philosophy and all the apples that are now polished and neat. We are in karma none the less - our resistance is our frequency.


We are not of course bouncing along on a road - but we are in the illusion and not the Presence / Awareness / All that we are.


In the Awakened / Awakening state we are the wheel again - tire and rim and all - it is one - we are one (as we always were - Presence).


Seeking ends because we are no longer seeking for that whispering missing link - the haunting yearning - the somehow always at least slightly dissatisfied state - Presence was what "we" were seeking - though "we" dies at its emergence.

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We humans are messy - we live the lie and live in illusion. It is possible to attain many things while not being "perfect". Try to relinquish the idea of becoming perfect and then deserving an attainment.


What is lying? Knowingly telling an untruth?


We knowingly tell untruths all the time - but we do not knowingly understand much of what we are doing.


When we state "facts" - how many of them do we know from true certainty or experience?

When we speak from experience - how often have we extrapolated discovery and enhanced previous assumptions?

When we speak from experience it is through our blinders that we see them and feel them and "know" them.


Most of the time we speak from future or past - this is speaking from "lie" and we love the comfort of its sleep - our positions.


We can say "I love cigarets" - but in fact they are an addiction and the body does not like them regardless of the opinion. What "I" loves them?


Formulas of perfection in order for us to advance to the next level are perfection scenarios we come up with in order to put off to the future what we are already in the moment. This is not to say that practice and mindfulness are of no avail - they help us move off our proclivities of being in past and future and under the sway of our positions.


We think of ourselves as dirty and in need of the perfect washing - constant washing - engineering and complete stripping of frailties in order to advance - this is dogma and has no bearing on anything but a limiting frequency that we live in and bind ourselves with.


Find good practice and allow it to do its work - lying will dissipate as will judgement and position.

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Hello Spotless :)

Thank you for everything you write, I really like reading your posts!


Through your posts you have introduced me (and others too I hope) to a few topics that I now have some questions about. I hope it is OK that I ask the questions in this thread. 



- LDT & Breath -

You have really stressed this one – "Breathe into the LDT". 


1. Do you recommend any specific way to follow this advice? Like for instance, doing sessions of LDT breathing?
2. Is it important to do a "full yogic breath"?

Perhaps this is an engineering question but I'm asking because I find my own breathing to be quite obstructed. I have found out that I have "rib flare", if that matters.



- Fasting - 

1. When fasting, some part of me have felt a very strong desire to eat – despite not feeling any physical hunger!

Any thoughts on this psychological hunger and can it be reduced? 


Fasting also left me feeling bored and at times sad. The longest I've fasted is 5 x 24h – most water & a little fruit juice. When I've fasted it has been anything but enjoyable. Could it be that I've fasted for too short periods of time for it all to turn around?

Maybe it is of relevance that I 5 years ago experienced one major negative/traumatic event.



- Trance -

1. I don't want my meditation to "get lost to trance". Are there any telltale signs that you are in trance/out of your body? 

I must admit that I quite often loose myself to my noise & thoughts only to after a while go: "Oh shit I forgot! I'm supposed to be here in the middle of my head!". I have never experienced any longer "silence". I would estimate that I on average meditate for ~30 minutes.



- Diet -
1. It would be interesting to hear from you what sugar does to the mind and body, and what role it ought to have in ones diet? Up till 1 year ago I ate candy daily for almost 15 years. Now I try to go completely sugar free but find it hard at times.

2. Any general pointers how to relate to food, especially sugar & carbohydrates?



- Rabbit vs. Turtle - 

I don't really have a question here but I am very thankful for this concept, it has made me stress less.


Thank you and all the best!

Edited by Empyrean

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