
World Peace is near (St. Malachi Prophecy)

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Tell him to read "Center of the Sunlit Sky" by Karl Brunnholzl



Reading some other guy's explanations of 'the way things really are (or aren't)' doesn't get you anywhere. Believe me...as someone who likes to read a lot I'd be a Buddha by now if that was truly 'the way'.

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Reading some other guy's explanations of 'the way things really are (or aren't)' doesn't get you anywhere. Believe me...as someone who likes to read a lot I'd be a Buddha by now if that was truly 'the way'.



Nah, this the best Madhyamaka book on the market. Nagarjuna and Candrakirti will straighten you out.

Edited by alwayson

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Thats almost a defining characteristic of neoAdvaita. You think you are smarter than everyone else. There is a funny youtube video on this very thing LOL.

So common delusion, thinking just because one believes a concept, he is living it.

In the video, she is not very skillful. She doesn't realize that everything she could possibly say can be shot down by his delusion. It's designed to be that way. The ultimate delusion.

What she should do is make a grim face, growl and put a knife to his throat. His reaction will be predictable.

Then the punchline:

"You ... are ... afraid."

Works best with an audience.


Action - when words can't pierce through bullshit

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Dominicus,...your posts reveal that you have not had a direct experience with anything. Like the whole of Esoteric Christianity, you are claiming something that is impossible. Experience born of belief can only be experienced through the condition of that belief..

Of course I haven't experienced anything, because 'I' is an illusion. I am not even experiencing 2 eye-balls reading this thread of yours. Experience? What is that?


If we are going to stoop to the lowest degree of judging who has experienced what based on what posts, then by all means I refrain and hand you the torch and crown in that category. If there is One thing I would never do, is a judge a book by its cover


I understand that you place monks/hermits on pedestals of admiration for their inter-faith advocacy,

No pedestal necessary. They are friends with tremendous amounts of time on their ends to figure out, through various means, what exactly the Truth is. If there is a cavity, one goes to a dentist, car trouble, a mechanic, to find the truth, to those who have found it.


Buddha & Tsu seem to be on your pedestal

...and as such, it is quite difficult for you to see that everything you thought is meaning is rather meaningless.

No difficulties at all. Instead, freedom, home, Truth, the Now. Just like everything I thought is meaningless, so are all of your posts here and what you think. Just an illusory subjective bias. No biggie. The beauty of it is, that if Esoteric Christianity is a valid path to the Unconditioned, that it does not rely on your take of it. Stands of its own accord Same with Sufism, Kabbalah, Grace, etc


You spent much time and energy attempting to hold together a reality that is merely a dream.

Time? What is this thing you call time? Dream? Energy? I don't know

Just reduce all you can gather about Buddhism and Taoism into a single idea:


Lao Tzu said, "the Tao doesn't come and go."


Buddha said, "the Tathagata does not come and go."

You spent much time and energy attempting to hold together a reality that is merely a dream.


I can also understand dreamers like Paulno, who feel the need to strike out against, saying how hateful is VMarco. The truth is quite upsetting for believers,...and they typically set out to kill those who challenge their beliefs.

Isn't that what you're doing? To kill the paths you "believe" to be false? Based on your beliefs? :ph34r:

What doesn't come and go? The Present. The Present, that is the absolute Present, cannot be revealed through any form of Christianity or Abrahamic religion. The Present is only revealed when delusions such as any form of Christianity or Abramhamic religion is let go.

You spent much time and energy attempting to hold together a reality that is merely a dream.


Buddhism says,...and is implied in Taoism,...without the direct realization of emptiness, absolute bodhichitta, the true practice of compassion is impossible. So I'm not in the least bit worried that you guys could laugh with compassion, because a safe bet would be that they haven't a clue what real compassion is.

You spent much time and energy attempting to hold together a reality that is merely a dream.


"Buddhist teachings on compassion are grounded in the direct realization of Emptiness; without which, compassion is impossible." Robert Thurman commentary on the Dalai Lama's The Four Noble Truth's


There are not many paths to enlightenment,...there is but one,...and that begins with the recognition that all beliefs are false.

You've become that which you despise, a dogmatic fundamentalist.


The outright paradox and oxymoronism of this situation is rather entertaining. Just like an eyeball cannot see itself, you've failed to see what you've become.


I still love you though!!! Good luck with all the labeling of who's right and who's wrong!

Cheers!!!! :D

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Who can claim to have realized that all beliefs are false and put himself above belief ... without believing in that?


Someone who truly realized that all beliefs are false must also realize that that realization is false, too. I think ultimate truth can not be realized by the mind, only by letting go of the mind, and once you have truly attained realization of absolute truth, there will be no mind left that could talk about it.


As close as I can express it with my mind, based on my experiences thanks to ayahuasca: ALL beliefs are true, in that they are originating from the creative unified consciousness. They are merely ideas competing for manifestation in the realm of the 'waking mind'.


Much spiritual delusion might come from the inability of the mind to find that which it seeks. The mind is the seeker. But the ultimate step - the one that enables finding, destroys the seeker. Being at that point is immensely stressful. At least to me, if I remember correctly, the sheer power and self-evidence of ultimate truth is so overwhelming that one's mind inflicts great pain onto oneself to resist it. If you successfully resist, it is a humbling experience, because you know it is the truth you were looking for, but you also know that you don't want to learn it anymore.

And if you failed to resist... how would you ever know? Your mind will deny it. ;)

But hey, that's just my experience. Maybe people who go into an experience like that with full readiness to die will benefit more from it.


Maybe one can only assume that a perception beyond the mind has happened by looking at corollary symptoms. In my case, I said stuff with conviction that seems to refer to stuff that I don't remember anymore. It was safe to remember me saying it, because the mere words are just theory to the mind. There also seems to be a part of the experience that was missing in-between other parts that I do remember. Like a phase where I was unconscious.


You know the saying: 'Going mad from the revelation.' Ever had an experience like that?

Edited by Owledge

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Of course I haven't experienced anything, because 'I' is an illusion. I am not even experiencing 2 eye-balls reading this thread of yours. Experience? What is that?


If we are going to stoop to the lowest degree of judging who has experienced what based on what posts, then by all means I refrain and hand you the torch and crown in that category. If there is One thing I would never do, is a judge a book by its cover


No pedestal necessary. They are friends with tremendous amounts of time on their ends to figure out, through various means, what exactly the Truth is. If there is a cavity, one goes to a dentist, car trouble, a mechanic, to find the truth, to those who have found it.


Time? What is this thing you call time? Dream? Energy? I don't know

You spent much time and energy attempting to hold together a reality that is merely a dream.


Isn't that what you're doing? To kill the paths you "believe" to be false? Based on your beliefs? :ph34r:

You spent much time and energy attempting to hold together a reality that is merely a dream.


I still love you though!!! Good luck with all the labeling of who's right and who's wrong!

Cheers!!!! :D


Of course,...finding a truth realized person could be advantegous, if one could recognize something, even one thing, that is true. Jed McKenna guarentees, that if one followed his one instruction, that anyone could be truth realized in under 2 years.


What I can guarentee you, is that no Esoteric Christian, as long as they were an Esoteric Christian, can never uncover Truth Realization,...because all beliefs associated with the Abrahamic memes are barriers to Truth Realization.


Even though you believe these friends of yours have experienced the Unconditional through Esoteric Christianity, what has it done for you,...except argue with me that your friends experienced the Unconditional. You are not Truth Realized,...what good is it to hang out with friends who say they are,...and have yet not shared with you a single absolute truth?


Are you really so naive to believe that you have your truth, and I (not the egoic I) have another truth. All truth compliments all truth. "Contradictions in perspective among those Seeing the profound do not occur" Taranatha


I also guarentee you this,...if you cannot have a harmoneous interchange with me, then you have no wish to experience something true.


As for time and energy,...I'm aware of exactly what they are. Truth realization has been my fulltime occupation since 1975,...and was even quite good at it before that. If there was a PhD on the subject, I'd be 6 times above that,...the only oxymoron here is your belief that Esoteric Christianity leads to Truth Realization.


Edited by Vmarco

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Who can claim to have realized that all beliefs are false and put himself above belief ... without believing in that?


Someone who truly realized that all beliefs are false must also realize that that realization is false, too. I think ultimate truth can not be realized by the mind, only by letting go of the mind, and once you have truly attained realization of absolute truth, there will be no mind left that could talk about it.


Yes,...that is correct. All beliefs are false, and all beliefs that beliefs are false is false. Yes,...the ultimate truth cannot be realized by the Head-Mind,...nor the other senses.


However,...you last argument above is not correct. Do you think that Buddha, Lao Tzu, and many other Truth Realized persons only talked before they uncovered Truth Realization? LOL


Your 6 senses (consciousness') do not vanquish when one realizes the consciousness they had before they were born,...what occurs is that one realizes the ridiculousness of the 6 senses. They continue to be used,...but not for the 6 senses sake.


I understand you think that "ultimate truth can not be realized by the mind"...however, you should consider that your thinking is always false.


Lao Tzu said, "Recognize that eveything you see and think is a falsehood, an illusion, a veil over the truth."

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Are you really so naive to believe that you have your truth, and I (not the egoic I) have another truth. All truth compliments all truth. "Contradictions in perspective among those Seeing the profound do not occur" Taranatha


I also guarentee you this,...if you cannot have a harmoneous interchange with me, then you have no wish to experience something true.


As for time and energy,...I'm aware of exactly what they are. Truth realization has been my fulltime occupation since 1975,...and was even quite good at it before that. If there was a PhD on the subject, I'd be 6 times above that,...

This sounds quite arrogant/egocentric and a lot like spiritual materialism. It doesn't seem wise to me to alienate Dominicus like that. By making allegations about his intentions, you are at least part of the lack of harmonious interchange. You ask him to harmonize with you (in order to get a reward - how petty), but you are practicing disharmony.

It's a bit like 'Give me love or I won't share my cool wisdom with you that you really want to have, even if you don't think you want it.'

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Lao Tzu said, "Recognize that eveything you see and think is a falsehood, an illusion, a veil over the truth."

You REALLY don't seem to be following that advice yourself. ;):D


Maybe you don't realize the implied message in that statement.

Let me spell it out for you: Anything you do that involved thinking or seeing stuff is falsehood/illusion. Based on that Lao Tzu statement, you should realize that as long as you write stuff on an internet forum, it must frustrate you, if you are not aware of the futility and expect realization of truth to come from it.

Not that I am convinced by his statement or give it any meaning, but when you quote stuff like that, you better make sure to not look like a hypocrite. ;)

Edited by Owledge
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I remember Master Nan talking about this. He was saying how Christianity actually helps out as it keeps people in check and make sure that they lead a virtuous life. Then eventually people start to explore more.


I can see why he'd say that.


My spirituality started with Christianity. I didn't find any answers there, but it did provide a temporary foundation. When I abandoned that faith, I pretty much lost direction for many years until reading about NDE's led me into reading about OBE's, which led me to meditation, which led me to Buddhism and Taoism.


I think the question of what would happen after the banishment of Abrahamic religions is kind of a needless one, though. They will never be "banished." At least, not until they've lost enough followers to lose their influence...and I don't see that happening any time soon.

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Christianity brought about a powerful way for people to start dealing with their karma "And forgive us our trespasses, as we forgive them that trespass against us" , "resist not evil"


Also for millions of people it transformed their perception of god and thus the nature of the universe into a more loving, forgiving place, which is no small act of mercy.


Comparatively Christian countries are generally very civilised and prosperous, which is no accident.

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You REALLY don't seem to be following that advice yourself. ;):D

On the contrary,...you really must not comprehend my posts.

Edited by Vmarco
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The only thing about the banishment of Abrahamic religion at this point of time is that people will more than likely turn away from virtue and morality.


A Buddhist said: "Morality can only be imposed from without when we are asleep. It can only be pseudo, false, a façade, it cannot become your real being…morality is bound to be nothing but a deep suppression. You cannot do anything while asleep; you can only suppress. And through morality, you will become false. You will not be a person, but simply a "persona"—just a pseudo-entity. . . . Only a dishonest person can be moral.


The preachers have convinced the whole world that "you are all sinners." This is good for them because unless you are convinced, their profession cannot continue. You must be sinners; only then can churches, temples and mosques continue to prosper. Your being in sin is their success. [Churches] are built on your guilt, on your sin, on your inferiority complex. Thus, they have created an inferior humanity.


We condemn the real and we enforce the unreal, because the unreal is going to be helpful in an unreal society and the unreal is going to be convenient…A child is born in a society, and a society is already there with its fixed rules, regulations, behaviors and moralities which the child has to learn.


When he will grow he will become false. Then children will be born to him, and he will help make them false, and this goes on and on. What to do?"

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Christianity brought about a powerful way for people to start dealing with their karma "And forgive us our trespasses, as we forgive them that trespass against us" , "resist not evil"


Also for millions of people it transformed their perception of god and thus the nature of the universe into a more loving, forgiving place, which is no small act of mercy.


Comparatively Christian countries are generally very civilised and prosperous, which is no accident.


Christianity brought about a powerful way for people to start dealing with their karma "And forgive us our trespasses, as we forgive them that trespass against us" , "resist not evil"


Also for millions of people it transformed their perception of god and thus the nature of the universe into a more loving, forgiving place, which is no small act of mercy.



Christianity is about Faith, Hope, and the Charity derived from that Faith and Hope, without which there can be no salvation,....Buddhism is about the obliteration of Faith, Hope, and the Charity that arises from the obliteration of Faith and Hope, without which enlightenment is impossible.


"the highest goal is being devoid of hope and fear." Tilopa


Although Christians believe the God they invoke while spreading their faith, is love,...in the whole of their Holy Book, the Bible, it only suggests the idea that their God is love at the very end, in the late 2nd Century apology 1John. In fact, when viewing the full length and breadth of the Bible, their Patriarch is clearly a murderous, pro-slavery, vacillant, petty, racist, conditional God. And amazingly, a God who is so insecure, that it demands to be worshiped, obeyed and prayed to.


All the Abrahamic religions are about Fear of the Lord.

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I think the question of what would happen after the banishment of Abrahamic religions is kind of a needless one, though. They will never be "banished." At least, not until they've lost enough followers to lose their influence...and I don't see that happening any time soon.


In 2008 you likely didn't see LGBT's ever having any equal rights either.

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Let me spell it out for you: Anything you do that involved thinking or seeing stuff is falsehood/illusion. Based on that Lao Tzu statement, you should realize that as long as you write stuff on an internet forum, it must frustrate you, if you are not aware of the futility and expect realization of truth to come from it.


Let me spell it out for you,...my posts consistently point to that which is beyond thinking, seeing, and feeling,...my posts consistently stress that thinking, seeing, and feeling are illusory.


My experiences here on TTB are fantastic,...it's a fun place to chat with sleep walkers.

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it's a fun place to chat with other sleep walkers.

I just felt the need to modify that last phrase.


No, no apologies this time. Hehehe.

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On the contrary,...you really must not comprehend my posts.



Owl and V




Ralis and Joe




MarbleHead and the rest of the whole forum :lol:




Everyone has their same-opposites :lol:





To V and Owl:


You guys are having an internet penis size contest.

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Let me spell it out for you,...my posts consistantly point to that which is beyond thinking, seeing, and feeling,...my postts consistantly stress that thinking, seeing, and feeling are illusory.


My experiences here on TTB are fantastic,...it's a fun place to chat with sleep walkers.

how do you point at something you can neither see, hear, smell, touch, taste, or think about?


THEN, how do you know you are pointing at it?

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