
That moment of finally letting go and being completely alone

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Last night i overdosed on a psychedelic and hallucinated my partner saying that i was too far gone to be saved and that i would die. i eventually accepted this and realized that i would be totally alone when i died. The feeling of letting go of my most precious attachments was liberating in that moment, but now that i am back at home safely i feel a lot better. Know now that nothing lasts forever.


has anyone else had a near death experience?

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Letting go of everything takes supreme surrender.


Everything is impermanent.


Attaching to something that will eventually pass, will lead to suffering.

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Yup, still haven't come back to reality from it, been since 2005. A trip worse than any LSD/DMT trip I've ever heard of.


Care to share details?


I don't think I've ever had a near death experience, per se, but there have been many times (both on drugs and off) when I have been concerned that I was going to die. I've also felt a very sad feeling of detachment from everything in some of those moments which I interpret as a kind of loneliness, but my suspicion is that that feeling is illusory and ego-centric. When I'm in deep meditation I feel like I sort of dissolve into everything and the idea of being alone or lonely is just impossible.


The best thing to do is not to resist, though, in any situation. Stare into the abyss and let it stare back into you.

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I do death meditations like White Skeleton meditation and others and usually I feel a great amount of freedom and sometimes burst out laughing how everything I considered important and was stressing me out a few minutes before no longer matters at all in face of disintegration. But when I took Ayahuasca in Peru and really thought I was going to die I was terrified and had a great panic about leaving my parents in such sadness and desperately not wanting to die. So I guess there is a big difference between meditations and when you really think it might happen.

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I had a NDE, died on an operating table and came round in intensive care.

Classic NDE, tunnel of light , loved ones gone on before were there waiting and saying 'Not yet'.

Big snap and back into a clinically shocked and shivering body I came.

Never was afraid to die, just the process of it.

Ideally there would be a big pile of sweets ( candy) and a special lady involved next time I die.

Since that NDE though I've 'known' for sure what I only 'believed in' before.

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well i know i wouldn't die if i was on something like lsd, but i was on a research chemical that only a handful of people have ever taken, went unconscious and started bumping into walls and then woke up in a hospital :(

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Last night i overdosed on a psychedelic and hallucinated my partner saying that i was too far gone to be saved and that i would die. i eventually accepted this and realized that i would be totally alone when i died. The feeling of letting go of my most precious attachments was liberating in that moment, but now that i am back at home safely i feel a lot better. Know now that nothing lasts forever.


has anyone else had a near death experience?




i wish i had, it might make life/death more appreciable to me, which it/they is not. nothing is precious except suffering, else there would be no suffering.

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Care to share details?


I don't think I've ever had a near death experience, per se, but there have been many times (both on drugs and off) when I have been concerned that I was going to die. I've also felt a very sad feeling of detachment from everything in some of those moments which I interpret as a kind of loneliness, but my suspicion is that that feeling is illusory and ego-centric. When I'm in deep meditation I feel like I sort of dissolve into everything and the idea of being alone or lonely is just impossible.


The best thing to do is not to resist, though, in any situation. Stare into the abyss and let it stare back into you.

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I smoked some awfully good weed and then did a meditation - got way too far out. My personality disintegrated, I could 'see' it; I was out there in the blackness, part of the Whole (no indivuation) but realized, as you did, that I WAS ALL ALONE.
There was nothing else out there. The intense feeling of aloneness was something I'd not experienced before, not like that.


It was really terrifying. When I was able to get back, my words and thoughts wouldn't sync up, it was like the words came out before the thoughts, actually backwards.


I told this to a shamanic friend of mine - he experienced the very same thing but actually felt his nose puncture through a type of membrane onto 'the other side' or some other dimension.

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"You, the reader, are at the exact center of the universe; your universe. It’s all yours, it’s all about you, and you are all alone in it. Anything that tells you otherwise is a belief, and no belief is true."


-Jed McKenna Spiritually Incorrect Enlightenment

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"You, the reader, are at the exact center of the universe; your universe. It’s all yours, it’s all about you, and you are all alone in it. Anything that tells you otherwise is a belief, and no belief is true."


-Jed McKenna Spiritually Incorrect Enlightenment




If a tree falls in a forest and no one is around to hear it, does it make a sound?


- Hakuin Ekaku

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If a tree falls in a forest and no one is around to hear it, does it make a sound?


- Hakuin Ekaku


You hear sounds all the time, yet there is no you, no self there to hear them.

Edited by More_Pie_Guy

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Once upon a time there was a farmer who had only one horse, and one day the horse ran away. Soon after, his neighbors came to console him over his terrible loss. The farmer asked, "What makes you think it is so terrible?"

A month later, the horse came home - this time bringing with her two beautiful wild horses. The neighbors became excited at the farmer's good fortune. They were such lovely strong horses! The farmer asked, "What makes you think this is good fortune?"

A few days after this, the farmer's son was thrown from one of the wild horses and broke his leg. All the neighbors were very distressed. It was such bad luck! The farmer asked, "What makes you think it is bad?"

Near the end of the season, a war came, and every able-bodied man was conscripted and sent into battle. Only the farmer's son remained, because he had a broken leg. The neighbors congratulated the farmer on his good luck. The farmer asked, "What makes you think it is good?"

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