deci belle

Complete Reality section

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The Articles section is going poofs!!



Hurry and suggest to the higher-ups that, at least I, and maybe a few more bums wanna have a Complete Reality Taoism section!


This is what I wrote to viator, our Concierge.


Taoist spiritual alchemy is not to be confused with inner alchemy.


It would probably be best referred to (through Shambhala's classic series translated over the last twenty-five years by Thomas Cleary and others), as the well known School of Complete Reality Taoism. Or, simply, Complete Reality Taoism.


I myself have never practiced any formal anything, including energy-work, zazen or the so-called inner alchemy of nei dan and nei gong adaptions and spin-offs popularized by the countless marshall, sexual, wellness, meditation and subtle-body disciplines developed and marketed by many individuals, teachers and institutions in the West over the years.


There is no one else on this or any other forum practicing and covering this teaching as described in the Southern and Northern branches of the Complete Reality school whose progenitors have their recognized classics in their current form in the Taoist canon going back well over two thousand years. It is very closely related to the Hidden Dragon school in that the lineage of both schools are attributed to two students of Lao Tzu.


Though much of nei dan and nei gong practices are attributed to the patriarchs of the nonpsychological schools of immaterial spiritual immortalism who's cultural and charismatic personalities long ago transcended these esoteric traditions, at the highest levels of spiritual alchemy, there are simply no involvements in deliberate effort other than spontaneous adaption within ordinary situations without going along with selfish emotional and psychological momentum.


This is the practice of going along with externals without going along with created energy. It is enlightening being activating the unity of temporal and absolute on par with Suchness of the Great Vehicle of Buddhism. The extremely ancient Yin Convergence Classic refers to this as the Virtue of the Receptive.


It is all I have written about for the last five years and have been practicing since the late 80s.


As the way deepens, all the effects of the nei dan and nei gong inner and outer practices are spontaneously realized without any effort and without any knowledge. In my case, over the last twenty years, certain states and inner movements occasionally take place day or night during ordinary activities. Often, I wake up in the middle of the night and inconceivable things are happening inside and outside my body …though sometime I activate subtle intent, it is 97% passive in terms of conscious observation. When the event reaches sufficiency, I just rest with it then kinda roll over and go back to sleep— haha!!


Taoist spiritual alchemy has close correlates in Dzogchen Tibetan buddhism, the highest levels of Chan (Zen) buddhism, the inner teachings imbedded in the Tao Te Ching, the I-Ching and the recently revived transmission of the Secret of the Golden Flower as translated by Thomas Cleary and attributed in the text of the Golden Flower to the adept Wenshi, the founder of the Hidden Dragon school two thousand years before the current transmission is said to have occured.


I can't imagine there not being a section devoted to this powerful and pristine teaching so deeply established as a profound source of the spiritual traditions rooted in the rubric of taoism.


It's all I practice and elucidate in my many songs and technical treatises.


I know there are more than a few bums familiar with this teaching even though many more can only conceive of inner alchemy as some kind of advanced energy work which it simply isn't. As the teachings and I go on to say, though the lower disciplines work with the created and do use the descriptions found in the manuals of spiritual immortalism, theirs is an adapted spin-off and not the root of the unattributable transcending all times and places.


People should have an opportunity to discover that this root source tradition has a vast body of work that can be researched for decades just in the english translations and that exists in and of itself outside of energy-work and philosophical intellectualism.




ed note: add word "years" to 5th paragraph

Edited by deci belle
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A bum PM'd about Complete Reality praxis, so I have included it here.


Taoism is in fact a process of undoing and precisely as you have described it is experiential and not at all a matter of intellectual understanding. Ego eventually ceases its charade as identity of the individual and has functional administration of temporal affairs in service of impersonal objective awareness. It's like intuition, only less mysterious.


I take the Taoist classics as derivative of the primal experience of unified awareness, descriptive of the processes reverting to that recondite aspect of mind and the experiential fruition of its application in everyday ordinary affairs.


I view the Tao Te Ching as a guidebook for wizards and the I Ching as a catalog of times.


My range of exploration is the nature of perception and have discovered that awareness itself is uncreated, impersonal and nonpsychological. One of the most ancient classics of the taoist canon is the Yin Convergence Classic. It is very short.


It states,"People know the spirit as psychological, they do not know why the nonpsychological is spiritual."


The nonpsychological nature of aware being is the source of spiritual activity in the world as it is possible to function on its terms in the midst of everyday ordinary affairs, enabling one to transcend the cloying aspect of karmic conditioned evolution while operating from within the created by virtue of its inherent enlightening potential. This is what spiritual alchemy is in terms of practice.


This is the practice and expression of Complete Reality taoism. Its present form is from about CE 1200, but its source-works still in the taoist canon date from 2000 years ago and older. It claims that its founder was a student of Lao Tzu, but this stuff is really many thousands of years old. These mind-teachings are as old as mind study, which is supremely ancient.


There might be a new discussion section in the taoist forum named after this ancient alchemical school soon. The Articles section is going away and all my writings from the last four years will go to this new section (if it really comes to be).


It is no different than any of the authentic teachings really. I have just found it effective. I also operate within the Chan (Caodong/Soto) tradition as well. No tradition has a name for reality. The Complete Reality tradition has two aspects: the Science of Life and the Science of Essence. They become the same and revert to the nonoriginated aware nature within the human body which has no location.


Ultimately it is just a matter of using phenomena to refine the self instead of using it to gratify the self. This is the pivot of creation. Worldlings follow the normal flow and enlightening beings go in reverse.


The tao is a practice and a way of Return. The path becomes profound. One discovers something which has never begun which has always resided within oneself. This is immortality.

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Guest munky

I can say when i was practicing something similar to what you talk about i also have a little of those neigong energy etc things spontaneously realise as well as powerful things happening at night when im sleeping/wake, but when its all over i cant tell what happened. (not a dream or obe). But i didn't think that it was enough, and some sort of practice is needed to fully open the physical body and its energy as well as meditation practice to purify the mind, getting rid of conditoinings even after seeing essence. I know this is described in the books but what you're saying is that there is no need to do any practices to achieve this aim.
Sorry but i am curious, would you mind telling us more about the neigong capacities and capabilities that have occured because of your practice? Youve been doing this since the late 80s so basically your body's energy channels are all open, your whole body purified and healed of anything without having to practice any formal qigong/ neigong skill?
Through this have you also spontaneously realised the true meaning of the I Ching and learnt to feel the energies of the trigrams?
And have you already achieved the birth of the immortal fetus, or the pure yang body outside the body through self refinments in everyday ordinary situations? The texts say that it happens when all of the mundane is gone. If you haven't achieved this, are you aware of your progress toward this aim from the changes in your mind and spirit? When does one really achieve immortality from all this?

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If you read any of deci belle's excellent posts, you'll find no talk of energy practices or neigong or channels etc etc. It's quite refreshing to read her articles in the midst of acquiring powers, my style is better than your style blah blah.

I admit I sometimes get attracted to the energy stuff, but really, when it comes down to it, the Complete Reality teachings are what I need to study and put into practice.

Thanks, deci belle for posting your articles and wisdom here. I hope you continue to do so.

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Guest munky

If we are speaking in terms of true spiritual practice, the taoist energy practices were a means to attain good health and a strong body so the focus could be on the mind and spirit. It was neccesary to repair any weaknesses of the body especially for those who didn't have the good fortune to be naturally free of any physical ailments. The body, mind and spirit. Jing chi shen were all important as they were all interrelated with each affecting the potential of the others, so you can't just neglect one for the other. The spritual light needs a strong and stable vehicle to hold it in and stabilise it, so if the channels are blocked and the body weak, how can we expect to strongly stabilise the spiritual light within our body anyway? We are here on the earth with a physical body and we should take care of it.

If this focus is just on acquring neigong power and comparing styles that is more internal martial arts which is a completely different, and can be quite "unspiritual" if the person is just focused on the martial and fighting aspect of it. For taoist cultivation that is just to develop the body mind and spirit to full capacities.

Now my point in my previous post was if through this Highest Vehicle method that cultivates both essence and life simultaneously and without forced effort, and as deci belle said: "all the effects of the nei dan and nei gong inner and outer practices are spontaneously realized without any effort and without any knowledge." , then only then you don't have to worry about any energy practices. My post was simply to verify what deci belle was saying by asking about her experiences as that is important to inform readers of TTB given the amount she posts here.

Edited by munky

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Sometimes i swear Decibelle is only here to exemplify my own thoughts with eloquence, personally unachieved.

I should rename myself "Hurtz" :lol: cuz i love to fight (though i hate hurting people), and my hearing loss is based on the low frequency loss and high frequency gain.

So, deep voices have to be loud to be heard by me! :lol:

Coincidences... Such coincidences...

Edited by Northern Avid Judo Ant

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Deci Belle I like all your posts.


But can I ask that you can write them a little clearer in plainer english, I dont consider myself stupid but its hard to understand all the long words?


there are simply no involvements in deliberate effort other than spontaneous adaption within ordinary situations without going along with selfish emotional and psychological momentum.


I dont understand this for example.


Emptiness and Wuwei?

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Yh but I mean come on Im not even trying to be rude, it almost seems like another language

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i know you arent, and i know what you mean.

She and I have a similar speech/text mannerism, which is probably the only reason i understand her posts as well as i do, but even then, i often find i have to confirm my understanding by looking up key words from time to time.

And that applies to MANY topics from more than just Dbelle n_n :lol:

I am not trying to be rude either, i am just offering a solution that precedes your request.

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but when its all over i cant tell what happened. (not a dream or obe). But i didn't think that it was enough


The natural state of sufficiency is reached according to the time. I don't know what happens too.


When thinking afterwards, this is failing to store potential away in secrecy without the slightest spark of intellectualism.


You see, the habit energy of ego-reflection is the thought that leaks away the potential you have just gained spontaneously.


This is precisely what to avoid. Don't let so much as a spark leak out.


In terms of alchemy, this is not withdrawing the fire, so the forgoing achievement goes to waste. But it will happen again.


The firing process works on many levels in both the microcosm and the macrocosm, inner and outer, self and other. There are cycles of firing inside cycles of firing. There are 30,000 intervals according to one text. One slip and there is a great loss.


Do not get caught up in the energy thing. Just let that happen when it happens~ otherwise you'll just ruin it. Do not seek to activate the spontaneous events. I cannot stress this enough. Just let it go and don't be afraid of forgetting about it totally.

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sinasencer~ if my texts are confusing, just study the original alchemical texts, the TTC, the I Ching and the entire buddhist and taoist canons for 20~30~ 40~50 years with the proper frame of mind. It's all the same thing.

It is not buddhist or taoist or anything else. It is the homeland of nothing whatsoever.

there are simply no involvements in deliberate effort other than spontaneous adaption within ordinary situations without going along with selfish emotional and psychological momentum.

Emptiness and Wuwei?


When you can see through situations and respond to phenomena without going along with their characteristics, you are as empty as a boat floating through the reeds~ naturally, you do not experience the momentum of the boat, you just go along without engendering views and feelings.

The momentum is inherent in the situation itself; it is the situation itself. Momentum is karmic whether you feel it or not. So this is the selfless adaption to created evolution that is neither moving or still enjoyed by enlightening beings. Enlightening being is like going along with the momentum of the situation without having any mass yourself. You adapt freely outside of convention.

Wuwei is something even Marblehead doesn't know. It means absolutely nothing to me~ hahahhahahhaa!!❤

Neither temporal nor absolute, resting in the pivot, nothing is done yet reality is complete.

ed note: typo in last sentence …er what was the last sentence, somewhere above the last quote!

Edited by deci belle

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hi chris~


So "how" does the spontaneous adaption take place? As a automatic self-inquiry like immolation of the habit energies and then responding to the situation as the Self?


This is stealing potential?


It is not the spontaneous adaption! heehee!!❤ It's not a thing at all. You adapt to the situation yourself in terms of the situation's inherent potential without it being about you. The fact of the matter is, in the beginning, it IS you. But no one else knows this.


You go along with the situation as such, but you put yourself in the others' shoes and so then you don't know too. There is nothing to do except see what happens. This is the secret of nothing to know and one of the ways of non-doing. Bodhidharma simply said, "Don't know."


When you don't know from within spontaneous adaption to ordinary events, you activate selfless nonpsychological awareness. It's your own mind, just not the habitual use of it. This is your ordinary unborn mind; awake, aware and nondwelling before the first thought. It really is you without thinking habitually, that's all. Eventually, this becomes as natural as delusion.


The only difference between an enlightening being and an ignoramus is that an enlightening being knows he's deluded. it is a very peculiar affair. The way opens up and one enters reality naturally.


Just wait by the door of change and adapt to the inevitable junctures inherent in every situation. This is knowing the pivot of creation.


This is selflessly adapting to the situation. It is the meaning of making the other host and you be the guest.


This is also stealing potential, no different than going along with the inconceivable events that take place spontaneously inside your body. Just go along and withdraw the fire when you reach sufficiency.


The tao makes no distinctions. Complete Reality has never decided anything EVER. Just wait by the door and be ready without eagerness or complacency.





ed note: bold and italicize a couple lines

Edited by deci belle

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Deci Belle,

this 25 years of Quanzhen Pai what have you discovered from the teachings and how you apply it in daily life?



This is the teachings itself. I discover reality with the same senses you do. Without speculating, knowledge is immediate and does not involve thinking.


Taking over creation and stealing potential is how i apply it.

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Deci Belle I like all your posts.


But can I ask that you can write them a little clearer in plainer english, I dont consider myself stupid but its hard to understand all the long words?


there are simply no involvements in deliberate effort other than spontaneous adaption within ordinary situations without going along with selfish emotional and psychological momentum.


I dont understand this for example.


Emptiness and Wuwei?


Without wishing to derail this thread sinansencer, this might be useful to you.

It conveys what deci belle posts.

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I wrote this for viator's introduction to the CRD subforum and had to whittle it down to 43 words!! Eeeeee!!❤




A Topical Guideline for Complete Reality Discussion


The essence of spiritual immortality is working with one's own immaterial medicines of fire and water in the furnace and crucible of the real human body's own heaven and earth which has no location.


So if it involves deliberate manipulation of anything created whether it be self, other, mind, body, inside or outside, physical or subtle; this is not it. Adapting impersonally to reality is it.


It should go without saying that all talk of energy-work regardless of its purported tradition of origination, should be discussed in the other subforums— otherwise, what is the point of having a section for the discussion of nonpsychological spiritual immortalism as described and practiced by the schools that have kept the knowledge of the mysteries of perception and selfless wonder alive?


Traditionally, energy work was only a recourse for the extremely elderly, as practiced by the southern branch of the Complete Reality school who may have needed to graft vitality in order to have the energy to function at the levels required of Complete Reality praxis.


The fact of the matter is that 100% of all energy-work done by bums is not relevant to discussion because all energy-events are spontaneous in Complete Reality praxis. Even joining the two things in the midst of actual affairs is accomplished spontaneously.


If energy-work must be discussed, it is not Complete Reality Practice, so please post these on the other subforums. Energy-work is auxiliary practice, a spin-off, and not the main thing.


The mantra of Complete Reality practice is "refine the self and await the time".


Posts should be written by those concerned with developing, defining and refining the practice of self-refinement in actual events because this is precisely when one takes over creation and steals potential— the secrets of "subtle operation".


It is none other than Lao Tzu's "empty the mind and fill the belly". When one steals potential and secrets it away in recondite silence beyond intellectualism, spiritual evolution occurs as naturally as digesting food— that is, without deliberating about it.


Whatever happens in everyday ordinary events is the matrix of creation. Even flying luminous bodies swirling about you and hovering in stillness before entering your physical body's organs with a distinct fizz, are just this phenomenal pearl of creation not worth paying attention to. Fixations on these kinds of things should be gotten rid of entirely.


Spiritual alchemy uses what is not seen by not using what is seen. By not using what is seen, one automatically is using what is not seen.


By not speculating in outcomes and entertaining ramifications of multifarious affairs, one simply goes along with events in terms of their unavoidability. This is how one gives of oneself freely and responds to people without confusion.


It will be unavoidable that bums will fixate on the spontaneous energy thing that is experienced without effort or deliberate intent as a part of the amassing of the medicines of fire and water. Just remember that all ordinary and extraordinary, benign and terrifying phenomena are just evidence of self and other which is to be forgotten as soon as it occurs.


Spiritual alchemy is the process of experiencing the totality of yourself in and out of time without dwelling on the contents of mind, however one's experience may manifest in terms of temporal or absolute. It is the joining without differentiation of delusion and enlightened qualities, temporal and absolute which is itself complete reality~ hence, the name of this tradition.


Ultimately, one discovers that fascination is itself of no account and one simply steps over the whole of creation~ eternity itself, and there is only the path of prior illuminates partaking of potential inherent in all being without singling out before or after, self and other, movement or stillness.


So the core of Complete Reality study is the matter of coming to terms with the Causeless. Buddhism calls this the matter of life and death. It is the crux of nonorigination.


The most appropriate material for posting in this subforum is what pertains to serious study, elucidation and embodiment of the intent of the classic alchemical manuals, esoteric Tao Te Ching and I Ching, the pristine transmission of the Secret of the Golden Flower translated by Thomas Cleary and the Caodong Chan/ Soto Zen classics since Bodhidharma came to China and Dogen returned to Japan that dispense with energy-work and recreational philosophical speculation.


Complete Reality praxis is discovery and entry into subtle operation in selfless immaterial aware potential; i.e., mind itself directly. Why? To be forever free from the cloying viscitudes following creation while living in their midst; aware of the totality of oneself.

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I "think" this a beginning of very good friendship! Lets steal horses together. Oh no its no a proposal for marriage!



She's a Buckskin, her name is Sunshine Buttercup …she's 29. heehee!!❤

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Even if the proposed subforum doesn't happen and my articles are dispersed wherever, you should be able to find them in one place if you google Lezboyenne.

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It was an accident, mr Judo… I'd never googled my name before and when I did, that's when I found out all those things were there!!

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