deci belle

Complete Reality section

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Sankoo, youz all…❤ And I hopes I didn't sound too sassy adept!! Your lovely sentiment prompted me to reconsider my absence over the last few weeks~ sm00chies pour vous, ma cher!!

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Well, now that the Articles Section has been temporarily spared by virtue of being buried as deeply as possible in the General Discussion forum, we don't need a separate section for all of deci's stuff (and everybody else's too)— hey, it wasn't my idea. …but a nice opportunity nonetheless that some mysterious powers toyed with.


We can even yell across the abyss at Apech hanging out avec those Hermeticists!❤


Perhaps these words on the Complete Reality tradition I go on and on about will be overlooked by the drive-bys and the mettlesome looky-loos who don't have anything better to do than to piss on posts, I dare say often enough, they cannot ever hope to reach in their current condition. All it takes is a subtle shift in orientation (hint, hint).


Can't hardly say i blame them though.❤❤





ed note: typo in last sentence

Edited by deci belle
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