
getting feel good stimuli without external drugs of any kind?

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So I get bored really easy, anyone know any good ways to stimulate the brain without coffee or illegal drugs? I know dancing and other body movements does this.


What about going in the reverse trying to calm the body down. Any visualizations or anything like that?


Basicaly what would help alleviate this bordom my body has.

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Breathing techniques can be either calming or stimulating. Feeling good in general- diet and exercise, mindfulness, music, spending time in nature, massage maybe aromatherapy.

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Sports, martial arts, music, playing music, any art basically, watching an exciting movie, hanging out with people, riding a bike... Anything that requires either physical or mental effort... :)

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sex with self without masturbation, i.e. internal tantra with an idealized mind construct (which is you), then blend the two, allow internalized mind construct to disappear and then become one with bliss...takes a lot of practice - but it is better than external sex for many. Must not orgasm though, or else you lose steam pressure.

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sex with self without masturbation, i.e. internal tantra with an idealized mind construct (which is you), then blend the two, allow internalized mind construct to disappear and then become one with bliss...takes a lot of practice - but it is better than external sex for many. Must not orgasm though, or else you lose steam pressure.

This sounds really complicated. I think I'll stick to naked ladies.

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I like dem too..but they are not always around, plus, you can fuck yourself 24/7, and eat this..but, however, etc. you might get rug burn if you fuck too much and dry-dick, so instead, fuck carefully, fully, aware-ully, and make it last for next few hours, then get off bed because its so wet. Next step. Nevercum = fantasy matrix. Idealized fantasy matrix = best sex ever had with self. We all do this anyway, so why not refine it? Imagine dakini in your mindhouse, then fuck the shit out of her, don't come but touch self = good, next, store energy in dantien. Spin wheel several times a day to make it stay and not evaporate. Then circle it up down spine/chest. After this eat sandwich and feel good about life because you are a superstar!

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