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Vanir Thunder Dojo Tan

Why do we Live on the Internet?

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I've noticed that many of us allocate an almost absurd amount of time to online activity.

Be it internet gaming like first person shooters or MMORPGs, web surfing like 4chan and /b/, or textually engaging discourse via forums (Hi there, The Tao Bums!) we spend a tremendous amount of our time online.

Many of us have what is suddenly referred to as a "real life" (as opposed to...?) which "interferes" with our online time, while others give the web little to no second thought and remain grounded in the reality "outside", however we're all crossing paths in various ways - sometimes unknowingly more than one or two, or even a handfull of ways!
Anonymity, an appealing attraction in the first place. we may all know each other from a history online and not ever know it, or how/"who" (past tense).

We now seem to have two worlds, both very real in and of themselves, yet one is discounted in some vague notion that a living person can "have no life".
But why?

Why are there, not only so many people online, but so many of them spending such an entirety of their time "here"? The anonymity example alone cannot explain it all.

We may be attracted to (m)any of the seemingly infinite uses, exploits, services, and otherwise "attractions" the internet has, but one stands out above all else.

An attractive feature of the internet, which appeals to the heart of hearts: both [the] anonymity and [the] community.

I believe that, inherently, human beings are naturally self-sovereign, owing to no outside force, being, body, person, or individual their Life, Will, and (continued) Existence. The evidence being our world wide web. Every ounce of activity online is a genuine artifact of Human Individual Sovereignty.

Forums especially exemplify the diversity of human beings and our thoughts, ideas, hopes, goals, dreams, and pursuits. This [diversity] is mutually shared amongst us all, and testament to our personal sovereign right to exist, act, and be as we are so willing.
Our free will is exercised online with the LEAST AMOUNT OF RESISTANCE.

So we gravitate toward the internet, as a place where we feel we are allowed to be genuine and true, without facade or veiled emotions.

A True Community where we find people we can genuinely relate to without worry of consequence.

To end my thoughts i ask one question:

Why don't so many of us live offline as honestly and openly we do online?

Edited by Northern Avid Judo Ant
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In the real world I am actually a white cat ... I need a special keyboard for my paws ... and I really give that mouse a hard time ... I also have a friend who is a dog called Browser ... hope this clarifies things ....

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"Why don't so many of us live offline as honestly and openly we do online?"


Er, I do.


This being said, you've asked some great questions. I'm online already a huge amount for work and when I take a quick break, I head over to TTB's. I might see a book link or something or an article posted here and run over and read that or I read a post from someone who is having a hard time and part of me feels compelled to help, to say I've been somewhere like that and it will get better.

Of course, now I have this weird new 'job' at the TTB, it's a bit different, perhaps this will compel me to spend more time offline haha.

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Winter. Soon be over now. Bring on that nice weather and hello outdoors. :-)

Agreed. We've had about 5 years worth of snow this year up here in rural Co Durham.

There's nothing like a brisk walk on a frosty Winter's morning though.

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