
Fashion is...

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...an industry standard. A consumer agreement.


There are so many different styles and types of clothes that people might want to wear that the clothing industry is streamlining their production through media-collaboration. The media creates an authoritative myth for people of weak character (follower-personality). If you wear what we tell you to wear, you are "in" the social group. If you refuse to help us optimize our profit model, you will be excluded from the "in" group, which is superior to the "out" group in that we told the media to make people believe that it is better, when in fact it isn't in any way.


It's a confidence trick.


I call it "fashionism".

Edited by Owledge

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still making and wearing phat rave pants wayyyy after they stopped being popular :P


also rope sandles are so comfy, get a lot of "woahhh jesus" comments tho...Not so good for the ol' ego lol

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A few years ago, here in dull Germany, I saw a teenage couple(?) walk past in something that I have to assume was from a theater play they did earlier. Looked a bit like two medieval jesters. Man, that felt SO GOOD. Just their presence there, breaking through all that dull mainstream bullshit.


That was while doing campaign help for the Pirate Party. An older guy said he already voted for Christian conservatives (major party) and asked why young people don't join those parties more. Man, that sucked! People are so naive and concrete-headed and just can't step outside their old habits, and then they can wish all they want, they can make the difference themselves but won't.

And later even the local Pirate Party diappointed me because of their pettiness.

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