
Cousin Marriages

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I think cousin marriages have been around since the beginning of mankind. obviously. No opinion one way or the other here.

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I would have a blood test before go on any further. I under that if the blood types are too closely related in the family; the offspring are most lightly deformed and retarded.

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When uniformity is valuable, cousin marriages are encouraged.

When diversity is valuable, cousin marriages are frowned upon.

When they are the only two people in the whole word, I guess they have to reproduce regardless of marriage.

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first cousins are directly related so technically its incest


but its legal in the US to marry, and in many other countries


i think complications can arise if it goes on for too many generations tho.. i've heard of kids in the hills of a state that i will not name who have very light skin and a tendancy towards birth defects


its actually only a recent development in history that cousin incest is considered taboo.. it was long accepted as i understand it, but i can't put a date on that.. you'll have to do your own research if it interests you

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What do u guys think about cousin marriages? Especially first cousins?



If you ask a knowledgeable doctor, they will say that humans have more genetic errors than other species.


Edited by alwayson
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Not sure if it's still the same but Eire recognized but didn't allow first cousin marriage but those were OK in the UK so they came over here to get married.

Edited by GrandmasterP

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At least have her be like your third or fourth cousin if there is really no one else in proximity. First cousin inbreeding leads to genetic defects like crazy. I plan on finding a woman that's of a completely different ethnicity and skin color if I can, trying to dilute the genetics for autoimmune disease in my family.

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Call me an old romantic but shouldn't love come into this rather than genetic selection?

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Call me an old romantic but shouldn't love come into this rather than genetic selection?

I agree, its all getting a bit Tina Turner in here.

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I agree, its all getting a bit Tina Turner in here.


Nutbush City Limits?

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On a serious point ... I think the cousin marriages only really have an effect through a few generations in communities where the gene pool is limited ... individual case probably ok.

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You can ask what it does in the spirit realm to marry.

Think is more than possible for many to marry only in the physical realm or lower dimensions and not in fact to marry in any more signifiicant sense.

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I agree cat. It's also possible to "marry" without the piece of paper. My ex is 2,000 miles away and she still calls to me at times, I wish she'd leave me be.

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Hello it is about marriage and not about childbearing.


Even if you try not to conceive, pregnancy happens. It happens a lot.

Edited by alwayson

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one: who marries and doesnt have sex?

two: how immediate are the risks of birth defects "simply because of" incest, or does it take a certain "build up" of incestuous ancestry to trigger defects?

three: if incest is genuinely a "bad thing" what evidence do we have to point that out with certainty?

Three is the most important question.

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three: if incest is genuinely a "bad thing" what evidence do we have to point that out with certainty?



Watch the documentary I posted on the last page.

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one: who marries and doesnt have sex?


two: how immediate are the risks of birth defects "simply because of" incest, or does it take a certain "build up" of incestuous ancestry to trigger defects?



three: if incest is genuinely a "bad thing" what evidence do we have to point that out with certainty?




Three is the most important question.



Question 2:






"The genetics of cousin marriages are fairly simple. There is a 2-3% risk of rare recessive genetic disorders in unrelated couples for every pregnancy. This risk rises to 4-6% in first-cousin marriages but higher if there is persistent practice of first-cousin marriages over the generations. We all carry mutations in our genome – the genetic code that carries the blueprints for our body, half of which we get from our fathers and the other half from our mothers. The chances of both carrying the same mutations is low, but is higher in first cousins and those marrying in very close-knit communities. If they both have the same mutations, there is a one in four chance of having an affected child – which can mean anything from a mild to a catastrophic illness, or even a miscarriage. More importantly, there is a one in two chance of having children who, while unaffected themselves, are also carriers."

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