
Why do People go to Church, Synagogues, Temples, etc?

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Because they have faith.


(faith, n. An unquestioning acceptence of something in the absense of reason, proof, and honesty)

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To be among people to share similar spiritual beliefs. It brings great comfort to many to be among many. Others may find similar comfort on a forum.

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To humble one's self before a higher power and recognize the value of minimizing the self for the collective. It's quite a different experience to be in a place of worship. Hopefully it's not all worship and no wisdom, but I think anyone willing to humble themselves can benefit from being there if they are trying to learn how to minimize the self and learn how to serve their fellow human beings.

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because it's what they've been taught to do, and they apply every "reason" they can to do it.

EVEN if they dont want to, they can still make good reason to; i've gone to church for the sake of those who've invited me, not for myself.

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Aye there definitely is an energy difference with a group versus individual, it's an amplification effect and a matter of synchronous entrainment toward a specific frequency. Other members of my church and family were outraged with me as a teen for trying to explain the difference I saw in energy in my church during intense worship because I was sure it was something that could happen away from the church as well. Worship would always produce a deep red miasma about 5 feet above our heads and I could see the red streamers coming off people. It was rather interesting but I couldn't explore it further at that time.

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because it's what they've been taught to do, and they apply every "reason" they can to do it.


EVEN if they dont want to, they can still make good reason to; i've gone to church for the sake of those who've invited me, not for myself.

project much NAJA?

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I would recommend anyone who has 20 minutes, to listen to alain de bottons TED talk on this.




Because they have faith.


(faith, n. An unquestioning acceptence of something in the absense of reason, proof, and honesty)


Assumption of a sweeping kind.

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Because they have faith.


(faith, n. An unquestioning acceptence of something in the absense of reason, proof, and honesty)


I don't go to Church, Synagogues or Temples because I have faith in myself.

OR I have faith in my creator, who's provided everything I need to succeed whatever path I take.

When I lose faith, i may go to these places to let others tell me where to walk.

Edited by hydrogen

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To be among people to share similar spiritual beliefs. It brings great comfort to many to be among many. Others may find similar comfort on a forum.


I agree with the notion that people like the company of those with similiar beliefs,...however, to speak factually,...spirituality is directly opposite of belief. In other words, a "spiritual belief" is pretty much an oxymoron,...the term spiritual, although nowaday's perverted in meaning, is that which is beyond physical,...thus beyond all belief. Belief is synonymous with faith,...and neither are synonymous with spirituality.

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I don't go to Church, Synagogues or Temples because I have faith in myself.

OR I have faith in my creator, who's provided everything I need to succeed whatever path I take.

When I lose faith, i may go to these places to let others tell me where to walk.


I disagree,...your statement suggests that you simply have a different faith. No one liberated from faith would go to a Church, Synagogue, or temple for service nor communon. People don't go to Church, synagogues or temples because they lost faith. LOL


As for faith in yourself,...that must be the most debilitating form of faith,...a faith in the delusion that people believe they are. Yes,...the faith you cling to for your identity is likely the most handicaping of all faith.

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thank you for the interesting video cat.. i liked the guy that came on in the last 5 minutes best


i can only speak for myself, i go to temples because the experience i have there is qualitatively different than meditating alone at home. Places of religion absorb a certain atmosphere of calm and tranquility which seems to seep into the walls and radiate outward to those in the rooms. I like the art and colorful thangka paintings, the smell of incense, and it reminds me of the community of practitioners whom i appreciate, even when i am there alone.


I don't really go to church or synagogue, but i imagine that those are places where people find some kind of inner peace or at least quietude, which might be all they get as far as spiritual experience goes. Worshiping christ on the cross isn't my thing, nor am i jewish or muslim, but as so many people have pointing out before, it helps many people to connect with virtue in that way.


religions are a two sided issue, there is great good in their ability to lead people towards virtue and fellowship in the spirit, and there is great harm in their polarization of people into aggressive zealots. So there is more to the picture than any one sided portrait of it, like the one found in the OP, could paint. Religions are powerful, and that deserves to be looked at, even if it is decided that their power lies entirely in the ignorance of humanity, we certainly could learn a lot about ignorance by examining religion. Writing it off as folly can be a cop-out, the end of a dialogue where one should just be beginning, as Alain de Botton illustrated in his talk.


the harm of religion comes from thinking things are a certain way and never looking beyond that with the open eyes of a beginner to see if you are right or wrong, or what other possibilities can exist. And the harm of views like that expressed in the OP is the exact same.. so whether one takes the view of religion or anti-religion, their minds are probably encased is dualistic vision and are unable to encompass the naked truth that everything exists because it has its purpose and lesson. Instead of blind rejection, one could adopt an inquisitive attitude and wonder why humanity has always created religions? what is it that is "there" that causes people to come together in this way? i think its very fascinating

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In old times the people were working hard and physical when the technical development was little which cause much yang.

For these the christian churches were build cool churches which are yin to balance the yang.


As for others it is that religion was always used for community unity and find something which is worth living and dying for.

As well a temple is a place where one pray, ritual and use of the mass of the collective as well one need to to do something for the folks so they may give their sharing and donation so they can archive their goals either worldy for influence or to have not work to concentrate that much on work and more on spiritual practise.


Church, Synagogue, or Temple as Sacred Space, or reflection of Sacred Space is an interesting twist. Yet, how Sacred can a "building" devoted to faith and belief actually be?

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mathematics can express the sacred, and buildings are built based on mathematical proportions.


it is quite possible that a structure can evoke the sacred, and this is why most temples are built with sacred geometry as their basis.

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Weddings and funerals. Those are reasons I go. Don't feel a personal need for organized religion, but it's nice for people to have structures and rituals to commemorate life events.

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It's built in to the psyche to find the Absolute Truth, whatever that's wrapped in doesn't matter.


There is a subconscious longing to be back in the Natural State.


Look at it from a relative angle... Why do you come to taobums and take part in these forums? Why are you a Taoist, Buddhist, Mystic, Connoisseur?


It's built into the mechanics of Existence.


I have found Life itself to be the Church, Synagogue, Temple ...pause for reverence of all that is and the underlying Absolute Infinite Connectedness of the Tao ...(or what others call God)

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It's built in to the psyche to find the Absolute Truth, whatever that's wrapped in doesn't matter.


There is a subconscious longing to be back in the Natural State.


Look at it from a relative angle... Why do you come to taobums and take part in these forums? Why are you a Taoist, Buddhist, Mystic, Connoisseur?


It's built into the mechanics of Existence.


I have found Life itself to be the Church, Synagogue, Temple ...pause for reverence of all that is and the underlying Absolute Infinite Connectedness of the Tao ...(or what others call God)


Fully agree that everyone has an inherent longing to "reconnect" with Source,...unfortunately, the pilgramage to quench that longing has, for most, been filtered through faith (the unquestioning acceptence of things withot reason, proof, and above all, honesty.


The underlying longing may be for Absolute Truth,...however, Absolute Truth will NEVER be uncovered through dishonesty.


René Descartes articulated, "All that I have tried to understand to the present time has been affected by my senses; now I know these senses are deceivers, and it is prudent to be distrustful after one has been deceived once."


Lao Tzu said, "the ego is a monkey catapulting through the jungle; totally fascinated by the realm of the senses....if anyone threaten it, it actually fears for its life. Let this monkey go. Let the senses go."


"As soon as one sense-organ returns to the source, All the six are liberated." Avalokitesvara


Churches, Synagogues, Temples,....are places of sentience,...they intoxicate the 6 senses of the faithful,...keeping them always blind to Absolute Truth. The Tao has no connection with places of worship, for Churches, Synagogues, Temples intrinsically point to things that are other than they are.


Lao Tzu said, "Recognize that everything you see and think is a falsehood, an illusion, a veil over the truth."


Lao Tzu said, "...religions are desperate, clever, human inventions; the Intregal Way is a deep expression of the whole...religions rely on hypnotic manipulation of undeveloped minds; the Intregal Way is founded on the free transmission of immutable truth."

Lao Tzu correctly said, "The Tao gives birth to One. One gives birth to yin and yang. Yin and yang give birth to all things....The Tao gives rise to all form, yet is has no form of its own."

The Tao has no connection with the Yin/Yang of religions, except in that religions effect their perceived motion from the still fulcrum of the Tao.


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Fully agree that everyone has an inherent longing to "reconnect" with Source,...unfortunately, the pilgramage to quench that longing has, for most, been filtered through faith (the unquestioning acceptence of things withot reason, proof, and above all, honesty.

"Faith" is just a precursor. You originally had "Faith" in yourself to figure out all these paths or had Faith in Taoism/Lao Tzu. It's used as a precursor to take up any path initially, which later on transforms into a direct living breathing experience during which Faith is discarded for knowing/experiencing. If you think it's all about and only about "Faith" itself, then you've mistakenly taken the Exoteric for the Esoteric and thrown own the baby with the bath water


The underlying longing may be for Absolute Truth,...however, Absolute Truth will NEVER be uncovered through dishonesty.


René Descartes articulated, "All that I have tried to understand to the present time has been affected by my senses; now I know these senses are deceivers, and it is prudent to be distrustful after one has been deceived once."


Lao Tzu said, "the ego is a monkey catapulting through the jungle; totally fascinated by the realm of the senses....if anyone threaten it, it actually fears for its life. Let this monkey go. Let the senses go."


"As soon as one sense-organ returns to the source, All the six are liberated." Avalokitesvara

No qualms there. Whole heartedly in agreement.


Churches, Synagogues, Temples,....are places of sentience,...they intoxicate the 6 senses of the faithful,...keeping them always blind to Absolute Truth. The Tao has no connection with places of worship, for Churches, Synagogues, Temples intrinsically point to things that are other than they are.

That's the case if you blindingly limit the Tao to what it is capable of. Bernadette Roberts plunged into the Tao while in Stillness/Prayer in a Church. I agree there is certainly a shallowness that is composed of 6 sense highs based on the services performed in these institutions, but you'd be stupid to limit when, how, why and who has access to the Tao.


Just because you came to it your way, does not mean it's the only way!!!!


Lao Tzu said, "Recognize that everything you see and think is a falsehood, an illusion, a veil over the truth."


Lao Tzu said, "...religions are desperate, clever, human inventions; the Intregal Way is a deep expression of the whole...religions rely on hypnotic manipulation of undeveloped minds; the Intregal Way is founded on the free transmission of immutable truth."

Exoterically speaking ......this is true.


Esoterically speaking, there are means/methods to remove the veils.


Lao Tzu correctly said, "The Tao gives birth to One. One gives birth to yin and yang. Yin and yang give birth to all things....The Tao gives rise to all form, yet is has no form of its own."


The Tao has no connection with the Yin/Yang of religions, except in that religions effect their perceived motion from the still fulcrum of the Tao.

At the end of the day, we are partially in agreement. However I do not limit the Tao and its access to it the way you seem to do. It's all good. Arguing these things is like arguing colors with blind men.


I'm sure Tzu himself wold agree there are countless Esoteric Methods that lead to the Tao, as well as agreeing there are countless Exoteric MEthods that lead to 6-sense Illusions.

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"Faith" is just a precursor. You originally had "Faith" in yourself to figure out all these paths or had Faith in Taoism/Lao Tzu. It's used as a precursor to take up any path initially, which later on transforms into a direct living breathing experience during which Faith is discarded for knowing/experiencing. If you think it's all about and only about "Faith" itself, then you've mistakenly taken the Exoteric for the Esoteric and thrown own the baby with the bath water



No,...I disagree,...welcoming Daoist or Buddhist ideals, is absent of all faith. Perhaps many,...maybe even most,...depend on faith as a precursor,...but until faith is fully let go of,...there is no connection with Heart-mind. Faith is a barrier to Heart Consciousness. Although most "Believers" feel faith connects them to the Heart,...it doesn't,...it is impossible. One cannot have a direct experience through the conditions of faith.


A truly spiritual life has no room for faith,...and a life of faith is devoid of any recognition of spirituality.

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