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Vanir Thunder Dojo Tan

I ching haiku chain.

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I'm noticing the haiku chain has a beautiful flow and frequency...!

As if it has it's own unique bi/tri/quad/hex/oct/dec/#^grams flowing in and out of each other...

Let me explain more:

We have a haiku that starts off silly, attention grabber, just for shits and giggles:

This is a haiku.
Five syllables in first line.
then seven, then five.

kind of nonsensical, but has directions, a blueprint.

A self contained haiku.

Next we pick up, via haiku chain thread, the last 5 syllables and start anew.

Then seven, then five.
We bring the haiku to life
I Ching example!

it starts getting a little "deeper" in the philosophical sense.

I ching example!
The sixty four hexagrams
ducklings in a row

and back closer to more nonsense.

I've been keeping close watch on the haiku thread. it's gone into page-long "nonsense" haikus and flowed into page long "neutral" haikus, and then flowed into "philosophical" haikus.

the haiku chain is a prime example of flowing harmony between extremes of yin and yang.

Nonsense and philosophy; literacy and figure.

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I'm noticing the haiku chain has a beautiful flow and frequency...!

One of the coolest threads evah! B)

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like how the I Ching can "show" the cycle of changes in the universe, the Haiku thread can be used to "show" the cycle of changes on TTB.

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I ching example!

The sixty four hexagrams

ducklings in a row


Ducklings in a row

Yet, Wu Ji becomes Tai Ji

The Yin and the Yang.

Edited by ChiDragon
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