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Guest pix58


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Guest pix58

Hi everyone, I am heavily involved with Chi on many levels and am from a lineage of a Japanese Shaolin Chi Grand Master although shows how Chi works!

I have had supernatural and paranormal experiences from the age of 4 and have spent many years on my spiritual search before I found what was right for me. I am not a Martial Artist but my husband is and a Chi Master who was told of me by his Japanese Master years before we met.

I was introduced to Chi by him and it went from there. There are many choices and facets to Chi, I do know that the more you get to know the more you realize just how much you don't know!!

Do hope to have many interesting discussions with you all and look forward to meeting you all.

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Guest pix58

Hello cat and thanks for the greeting, it is nice to meet you. I am quite new to the forum please bear with am struggling as to how to do my profile so any tips appreciated.

Edited by pix58

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Hi everyone, I am heavily involved with Chi on many levels and am from a lineage of a Japanese Shaolin Chi Grand Master ....


Hi Pix & welcome....excuse my ignorance, but I didn't realise there were any Japanese Shaolin Chi Grand Masters !

Is there a Japanese form of Shaolin Gung Fu or do you mean your husbands Instructor was Japanese & had studied Shaolin ?

Or am I being thick (which is also quite possible)


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Guest pix58

Hi Basher,


Yes there is Shaolin in Japan, my husband was trained by a Shaolin Monk Grand Master of martial arts (and Chi) from Japan back in the 1950's way before it became popular and was himself a Master in the 1960's. The Martial Art form was one of full body contact and when the time was right he was introduced to Chi through this. The mastery of the body as the means to enlightenment. My way to Chi was very different. Hope this helps.

As a P.S am not sure if he went to China first to become Shaolin!

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Many thanks for the update, Pix.

I'm aware that the Japanese took some parts of Chinese Boxing & taught it as "Shorinji-Kempo".

But wasn't aware that there was a Japanese link to Shaolin itself.

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