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mike 134

sleep walking?

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Hey I'm wondering if any of you have problems with sleep walking or doing things in your sleep you don't remember later? I've been misplacing many important items lately and I'm getting paranoid that somebody is breaking into my house and stealing from me, but then I realize that maybe I'm doing it myself. I've been taking a lot of sleeping pills and sedatives for kundalini syndrome and I'm wondering if they are causing it instead. Or perhaps the syndrome itself causes sleepwalking? It messes up with sleep in other ways too.



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Yeah I had a couple of experiences with it (sleepwalking) ages ago that I would attribute to Kundalini syndrome. It messed up lots of things but demessed them as well - if that makes any sense?


I've also read that sleeping pills can increase the incidence of sleepwalking.


From the article 'People who take SSRIs or sleeping pills are much more likely to sleepwalk at least twice a month than those who don’t.'

(On a side note, that was pretty cool when I copy-pasted the quote and the link to the article automatically got pasted with it...)

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