
Banned TED talks on Science

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Now I will have to repost my comments pointing out Graham's errors about cave art and psychedelics -- he makes huge mistakes about the Bushmen culture.


Rupert Sheldrake though has had the Spring Forest Qigong research passed onto him by his research assistant.

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Now I will have to repost my comments pointing out Graham's errors about cave art and psychedelics -- he makes huge mistakes about the Bushmen culture.


Rupert Sheldrake though has had the Spring Forest Qigong research passed onto him by his research assistant.


Drew hes making theories, like most people are Imo. Unless they were alive 10,000 years ago.

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Drew hes making theories, like most people are Imo. Unless they were alive 10,000 years ago.


I actually talked to Graham back in 1998.


No -- Graham is making errors that go against the traditional culture alive today as preserved in the cave art.


Dr. Bradford Keeney's book "Ropes to God" goes into this in great detail.


Graham is relying on Lewis-William's book on cave art -- and I've read that book also - it's just too uninformed and generalized.


So yeah Graham has really no knowledge about the original human culture.


As I posted on youtube originally -- the !Gwa plant is the psychedelic plant used by the original humans but it is mainly used by the females and only then before they hit puberty and they usually only take it once.


As Dr. Richard Katz states the psychedelic plant is "neither necessary nor sufficient" for the healing trance training in the Bushmen culture.


The training is the source of the Taoist and Indian traditions and the shamanic trance training around the world - using music and trance dancing and celibacy.


The psychedelic scene is unaware of the power of the Bushmen healers - it goes way beyond what psychedelics can do.


So it's kind of tragic - I've been working on getting the psychedelic community to acknowledge the qigong masters and the original human culture.


It's not just erroneous to misrepresent the Bushmen culture - it is morally corrupt also.


It wouldn't take much on Graham's part but then he is confessing his long pot addiction and I can see how that would limit him intellectually and also he is not ready to kick off that drug crutch. haha.

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I think Hancock is wrong ...I think that shamanism did not begin or coincide with cave art I think that cave art began because practices had to changed to offset the gradual loss of our innate shamanic abilities it was a cultural step to try to prevent the loss of 'knowledge' ... just as written traditions emerged much later for the same reason to codify what we knew in order to preserve.

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After reading your posts on the Bushmen culture, it made me rethink Terence Mckenna's work. The food of gods didn't come close to acknowledging the shamanic trance training. I guess like you said, most of them haven't acknowledged the qigong masters yet.


I did noticed that you experimented with drugs too. I recall you saying you would sit in full lotus and take hits that were far past normal users would do.


yeah it's just a matter of a learning curve.


I'm still reading Dennis McKenna's memoir about growing up in the 60s drug culture with Terrance.


A fascinating book -- but yeah definitely lacking compared to the qigong masters. haha. Or real yoga masters -- the best example is Ram Dass's guru taking LSD -- everyone mainly now assumes he "palmed it." No way!


The druggies just don't realize the power of the laser brain energy -- shakti or shen, etc.

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heh, the analogy of peeping through the keyhole and seeing your parents screwing comes to mind - you're too young to know what the hell you're seeing or understand why its happening - same with taking psychedelics. neither necessary nor sufficient.

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Peyote is very powerful. Taking it showed me different realms, stopped me drinking alchohol and showed me many ways to live. I am greatful to it.

Edited by sinansencer
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yeah it's just a matter of a learning curve.


I'm still reading Dennis McKenna's memoir about growing up in the 60s drug culture with Terrance.


A fascinating book -- but yeah definitely lacking compared to the qigong masters. haha. Or real yoga masters -- the best example is Ram Dass's guru taking LSD -- everyone mainly now assumes he "palmed it." No way!


The druggies just don't realize the power of the laser brain energy -- shakti or shen, etc.


Drew I really dont think its helpful to call people "druggies" or attack other peoples interests in order to boost your own. Although it could be helpful sometimes and I guess this makes me realise attacking science could potentially be a little violent too.

Edited by sinansencer

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Drew I really dont think its helpful to call people "druggies" or attack other peoples interests in order to boost your own. Although it could be helpful sometimes and I guess this makes me realise attacking science could potentially be a little violent too.


Right! See that's a double entendre hyperbole just to emphasize my right to not be P.C. as an expression of free speech!


It's like in Chinese culture you can call a person "old man" or "old woman" without being disrespectful.


So "druggie" is obviously meant to get under people's skin just to expose the superficial nature of their definition of reality.


I've done plant-based DMT and it's way beyond what someone would call a drug - it's actually a "post-death experience."


Dennis McKenna says DMT is not a hallucinagen but a psychedelic drug.


umm... Western civilization is controlled by druggies -- sugar is a drug. Salt is a drug.


The original human culture rarely had salt and in Taoist Yoga: Alchemy and Immortality it states to not have salt.


caffeine is a drug. So druggies really applies to everyone in modern society.


I am a druggie just be de facto having a scavenger diet like the Theravedin monks - I just take what is given to me. When I pay for food I have even stooped to buying caffeine and processed food and chocolate, etc.


When I did strict qigong training I did not even have salt much less sugar or caffeine.


But let's face it just the salt-sugar-caffeine addictions are the real basis for being druggies - not to mention nicotine, alcohol, and all the other prescription psychotropics, etc.


You know drug companies spend way more money on advertising than research and Dr. Mercola just had an article on how people then push their doctors to give them drugs because of the t.v. drug advertising all the time.


So people are overprescribed statin drugs over example - big time - with major side effects since statin drugs increase blood sugar levels and cause cancer, etc.


Yep I use the term "druggies" precisely to invoke it's true meaning.

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I've done plant-based DMT and it's way beyond what someone would call a drug - it's actually a "post-death experience."


Dennis McKenna says DMT is not a hallucinagen but a psychedelic drug.


I'm interested in hearing more about DMT, so if anyone has more info, I'd be glad to hear it.


My interest in DMT was piqued about a year ago when Dr. Eben Alexander published his book, Proof of Heaven. Dr. Alexander is a neurosurgeon who has had a very powerful near-death experience. Anyway, when I was researching his story, I came across someone who sort-of discounted the doctor's experience, saying that he hadn't really seen the afterlife. This person professed to have personally used DMT, which engendered an experience similar to Dr. Alexander's.

What is more, this individual did not discount the spiritual aspect of either his or the doctor's experiences. He said that the Doctor had merely reached "hyperspace", that had he pursued further, he would have entered the spiritual home we occupy between lives. He claimed that reincarnating is sort of like our "jobs", and implied that the place we inhabit between lives is our true home.


So I took from this, that DMT is FAR more powerful than any other drug, and that by taking it, one has access to the spiritual realm, possibly more effectual than even NDEs, and life-between-life regression hypnosis, or ayahuasca.


Any information someone has, either in credit to DMT, or in discredit, please share.

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DMT is the active ingredient compound in ayahuacsa ;)

Edited by joeblast

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I'm interested in hearing more about DMT, so if anyone has more info, I'd be glad to hear it.


My interest in DMT was piqued about a year ago when Dr. Eben Alexander published his book, Proof of Heaven. Dr. Alexander is a neurosurgeon who has had a very powerful near-death experience. Anyway, when I was researching his story, I came across someone who sort-of discounted the doctor's experience, saying that he hadn't really seen the afterlife. This person professed to have personally used DMT, which engendered an experience similar to Dr. Alexander's.

What is more, this individual did not discount the spiritual aspect of either his or the doctor's experiences. He said that the Doctor had merely reached "hyperspace", that had he pursued further, he would have entered the spiritual home we occupy between lives. He claimed that reincarnating is sort of like our "jobs", and implied that the place we inhabit between lives is our true home.


So I took from this, that DMT is FAR more powerful than any other drug, and that by taking it, one has access to the spiritual realm, possibly more effectual than even NDEs, and life-between-life regression hypnosis, or ayahuasca.


Any information someone has, either in credit to DMT, or in discredit, please share.


I've studied NDEs and I've done plant-based DMT -- ayahuasca analog -- a strong dose.


Real NDEs are way more powerful than DMT.


DMT is what Master Nan, Huai-chin calls converting jing to chi.


You do access the astral realm as the rainbow vortex which is holographic and there is a loud OHM sound emitted from the heart chakra but it is still 2nd chakra energy as jing to chi energy.


There is no building up of chi energy from DMT.


The NDEs -- there is real astral travel based on the chi of the body.


It depends - it is possible to have an NDE from DMT overdose as I've read of this happening to one person who is now a ayahusca curandero.


So yes there is spirit travel possible with DMT but the real shamans also do the celibacy and fasting and take tons of DMT.


They still can not transmit energy but they can see inside people's bodies.


The difference between NDE and actual death is that the level of Emptiness is not the same as the spirit stays attached to the body.


People can die from DMT but it is from the MAOI as serotonin syndrome overdose. This is basically over activation of the vagus nerve which is similar to a yogi having their heart slow down too much.


Qigong master Chunyi Lin had his heart stop for over 2 hours and yet he was functioning fine the whole time but he does not recommend this for others. haha.


So basically the NDE is different -- some just see the gateway to heaven -- others seem to go to heaven but then return.


One NDE asked what the light was -- if the light was God and she was told that the light was not God but the breath of God.


Another NDE boy saw Jesus but he was a rainbow vortex.




So for example if your chi energy is stronger then the plant DMT drug or some other type of psychedelic - like Salvia Divinorum - then your chi energy can over-ride the DMT from causing it to separate your spirit from your body.


So I think the difference between heaven and a DMT or NDE experience depends on how much chi energy a person has at death to power the travel of the spirit.


Dr. Eben Alexander says he had to consciously remember a certain melody he had learned in order to pull his spirit out of the lower astral realm into the heavenly astral realm. His spirit would return back to the lower astral realm and then when he forced himself to remember the melody then he returned to the heavenly realm.


So this is very much the same as the Icaros or sacred spirit songs used to guide the Ayahusca trip -- and this is the basis for my whole research -- the Perfect Fifth and Fourth intervals are literally yang and yin energy -- it is non-western music theory as a shamanic reality.


Anyway so to train to be a DMT shaman you have to take dose after dose immediately after coming down - so like three or four times. Most people can't do that -- I asked Dennis McKenna if he had done that since he's done ayahuasca tons of times and he said: No. I asked him if he had a permanent psychophysiological transformation from taking DMT and he said no but it didn't do any harm. haha. I said - can you feel the middle of your brain? Nope.


So the druggie scene really is out of touch with the qigong training - but again there are a few real shamans in the DMT scene who have also done the traditional meditation training - celibacy away from females - in the jungle - on special diet and fasting and doing tons of DMT and chanting, etc.


People who have had NDEs though often come back with the brain permanently transformed -- some experience electromagnetic energy and others have their heart chakra open up and become spiritual teachers, etc.

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Peyote is very powerful. Taking it showed me different realms, stopped me drinking alchohol and showed me many ways to live. I am greatful to it.


me too.


its also the reason i don't do drugs or drink.

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i haven't gotten to watch those talks, and won't have time for a little while, but i am wondering, who banned them exactly? were they banned in Argentina, or by TED, or by some parents group? can someone clarify?

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i haven't gotten to watch those talks, and won't have time for a little while, but i am wondering, who banned them exactly? were they banned in Argentina, or by TED, or by some parents group? can someone clarify?


Basically the skeptic scientists complained to TED -- hold on...


yeah that has the details.

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Edited by sinansencer

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I've studied NDEs and I've done plant-based DMT -- ayahuasca analog -- a strong dose.


Real NDEs are way more powerful than DMT.


DMT is what Master Nan, Huai-chin calls converting jing to chi.


You do access the astral realm as the rainbow vortex which is holographic and there is a loud OHM sound emitted from the heart chakra but it is still 2nd chakra energy as jing to chi energy.


There is no building up of chi energy from DMT.


The NDEs -- there is real astral travel based on the chi of the body.


It depends - it is possible to have an NDE from DMT overdose as I've read of this happening to one person who is now a ayahusca curandero.


So yes there is spirit travel possible with DMT but the real shamans also do the celibacy and fasting and take tons of DMT.


They still can not transmit energy but they can see inside people's bodies.


The difference between NDE and actual death is that the level of Emptiness is not the same as the spirit stays attached to the body.


People can die from DMT but it is from the MAOI as serotonin syndrome overdose. This is basically over activation of the vagus nerve which is similar to a yogi having their heart slow down too much.


Qigong master Chunyi Lin had his heart stop for over 2 hours and yet he was functioning fine the whole time but he does not recommend this for others. haha.


So basically the NDE is different -- some just see the gateway to heaven -- others seem to go to heaven but then return.


One NDE asked what the light was -- if the light was God and she was told that the light was not God but the breath of God.


Another NDE boy saw Jesus but he was a rainbow vortex.




So for example if your chi energy is stronger then the plant DMT drug or some other type of psychedelic - like Salvia Divinorum - then your chi energy can over-ride the DMT from causing it to separate your spirit from your body.


So I think the difference between heaven and a DMT or NDE experience depends on how much chi energy a person has at death to power the travel of the spirit.


Dr. Eben Alexander says he had to consciously remember a certain melody he had learned in order to pull his spirit out of the lower astral realm into the heavenly astral realm. His spirit would return back to the lower astral realm and then when he forced himself to remember the melody then he returned to the heavenly realm.


So this is very much the same as the Icaros or sacred spirit songs used to guide the Ayahusca trip -- and this is the basis for my whole research -- the Perfect Fifth and Fourth intervals are literally yang and yin energy -- it is non-western music theory as a shamanic reality.


Anyway so to train to be a DMT shaman you have to take dose after dose immediately after coming down - so like three or four times. Most people can't do that -- I asked Dennis McKenna if he had done that since he's done ayahuasca tons of times and he said: No. I asked him if he had a permanent psychophysiological transformation from taking DMT and he said no but it didn't do any harm. haha. I said - can you feel the middle of your brain? Nope.


So the druggie scene really is out of touch with the qigong training - but again there are a few real shamans in the DMT scene who have also done the traditional meditation training - celibacy away from females - in the jungle - on special diet and fasting and doing tons of DMT and chanting, etc.


People who have had NDEs though often come back with the brain permanently transformed -- some experience electromagnetic energy and others have their heart chakra open up and become spiritual teachers, etc.


Do you have any info on Icaros

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Do you have any info on Icaros




o.k. that's my blogpost on DMT and the pineal gland.... via qigong of course.


Dang - I got to review my blogposts to find this....


The Jungle Gym in Consciousness: Music and hallucinogenic healing rituals

Edited by pythagoreanfulllotus
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im not saying its right, or that G.Hancock is wrong, but wtf did he think was going to happen if he gave a talk like that?


TED isn't the platform for those thoughts. Its great to be passionate about what you believe in (like the healing power of sacred plants) but its also good to have discretion. Things like entheogens are self-secret.. you can tell someone all about them and how great they are, but if they aren't ready to hear you they will demonize you and make you into a drug-addled lunatic in the media or wherever they can.


I'm glad ayuahasca helped him kick pot... he's a good mind, and being stoned 24/7 is a waste of time and money.


drew: thanks for the link, interesting article. i listened to the beginning of the JRE clip and was surprised that TED sucks so much. And i would expect them to suck considering their exposure level.

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im not saying its right, or that G.Hancock is wrong, but wtf did he think was going to happen if he gave a talk like that?


TED isn't the platform for those thoughts. Its great to be passionate about what you believe in (like the healing power of sacred plants) but its also good to have discretion. Things like entheogens are self-secret.. you can tell someone all about them and how great they are, but if they aren't ready to hear you they will demonize you and make you into a drug-addled lunatic in the media or wherever they can.


I'm glad ayuahasca helped him kick pot... he's a good mind, and being stoned 24/7 is a waste of time and money.


drew: thanks for the link, interesting article. i listened to the beginning of the JRE clip and was surprised that TED sucks so much. And i would expect them to suck considering their exposure level.



Well TED has speakers on sex slavery and NDEs and lots of other wild topics -- but when it comes to a topic that threatens the materialist Darwinian thugs -- which is really what they are -- then it has to be censored.


I am well aware of that scene since I posted on P.Z. Myers blog and then he banned me -- I mean I posted knowing full well I would be banned. People assumed I was posting satire which is was since I would never take PZ Myers seriously. haha. I was just making fun of the whole scene but also throwing out alot of information that caught people's eye.


For example this was back in 2006 and quantum biology was not accepted by P.Z. Myers since it challenges the NeoDarwinian Dawkins agenda. But now quantum biology is mainstream and it relies on nonlocal strangeness -- quantum "quasi-telepathy" and communication faster than light, etc.


Another thing is I pointed out Dawkins is not really an atheist materialist but in fact a techno-spiritualist as Dawkins promotes synthetic biology based on Platonic sacred geometry via Buckyfullerenes. Dawkins has attended conferences promoting synthetic biology as the replacement of nature with nanobiomotors. Now that is not evolution! It is technological destruction of ecology -- so it's basically transhumanism as some religious singularity.


TED allows those kind of talks - -and they attack the earth friendly spiritual talks.


Finally E.O. Wilson has destroyed Dawkins whole selfish gene paradigm which relies was used to justify the fascist Reagan revolution just as the fake monotheism of Haeckel justifed Nazism.



Rather than being a strict Darwinian, Haeckel believed that racial characteristics were acquired through interactions with the environment and that ontogeny directly followed phylogeny. He believed the social sciences to be instances of "applied biology". Most of these arguments have been shown to be over-generalizations at best and flatly incorrect at worst in modern biology and social studies.[4] In 1905, Haeckel founded a group called the "Monist League" to promote his religious and political beliefs. This group lasted until 1933 and included such notable members as Wilhelm Ostwald, Georg von Arco, Helene Stöcker and Walter Arthur Berendsohn.[7]


This person tries to apologize for this hierarchical racism as science -- being just the rational milieu of the time.


Well guess what? Same situation here - these fascist ultra-rationalists are vehementally against non-western traditions and actually against ecology.


I told P.Z. Myers if he really cared about ecology he'd be exposing Cargill, the world's largest private corporation, based in Minnesota, where P.Z. Myers, the top science skeptic blogger, is a professor. But Cargill controls the biology department at the U of MN -- financing genetics research -- just as Minnesota was the leader in eugenics in the 1930s - using the phrase "to build a better man-crop." Eugenics was considered progressive along with sanitation just as P.Z. Myers considers himself progressive now but aligns himself with this liberal genocide of U.S. rationalist imperialism - military corporate science.

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Love your post pythagoreanfulllotus.


I used to be a big fan of Dawkins before becoming more spiritual aware (the red pill).

He and people alike him are "worshiping" nihilistic science. To them there is nothing to life, which is ironic since they do think themself alive.

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Love your post pythagoreanfulllotus.


I used to be a big fan of Dawkins before becoming more spiritual aware (the red pill).

He and people alike him are "worshiping" nihilistic science. To them there is nothing to life, which is ironic since they do think themself alive.


Drew Hempel 21 hours ago

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My comment exposing the errors of Graham was censored!


haha. Hilarious.


I feel so sorry for the druggie scene - the freak out about celibacy qigong training as the original human culture.

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I feel so sorry for the druggie scene - the freak out about celibacy qigong training as the original human culture.


I think the reason why they are freaking out, is that the spiritual part of "drug trip" validate their addiction.


With it they are "to deep" for normal people to understand.

Without it they are airheads with addiction problems.

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I think the reason why they are freaking out, is that the spiritual part of "drug trip" validate their addiction.


With it they are "to deep" for normal people to understand.

Without it they are airheads with addiction problems.


Yeah like the Tao Addict paradox -- consciousness is "always already" so it's impossible to be addicted to it. haha.


I know that LSD and shrooms are not deep enough to really rewire people's materialistic energy blockages. I mean unless someone was taking them all the time but personally I would never take LSD. Anyway I think a lot of these ayahuasca trips are too superficial too because a person goes down to the Amazon but they don't fast for 24 hours and so they just puke the whole time. Then they come home a brag about their "purging." haha. I mean yeah there are some visions but it's just subconscious stuff coming up -- manifesting as superconsciousness. Sure it's helpful but they usually get small doses.


My new comment has not been censored but also not commented on.


I think now I'm gonna comment to Joe Rogan on that Eddie Huang expose on TED b/c someone commented they watched the Graham vid after being sent over from the Eddie Huang vid. I am trying to get Joe Rogan to delve into the qigong master scene - I know it's a long shot but he needs to do it considering he sells himself as into wild stuff and martial arts plus DMT means a need for a qigong master. haha.

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