
What non supernatural powers do you have?

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I have done sustained one minute breathing cycles, currently doing 44 second. I can juggle, 3 balls 2 hands or 2 balls one hand <my own balls take 2 hands>. I can use a neti, pouring warm salt water into one nostril til it comes out the other. I can reduce my heart rate by 7 or 8 beats a minute by visualizing being on a hammock watching the moon rise. I can deal with cold pretty well, I've studied 2 forms of tummo, mastered none.


What else..change a diaper without wincing and make a mean bowl of chili. Thats about it.

Edited by thelerner
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I don't get hangovers, can run a marathon, read really fast, add purchases and make change in my head, clean up almost any bodily fluid without wincing and find the ketchup in the refrigerator (I am the only one in my house that can do the last one so it might be a special ability).

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I only have horse stance based ones and shen gong barely does anything lately, I think I need to lvl up some more

If only I had more sweet loot

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I can offend people without even trying

i can do that too, its called being yourself :D


will update with my response later when i have time to mull it over

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I have the power to imagine my life playing out in my head. Its called daydreaming, or to an onlooker, lost in thought, and manifests magically in my daily life as absentmindedness and lack of concentration.

Edited by Sanzon

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I have the power



to post vids

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actually that song pumps me up yo

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some people can chew their toenails, I never could.


i can chew ONE of my toenails. My hip flexibility in one leg sucks.


i can totally disarm my dog by touching his face with my completely open palm. No matter how bad he freaks out. i just hold my hand over his eyes until he gives up fighting.

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some people can chew their toenails, I never could.

hey, I can still do it. I know because I just checked, used to chew them to annoy my mom when I was a teen.

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I have many powers of living in nature and off-the-grid survival -- I can make fire in the rain, quickly build a shelter in any environment, make a simple trap for a small animal, a bow and arrows and a stone ax and knife and a sling and a fishing hook and line and sinker, can spot and know how to prepare most European and many American edible wild plants and mushrooms and many medicinal ones, can knit and crochet and weave and make moccasins, smoke and dry meats and fish, make pemmican, summon and control the rain... no wait, this last one IS supernatural... sorry... got carried away.

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lol guys, I hope hangnails weren't involved... :P


And heck Taomeow, you should be able to get a spot one of TV survival shows... I imagine you also know which bugs are safe to eat ? B)

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lol guys, I hope hangnails weren't involved... :P


And heck Taomeow, you should be able to get a spot one of TV survival shows... I imagine you also know which bugs are safe to eat ? B)

:) A few. I've never eaten any myself though, so the information is either hearsay or observation without participation. Grasshoppers are said to taste much like shrimp, and I did observe their chitin turn red just like shrimp's when exposed to heat (a couple of unfortunate grasshoppers hopped where we were cooking in the forest...) At a rainforest market in Peru I had my chance to purchase some grub kabobs but didn't have the guts. And in China I saw these but had to pass too:

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I have many powers of living in nature and off-the-grid survival -- I can make fire in the rain, quickly build a shelter in any environment, make a simple trap for a small animal, a bow and arrows and a stone ax and knife and a sling and a fishing hook and line and sinker, can spot and know how to prepare most European and many American edible wild plants and mushrooms and many medicinal ones, can knit and crochet and weave and make moccasins, smoke and dry meats and fish, make pemmican, summon and control the rain... no wait, this last one IS supernatural... sorry... got carried away.

Respek! I can survive in the bush, and can hunt with bows, spears and traps, but I need much more levelling up on non-animal bush tucker here in Australia, which I will be doing over the next few years.


I can pick some locks, cant do lockwood ones yet...

I am easily irritated by stupidity or foggy thinking!

I am skilled with a variety of medieval weaponry

I can move very silently

I will survive the Zombie Apocalypse!

I have a beard {which ups my survival chances significantly} :D

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Especially the summoning+controlling rain ;)


i think i did it as a child, by having strong emotions and wishing for it. :)

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Taomeow, I'd also pass on live scorpion snacks! (I also watch my step with people born under that sign)

Edited by 3bob
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im on the threshold of being free of all wanting and not wanting.


somehow, i wanted so much to say this.


now my ego finds rest, if only for a few seconds.


there, im off again, thinking of some other non-supernatural feat i have achieved so as to keep up with other non-supernatural achievers.




God bless all non-achievers.



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I'm not so sophisticated that I never try to mimic (edit:) animal sounds... (at least in private)

Edited by 3bob

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