
Bird Surprises

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I had three neat surprises this morning while looking out my front window at the birds eating.


The first surprise was seeing the female Redheaded Woodpecker. I had seen the male many times but this morning was the first for the female.


The second was that I got a good look at a bird I had seen a couple other times but not a good look. It was actually a pair, probably a mated pair of Pine Wablers (my best guess).


And one I had never seen before. My best guess is a Rusty Blackbird. Nice rusty-brown head and neck with the rest of the body being very dark blue/purple to black.



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Great , I hope to find you immersed in a copy of Sibley's shortly


Edited by Stosh

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Great , I hope to find you immersed in a copy of Sibley's shortly


Hehehe. I doubt that will happen but I do enjoy seeing them, whether I can properly name them or not, and that is why I feed them. I had a big herd of pigeons this morning. Maybe I'll look for a recipe for Pigeon Pot Pie.

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heh, the last time I got a bird surprise was while hiking in alaska and an unseen juvenile bald eagle decided to take flight right about when we got underneath 'im - like 10 feet underneath!

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Last time I got a bird surprise , it was difficult to wash off :)

Down here in florida the Bald eagles are reasonably common

( but ten feet is really close , you can hear the wings whoosh, am I right or am I right )

The bird I really want a close shot of is nothern harrier

I see them regularly enough but they are usually way out in the distance

You might get them up there , do you take photos?

Edited by Stosh

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Hehehe. I doubt that will happen but I do enjoy seeing them, whether I can properly name them or not, and that is why I feed them. I had a big herd of pigeons this morning. Maybe I'll look for a recipe for Pigeon Pot Pie.

I'd rather have bear steaks


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oh yeah, that was the preponderance of the surprise - having that wingspan unfold above you and start beating the air, whoa what the heck!? :lol: I dont know that I've ever seen one (plus it looks like there's ~20 species.) lots and lots of hawks around here, I cant always tell. lots of red tailed hawks over at pine valley, you can hear them while you tee off :lol: no, after searching a bit, I dont think there's a lot of harriers around here, I dont believe I've seen any. I got a camera but not one that can take a powerful telephoto.

Edited by joeblast

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Birds of prey are notoriously difficult to ID ,

I think we have just the one Northern here in the US

They have a white patch on the lower back just where the tail attatches which is easy to notice if you

look for it (and easy to miss if you arent) And the adult male is a distinctive gray Very nifty.

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Seen any great tits lately? I heard they migrated to the internet.

I'm not going to touch that. I get into enough trouble all on my own.

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