
Looking for people who channel spirits, ghosts, aliens, angels, kundalini, voices, etc.

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I am trying an experiment to find out something I have been wondering about for a while. I can hear the voice of some kind of entity, which I have self-described as my 'spirit guide' or 'kundalini'. What I am trying to determine is whether these voices that people channel are all from the same source, or even if they are from different sources, can they relay messages to other people's spirit guides, kundalini, etc. So I have instructed the entity that I can talk to pass along a phrase to any other spirits, aliens, angels, etc. of other people who can channel to see if it can be done. Obviously this needs the participation of both the sender, the receiver, the sender's angel, spirit, etc. and the receiver's angel, alien, voices, etc. So it needs the participation of 3-4 entities (2 being human). So anyways, if you can channel, please ask for the phrase from your source and post the simple phrase if you get anything. Thank you for your participation. I am running this experiment on multiple websites fyi.

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In my Kundalini awakening (which if you are interested you can read here as letter #4 about 1/5th of the way down the page:, I experienced it as an entity gaining access to my nervous system. Many others have had this experience. Just google 'kundalini' and 'voices' and you will see hundreds of people who have had kundalini awakenings who can talk with voices in their head.

Edited by Songtsan

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When dealing with things like this IMO an extra dose of common sense is usually required. Just because you hearing from another being does not mean they are of higher virtue. My understanding is it is often the reverse.


My 2 cents, Peace

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funny how the mind churns out stuff just to avoid remaining motionless and open.

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funny how the mind churns out stuff just to avoid remaining motionless and open.




Not saying you are crazy, but i have heard voices. They told me to do shitty things. For me it was schizophrenia.

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That link leads to some good sharing , songstan, thankyou for that.


It would be good to add 'kundalini' as a tag to this thread, so that those searching find this thread and can read what you have directed to.



I tuned in, to get the word or phrase from your experiment and this is what came through instantly:


  1. Skillful use of one's hands when performing tricks.
  2. Deception; trickery.
prestidigitation - jugglery - sleight of hand - magic

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When dealing with things like this IMO an extra dose of common sense is usually required. Just because you hearing from another being does not mean they are of higher virtue. My understanding is it is often the reverse.


My 2 cents, Peace


I agree - I am simply researching and not really assuming much about what this is. These types of things are very common from what I have researched.



funny how the mind churns out stuff just to avoid remaining motionless and open.


I ended up with this thing from practicing meditation in a way. My goal isn't meditation at this time, though I do practice a type of Vipassana. It's research into entities, kundalini, spirit guides, etc. People have been channeling for tens of thousands of years. Its a verifiable subject and I have spent over 14 years intensely researching it. It's real and it's widespread. In Zen Buddhism they might call what I experience a 'makyo,' but it is my professional opinion that it is definitely coming from outside my own nervous system. It has been proven to me hundreds of times.



I am of the belief that what people commonly call kundalini, i.e. energy, muladhara chakra, base of spine, etc. is in fact an external intelligent entity. Not your higher self at all. I won't argue with you, just stating my beliefs...even Swami Muktananda, one of the greatest 'vectors' of the kundalini shakti, stated that it was an intelligent thing. I have had interpersonal experiences already that have proven to me that it spans multiple people. For example, I had a friend that I hadn't spoken with in over year. I was at work and a notification came up that I had an email. I wondered in my head who it was, and my kundalini told me the name of my friend who I wasn't even thinking about and low and behold it actually was her. She was a Christian who could speak in tongues...which is basically channeling. There were other things that have happened I could tell about them if you are interested...





Not saying you are crazy, but i have heard voices. They told me to do shitty things. For me it was schizophrenia.


Yes, this is exactly like schizophrenia...but maybe schizophrenia isn't a disease as people think...perhaps it is nearly always due to playful or tricky spirits? If you look at a comparison between kundalini and schizophrenia you can see that they very nearly exactly resemble eachother. FYI I was diagnosed with schizoaffective disorder, which is a subcategory of schizophrenia, when I discussed this with a psychiatrist.



That link leads to some good sharing , songstan, thankyou for that.


It would be good to add 'kundalini' as a tag to this thread, so that those searching find this thread and can read what you have directed to.



I tuned in, to get the word or phrase from your experiment and this is what came through instantly: leg·er·de·main


this wasn't the phrase, but this is exactly the kind of thing my kundalini friend would do, i.e. say a single word that I didn't know that I would have to look up the definition of.

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say a single word that I didn't know that I would have to look up the definition of.

.. happens to me all the time also.. ;)

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.. happens to me all the time also.. ;)


That's good to know - how common it is I mean...any noticeable patterns are very interesting to me....thanks!

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erm, you may want to try some mediumship places, no offense to anyone here but theres not really very positive replies here just regurgitated dogma

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erm, you may want to try some mediumship places, no offense to anyone here but theres not really very positive replies here just regurgitated dogma


i thought i offered my perspective pretty gently. i wasn't trying to "regurgitate dogma"

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Everyone on the TTB's is different, and practicing different things. Some amount of trouble is expected when different people, practicing different things compare notes.


The most recent things I read about mediumship was that it was tricky territory and better to be discerning, but not that what was being experienced was in any way 'unreal' or due to interior vs exterior beings. I mean half the time stuff gets picked up from others or the environment anyway and we call it 'ours' when there's a pretty good chance it's not actually ours. I'm looking at you, stupid TV script.


Grandmaster P seemed to be doing the medium thing. Maybe he'll be around in a while.


---opinion etc--


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erm, you may want to try some mediumship places, no offense to anyone here but theres not really very positive replies here just regurgitated dogma

I have not dogma to regurgitate.

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To be edited later...


I did speak a bit judgmental, but my experiences with this is pretty good so far.

Edited by sinansencer

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There are many books written by channelers available these days, some of them very popular like "Conversations with God", and the books by Sandrah Romane who channels an entity called Orin, as well as older ones like "A course in Miracles" they seem to be from different sources but all seem to talk a lot of sense and a lot of wisdom. This sort of mediumship seems to be more common than many realise.

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erm, you may want to try some mediumship places, no offense to anyone here but theres not really very positive replies here just regurgitated dogma

OK, I realised that it may have come across that I was togue in cheek or something when I wrote what I did. I wasnt.


OP understood, because it's how this thing works. It has its own sense of humour, too, and a super sharp intelligence which takes me a while to catch up with.

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Well, here is a question for you.... If the Kundalini energy is an entity (good or evil), at what points of this passage it would manifest itself to you as a voice? Yes, passage. The energy has to travel through your chakras or energy points. It can get stuck before it can reach to your head and to your third eye. Or it may never reach that high if your vision is obstructed. The voice you are sure they aren't from the lower region of the spirit world???? The proper way to deal with these distractions, as it has been said all the times, is to practice grounding. Don't get your ego inflated.


Finally, tests and experiments? Do you like to be a lab mouse for testing? If not, why would you subject a spirit to the same cruelty, if you have even managed to contact the spirits. Well, I don't see this to be going well though.....

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OK, I realised that it may have come across that I was togue in cheek or something when I wrote what I did. I wasnt.


OP understood, because it's how this thing works. It has its own sense of humour, too, and a super sharp intelligence which takes me a while to catch up with.

I'll say it has a sense of humor - it changes with the times...its very cunning and adaptable. I'd say it reacts less to the form of the thoughts one has and more to the feeling behind the thoughts.

Well, here is a question for you.... If the Kundalini energy is an entity (good or evil), at what points of this passage it would manifest itself to you as a voice? Yes, passage. The energy has to travel through your chakras or energy points. It can get stuck before it can reach to your head and to your third eye. Or it may never reach that high if your vision is obstructed. The voice you are sure they aren't from the lower region of the spirit world???? The proper way to deal with these distractions, as it has been said all the times, is to practice grounding. Don't get your ego inflated.


Finally, tests and experiments? Do you like to be a lab mouse for testing? If not, why would you subject a spirit to the same cruelty, if you have even managed to contact the spirits. Well, I don't see this to be going well though.....

Personally I am not in agreement with the theory that it 'awakes' in the muladhara chakra...I think it simply and directly integrates with the brain. I don't think that it is endemic to each and every human being - I think of it as an external entity that seeks out specific individuals to integrate an attaching spirit. My view has been formed over the past 14 years. My experience was of the 'top down' type. I wrote what follows on another forum recently and it is what makes the most sense to me: "Kundalini "comes in" through the brain only and stays in the brain...the reason I put 'comes in' in quotes is because there really is no actual entry, there is no barrier to kundalini from touching ones nervous system. Matter presents no barrier. The reason that you feel various effects within the body is because kundalini is moving through various areas of the brain that control these areas and integrating with them. When you start having spontaneous movements, this is because the kundalini is getting access to the pre-motor and motor cortex areas, which control all sensation of kinesthesis and all voluntary movement respectively. Kundalini is an intelligent entity, perhaps electromagnetically based. The brain is an bioelectromagnetic powerhouse. Skin, muscle, bones, organs (i.e. gross matter) present no obstacle to kundalini as matter is 99% space. It has no need to enter at a specific point. More to the point it simply attaches, makes contact, or 'gloms on' to your bioelectric nervous system as easily as you would reach out and touch someone. Its main area of influence, as stated above, is the goes there directly....I use a technique called 'Occam's Razor' see: [link to]....The problem with mysticism is that it relies too much on anthropomorphism. Kundalini is clearly a noncorporeal intelligence, thus it has no gender, no form, and no limitations by the physical laws as we know them. So like I said, it would not be limited by our physical structure...just as radio waves, x-rays and other portions of the electromagnetic spectrum can pass through our body as if it isn't even there, I am quite sure that the kundalini can too...The problem with kundalini is that it increases emotionality which can lead to false belief systems which much resemble schizophrenia-like hyper-perception of synchronicities. One becomes very sensitive to stimuli and notes things that other people wouldn't see and one can read too much into them. The Kundalini will not disavow us of our belief, it will leave us alone to form our own opinion, or even support us in a false opinion. That is why it often called, 'the great masquerador' or 'the great trickster' - in a way it plays games, but not really - all it does is take our own belief system and send it back to us magnified until we burn through it....years later, in retrospect, I saw that the kundalini had been with me almost all my life - influencing my dreams and perceptions from a young age....Just a quick explanation about the pre-motor and motor cortex - all movement is initiated from here. When you decide to move something, a rapid relay of information travels back and forth to/from the area you are moving to the corresponding areas of the motor cortex. The pre-motor cortex area senses/receives, and the motor cortex stimulates/sends the commands to the body part. When you feel something touch you, in essence you are not really feeling it at that body part, you are actually feeling it in the brain, specifically in a kind of kinesthetic map which is called the 'homunculus' which is like a miniature model of your body. Even intense feelings like orgasms are actually 100% experienced in the brain in the appropriate area of the homunculus. If you don't believe me google it. Nothing is actually experienced in the body itself. The signals are sent from the corresponding area of the body and then experienced in the homunculus. I have experimented heavily with dissasociative drugs like DXM and ketamine and they can easily alter your sense of shape. I have felt as small as an atom, and as large as a mountain. I have felt my body seemingly morph into different shapes, such as my hand become a mallet. One time in a lucid dream the kundalini changed my entire perception of myself - it made me into a shape of a ficus tree. I felt like my body was shaped like a ficus tree. So you see, kinesthetic sensations are malleable...and they all happen in the brain. Think of the phantom limb effect when someone has one amputated. It would make the most logical sense that the kundalini does all this through the brain. Even if you feel a certain 'chakra' being stimulated, it is my belief that the kundalini never actually leaves the brain, as it doesn't have to. Occam's Razor leads me to this belief. Yes, maybe it could modulate the signals coming from a body part at the source, I am sure it could actually...but it makes so much more sense to go to the sources of perception and signal relay and affect it there.


As far as tests and experiments - I don't see myself being cruel. It messes with me, I mess with it - we have an understanding...and an almost lover like relationship - playfully irreverant. Also, if it didn't want to participate in the experiment I cant force it....I am pretty sure it not a deity - I think its just a noncorporeal intelligence. No better than anyone else.

Edited by Songtsan

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Such a great story Songtsan. I read your letter on the El Collie link.

Your above post was very interesting.


I'm really not sure that Kundalini is a separate intelligence although to my small person it seems that way.

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its so much cleverer, more perceptive than I, and has a much wider vocabulary and frame of reference.


'noncorporeal intelligence'.. is that God?

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"'noncorporeal intelligence'.. is that God?"


Not the version of God I was taught, hopefully. You know, beligerent Old-Testament 'father'.


I'm with the emptiness people:-)

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I'll say it has a sense of humor - it changes with the times...its very cunning and adaptable. I'd say it reacts less to the form of the thoughts one has and more to the feeling behind the thoughts.


Personally I am not in agreement with the theory that it 'awakes' in the muladhara chakra...I think it simply and directly integrates with the brain. I don't think that it is endemic to each and every human being - I think of it as an external entity that seeks out specific individuals to integrate an attaching spirit. My view has been formed over the past 14 years. My experience was of the 'top down' type. I wrote what follows on another forum recently and it is what makes the most sense to me: "Kundalini "comes in" through the brain only and stays in the brain...the reason I put 'comes in' in quotes is because there really is no actual entry, there is no barrier to kundalini from touching ones nervous system. Matter presents no barrier. The reason that you feel various effects within the body is because kundalini is moving through various areas of the brain that control these areas and integrating with them. When you start having spontaneous movements, this is because the kundalini is getting access to the pre-motor and motor cortex areas, which control all sensation of kinesthesis and all voluntary movement respectively. Kundalini is an intelligent entity, perhaps electromagnetically based. The brain is an bioelectromagnetic powerhouse. Skin, muscle, bones, organs (i.e. gross matter) present no obstacle to kundalini as matter is 99% space. It has no need to enter at a specific point. More to the point it simply attaches, makes contact, or 'gloms on' to your bioelectric nervous system as easily as you would reach out and touch someone. Its main area of influence, as stated above, is the goes there directly....I use a technique called 'Occam's Razor' see: [link to]....The problem with mysticism is that it relies too much on anthropomorphism. Kundalini is clearly a noncorporeal intelligence, thus it has no gender, no form, and no limitations by the physical laws as we know them. So like I said, it would not be limited by our physical structure...just as radio waves, x-rays and other portions of the electromagnetic spectrum can pass through our body as if it isn't even there, I am quite sure that the kundalini can too...The problem with kundalini is that it increases emotionality which can lead to false belief systems which much resemble schizophrenia-like hyper-perception of synchronicities. One becomes very sensitive to stimuli and notes things that other people wouldn't see and one can read too much into them. The Kundalini will not disavow us of our belief, it will leave us alone to form our own opinion, or even support us in a false opinion. That is why it often called, 'the great masquerador' or 'the great trickster' - in a way it plays games, but not really - all it does is take our own belief system and send it back to us magnified until we burn through it....years later, in retrospect, I saw that the kundalini had been with me almost all my life - influencing my dreams and perceptions from a young age....Just a quick explanation about the pre-motor and motor cortex - all movement is initiated from here. When you decide to move something, a rapid relay of information travels back and forth to/from the area you are moving to the corresponding areas of the motor cortex. The pre-motor cortex area senses/receives, and the motor cortex stimulates/sends the commands to the body part. When you feel something touch you, in essence you are not really feeling it at that body part, you are actually feeling it in the brain, specifically in a kind of kinesthetic map which is called the 'homunculus' which is like a miniature model of your body. Even intense feelings like orgasms are actually 100% experienced in the brain in the appropriate area of the homunculus. If you don't believe me google it. Nothing is actually experienced in the body itself. The signals are sent from the corresponding area of the body and then experienced in the homunculus. I have experimented heavily with dissasociative drugs like DXM and ketamine and they can easily alter your sense of shape. I have felt as small as an atom, and as large as a mountain. I have felt my body seemingly morph into different shapes, such as my hand become a mallet. One time in a lucid dream the kundalini changed my entire perception of myself - it made me into a shape of a ficus tree. I felt like my body was shaped like a ficus tree. So you see, kinesthetic sensations are malleable...and they all happen in the brain. Think of the phantom limb effect when someone has one amputated. It would make the most logical sense that the kundalini does all this through the brain. Even if you feel a certain 'chakra' being stimulated, it is my belief that the kundalini never actually leaves the brain, as it doesn't have to. Occam's Razor leads me to this belief. Yes, maybe it could modulate the signals coming from a body part at the source, I am sure it could actually...but it makes so much more sense to go to the sources of perception and signal relay and affect it there.


As far as tests and experiments - I don't see myself being cruel. It messes with me, I mess with it - we have an understanding...and an almost lover like relationship - playfully irreverant. Also, if it didn't want to participate in the experiment I cant force it....I am pretty sure it not a deity - I think its just a noncorporeal intelligence. No better than anyone else.

Have you experienced the Kundalini energy rising? I did when I was 18. It crawls on your spinal cord like a serpent unwrapped and all the way to your crown and third eye. It is a fire burning sensation. You would be sweating and that's how hot it gets. Extreme light intensity on your forehead, your third eye. The light intensity is so intense that you can see this point of light when your eyes are open. No, I didn't have any idea what I was going through, nor knew about what is Kundalini energy. There is no theory. There is no conception. Kundalini energy is just energy, like Chi. That's it. It can be bad or good for you depending on your moral constitutions as well as your merits.


Have fun experimenting....and you are giving your ego too much credits here. :) It messes you and you mess with them???? Hehehehe

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