
Intro/Help! Day 38 Spring Forest QiGong

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Hi All,


Just wanted to introduce myself. I have been reading here for a few months but have not been an active member. I enjoy reading the forums and many of you have some very great ideas and wisdom. I am very passionate about personal growth and transformation and I have been doing a lot of work on myself for the past couple of years. I have:


- Been sober over 18 months and regularly attend AA

- Working with a Native American Shaman

- Have been journaling on a daily basis

- Do inner child journaling

- Use the EmWave

- Exercise/Lift weights every day

- Read lots of books

- Currently going through "The Artist's Way" program

- Have experimented with other transformation tools.


I am trying to be less ADD and stop trying to accomplish to many things at once, but it is hard since I have had this mentality since I was young. I am hoping that Spring Forest QiGong can add peace and balance into my life...


I am doing the 100 days of Spring Forest Qigong. I have the Level 1 book and I am doing the "Breathing of the Universe Meditation." I started out with 5 minutes the first few days, then went up to 10 minutes and I missed 1 day. Then I went up to 15 minutes and now I am up to 50 minutes and going to move to and stay at around 1 hour a day for a few weeks.


I have always found it very difficult to visualize things and I am especially finding it difficult to visualize the "universal energy flowing into every cell of my body and storing in my lower dantian." I mean, I can picture what this would look like but I do not fully "see" this happening as I practice the meditation. I usually just get short flashes of what this looks like. I can very slightly feel the energy in the palms of my hands but do not feel the energy anywhere else.


Is this typical? Any advice for my beginner practice?




- Chopper

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We are all different, and different at different times: some/sometimes more thinking, others kinaesthetic, visual, aural..


Hands are often, perhaps usually, the first place to become aware of chi.

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Yeah so visualization is something that increases with practice.


Sometimes the universe might give you a message in your meditation that you will visualize and so just build on the positive messages while rejecting the negative messages.


Visualizing sun light is the main focus though or fire or rainbow energy or butterflies. haha.


So you will feel lower tan tien heat and tingling between the hands and slowly more electromagnetic energy pushing the hands apart.


If a qigong master is transmitting energy then the electromagnetic energy pushing the hands apart will be very strong.


With practice then the stronger the energy gets and then the more you can visualize.


But you can not visualize the Emptiness which is the foundation of the practice so you are always in the Universe and the Universe is in you -- so visualization comes out of the Emptiness as the Universe.

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