
Jim Carrey - major spiritual experience or just adopting an idea?

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Check out the first 6 minutes:


Does anybody have information about what Carrey is referring to there? I have no clue outside of what's shown in the video, but I guess either he took some entheogens, or he just liked spiritual ideas.


Also, I'm not sure whether he's just his usual funny and excited self or whether he acts like being filled with that special excitement after having had a revelation.

Edited by Owledge

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i saw online once that he did dmt, there are videos of him talking about it i think


maybe check that out and report back to this thread, i haven't watched them yet :)

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He is... perhaps becoming more of himself/ unfolding

In terms of the spiritual stuff... the way he speaks I feel he has really experienced it.

The... there is no you or I... seemed a little bought expression wise. I think the rest was 100% him.

I wouldnt say he is enlightened... well to a degree we are all enlightened.

But to what and how much?

To experience those bliss states is nice... and knowing that it is possible to feel like that is cool.

Edited by White Wolf Running On Air
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Thanks, that keyword DMT clears it up.



Well, I kinda can relate to what Carrey said there, since I, too, had a profound experience - profound probably still an understatement. There are no word for something like that. I mean, at one point I was shown how religions like the whole Buddhism thing are just added flavor, a toy, something to make the show interesting and give beings something interesting to do. Deconstruction of the concept of profoundness itself.

I remember some things I said, and I efinitely wasn't in delusion, but in enlightened clarity, having gotten the record set straight so to speak. That feeling faded after a while, probably because it caused my egoic mind too much trouble, because it couldn't immediately adapt fully.


That's why I mentioned his excited and unburdened demeanor in that video. I recognized it from my own after-trip-state.

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yep, you can see it in his eyes and soft inflection. i feel like it would be easy to tell if someone was faking those key identifiers

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i'm imagining a group of giggling stoners sitting around going "duuude heh heh, it would be fuckin crazy if we gave jim some dmt"

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Never tried such myself... though I have read all the different things... shrooms, DMT etc all have a different tales to tell.

What Ayahuasca will show you will be different to what Iboga will show you...

Or all the different types of mushrooms... having a different experience/ story?

Or the plants have different spirits/ personalities / teachings etc...

Some refer to some plants being very gentle others not so...

Some plants re enforce your own beliefs ... others destory.

I heard one person having a lot of experience with Aya saying in his experience is was mirroring his own...

So if he had a buddhist model the aya would build on that deeply... so the non being stuff... could be an interesting experience... how do you experience non being... now that is an interesting question haha...

Somewhat like your profound experience... of the de constructing of the idea of profound. @_@ ha :)

Ultimately I think we are the writers, directors, producers, actors etc all in one.



Edited by White Wolf Running On Air
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Man! I think I got carrey'd away a bit there! :lol:



According to

he doesn't take any drugs. Not sure how old that clip is. In other videos he just said the clichee line that he woke up one morning and suddenly he understood.

Edited by Owledge

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Really strange how triggers can bring back memory of how it felt.



The animation in the very beginning (I wish I had a HD version) made me remember (superficially) how my trip felt. That bright, warm feeling and celebratory atmosphere, the clear shapes, the infinity stuff.

I was just watching to that video again and I remembered that kind of end-of-line feeling, like in a busy world arriving at a hidden room where everything is silent and still. It's already fading away again, but it surprises me how easily I react to audiovisual triggers like that.

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I just had a small epiphany, because I'm up and awake for longer than usual:

Do you remember how it feels to be awake for so long that everything feels not just tiring, but uncomfortable? Where you feel that not only is your mind tired, but your body is in subtle unease? Everything feeling "meh" and "uagh"? That kind of burden that you then feel on your psyche, that's a bit like the unease I felt while ayahuasca did its thing with me. These words will probably not match what I just felt a minute earlier, but it makes perfect sense, because what I need in this state is sleep, and sleep means letting go of conscious being and allowing the dream world to regenerate and refresh me.

Considering that DMT brings inner issues to the surface and that sleep deprivation leads to 'hallucinations', maybe the feeling of tired exhaustion I have right now is caused by those inner issues moving just a tiny bit closer to the surface - the burden becoming more tangible.



And when he says people report the place they visit feels familiar, I remembered that, too. It's like a constant state of d´jà vu. I saw places and things and felt things and were in a state too odd to be described with words, and I knew all that as if I had seen it before.

For me it didn't feel like that the whole time, though, just certain parts I think.



Eureka! Perfect analogy:


A DMT vision is like a kōan!

Edited by Owledge
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Awesome quote:


Timothy Leary: "LSD occasionally causes psychotic behavior in people who have not taken it."

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oh man, my last shroom trip the other night SUCKED. i seriously hallucinated nothing but cops grabbing me by the arm and trying to put me into rooms. Also animals with no skin making angry faces at me where i could see all their facial muscles move. Also some other graphic-ly scary shit i would rather not discuss...


then i realized i have had more shroom trips where i freak out and cry than good shroom trips, and i normally handle other drugs just fine in higher doses, like acid for example.


my analogy i came up with when i was tripping was this-

dissociatives are like someone whispering your problems in your ear and suggesting that you deal with them

psychedelics are like someone screaming in your face what your problems are


at least for me anyways :/ i think i'm done with the psychedelic class of drugs. it doesn't seem to be teaching me anything anymore, just making me more crazy. if i was offered dmt i would take it for the experience, but i think my acid/shroom party days are over

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Well, you can't associate bad trips with no more stuff to be taught. It's probably just the usual approach of processing mind crap.

Why are you even afraid of skinless animals? They look funny and if they are angry at you, be nice to them.

And if you don't do that spontaneously, then, alright, maybe you can't solve that issue currently, but it sounds like some fear to surpass.

I'm just speculating now, but if scenes of cops dragging you away are coming up during a trip, then that's working in your unconscious. It could mean that in a crisis you will unconsciously act in a way that will bring about that kind of trouble for you.

Practice the idea of not resisting arrest regardless of how unjustified it might seem to your mind. You know... they can't drag you away if you go voluntarily. ;) That would break your unconscious fears.



"You are under arrest!"

- "Oh poliiice!"



"You are under a-rest!"

- "Cool. I can use some time to relax."

Edited by Owledge

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by "doesn't seem to be teaching me anything anymore" i meant that instead of bringing up subconscious issues that need addressing, trips now bring up fully conscious issues that i am already acknowledging and throwing them in my face in a mean sort of way.


idk, the animals were really aggressive. If a vicious dog was looking like it was going to attack you + it had no skin you wouldn't be scared? i mean i knew it wasn't real but shrooms mess with your emotions...

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From my understanding, this means that your mind is consciously aware of a fear issue that runs deeply into your emotions. You might have dealt with the part that the mind is able to resolve, but the deeply ingrained belief system is still there. Consider yourself lucky that you are aware of it. Should make it easier. Your mind can identify scary trip experiences as 'the lesson' and then you can try to give in. If your mind is clear, that is. If you can't think straight with your usual substances, maybe you really should try DMT.

The trick is probably to make something sink in. Not to make sure you remember during a trip, but to condition your behavior.

Dunno, all very confusing.

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