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Guest rebelboddha

The Vatican/Church/Christianity/Catholicism and the West prevents Humanity from Meditating and attaining Enlightenment.

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Guest rebelboddha

It is funny how peeps everywhere would rather believe in feel-good lies rather than the cold stark naked truths which tear your egos to pieces.

The truth is that the Pope and other higher Vatican clergy, the British Royalty, Rockefellers, Rothschilds and other elite rich have been practising the art of meditation, enlightenment and spiritual cultivation for thousands of years. They then used their spiritual power to amass trillions of dollars and political control over the masses.

The cold hard truth is that God, Buddha and Consciousness is inside each and everyone of us and the only thing which we need to do to find and realize God is to meditate on a consistent basis. There’s no need to give alms to churches or temples, there’s no need to do good deeds and be a politically correct compassionate nice guy, there’s not even any need to go to church or temple. Just bloody sit quietly everyday for a period of time and you will find God/Buddha/Dao/Consciousness inside sooner or later.

And the best thing about finding God/Buddha/Dao/Consciousness inside is that once you do attain Enlightenment, you wouldn’t have any material desires for money, food, sex, family, kids, love anymore. Once you find the Love inside you, you simply lose all your material desires for all material stuff.

Thus this is why the Pope and other higher Vatican clergy, the British Royalty, Rockefellers, Rothschilds, Chinese Government and other elite rich and political figures have hidden the truth of meditation and spiritual enlightenment from the masses, especially in the West. Because they do not want to lose their control over humanity.

How do you control a world of Enlightened Humans who do not have any material desires? It is only by manipulating the material desires of humanity then can one control humanity. If every human on this planet become enlightened and lose all material desires, there is no way any government or any other elite rich, political or religious figure can control humanity.

Why do you think the Vatican destroyed the Essenes and the Knight Templars, the two major orders of Enlightened Humans in Europe during the Middle Ages? Why do you think the Chinese government order purges against the Tibetan Temples during Mao Tze Dong’s reign?

This is why Hollywood has produced almost zilch movies on destroying your material desires and attaining enlightenment. All Hollywood movies are about satisfying the base material desires of sex, food, money, entertainment or about fighting in wars. Most Westerners and most human beings on this planet for that matter has been so brainwashed by CIA-controlled Hollywood propaganda that they are completely obsessed with fulfilling their material desires and do not want to liberate themselves from samsara.

Thus the USA and western culture in general must be eliminated in order to free Humanity from the clutches of Mara. Mara being represented by the Vatican, European Royalty, American MNCs and CIA-controlled Hollywood, the Chinese government, etc. Yeah the Chinese government ain’t exactly Asian but a perverse copy of the US. Just look at the Chinese and Taiwanese temples and you would find hardly any difference in philosophies between the Vatican and Chinese Buddhism. Both are created with the aim of controlling and brainwashing their followers and sucking in their followers' money.

Edited by rebelboddha

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Guest rebelboddha


Vatican Warns About Zen, Yoga

VATICAN CITY (AP) - The Vatican Thursday cautioned Roman Catholics that Eastern meditation practices such as Zen and yoga can ``degenerate into a cult of the body'' that debases Christian prayer.

``The love of God, the sole object of Christian contemplation, is a reality which cannot be `mastered' by any method or technique,'' said a document issued by the Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith.

The document, approved by Pope John Paul II and addressed to bishops, said attempts to combine Christian meditation with Eastern techniques were fraught with danger.

Here is your bloody proof that the US, with more than 75% of its population being catholic and christian, have been brainwashed by the Vatican and other higher Catholic/Christian Clergy to NOT meditate when meditation is THE ONLY WAY for every human being to reach God within.

Here is your bloody proof that most Americans have been brainwashed into believing that Eastern Meditation methods are the way of the "devil" when in fact Meditation is the only way to get rid of the "devil".

What did the Shurangama Sutra say in the age of degenrate chaos again? That the good is considered to be bad and the bad is considered to be good?

Is God and Buddha the same thing? Well let me ask you. When an ant look at Mount Fuji and Mount Everest, can an ant actually tell the difference between Mount Fuji and Mount Everest?

God and Buddha is the same thing. God and Buddha is also different. Can you fully realize the full extent of these two sentences when you are not enlightened yet?

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Guest rebelboddha


Without these truths, the Vatican said, meditation, which should be a flight from the self, can degenerate into a form of self-absorption.

Some reports of the letter highlighted harsher phrases, like the warning that concentration on the physical aspects of meditation ''can degenerate into a cult of the body'' or that equating bodily states with mysticism ''could also lead to psychic disturbance and, at times, to moral deviations.'' Such concerns can be traced to the early days of Christianity, when the church opposed the gnostics' belief that salvation came not through faith but through a mystical inner knowledge.

The Rev. David Toolan, a Jesuit whose 1987 book, ''Facing West from California's Shores,'' is an account of his spiritual searching in Eastern mysticism and contemporary psychology, said that some of the Vatican's concerns are pertinent. ''Abandonment of the world and perceptible things, being locked up in yourself - those are real dangers,'' he said.

Isn't this proof that the Vatican doesn't want humanity to liberate themselves from Samsara?!

Enough Said!

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how would you feel if someone said that YOU are the problem? YOU are the reason people can't become enlightened. YOU need to be eliminated.


i'm not actually saying these things, and they obviously aren't true. But does that get you to start using your brain at all?

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Okay lets humor you for a second.


"Thus the USA and western culture in general must be eliminated in order to free Humanity from the clutches of Mara"


how do you want to go about doing this? i honestly want to hear your plan. i think it would be extremely interesting if you managed to tear down western culture, so lets hear it Oh Enlightened One. How can us taobums help you exterminate your foe? Cuz it sure as hell isn't happening just by posting on a forum, so get on with it. Whats the plan?

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It is funny how peeps everywhere would rather believe in feel-good lies rather than the cold stark naked truths which tear your egos to pieces.



This is why Hollywood has produced almost zilch movies on destroying your material desires and attaining enlightenment. All Hollywood movies are about satisfying the base material desires of sex, food, money, entertainment or about fighting in wars. Most Westerners and most human beings on this planet for that matter has been so brainwashed by CIA-controlled Hollywood propaganda that they are completely obsessed with fulfilling their material desires and do not want to liberate themselves from samsara.




I watched a sickening, Judeao-Christian propaganda film today, called Lincoln. The Director, Producer, and Writers of thos lying film should have an anvil tied around their necks and be thrown into an abyss.


Does Hollywood ever make an honest film?


"Mr. Lincoln was not a Christian." Mary Todd Lincoln

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Does Hollywood ever make an honest film?


They have to make money, not good films :D

Our society is based on money, not on good quality.


.Those who speak against meditation, probably they never practiced it consistently; yet, they feel in charge to instruct people on this matter

Nothing strange. This is how we -human beings- are playing on this planet from time immemorial.


Those who know don't speak. :ph34r:

Edited by DAO rain TAO
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Those who know don't speak. :ph34r:



No,....those who know, don't gnow!


As Chögyam Trungpa Rinpoche said, unless theism is let go, the heart of bodhi cannot be accessed.


Does Hollywood ever make an honest film?


Hollywood is part of the dishonest, disfunction of current humanity. I've found nothing harder in life than being honest,...not that I'm not honest,...but in having any conversation with the more than 99.6% of humanity that are unable to be honest.


No theist is honest, is absolutely impossible. By definition, no atheist is honest,...atheism is merely a belief that no god exists. All beLIEfs are lies.


Dishonest people promote dishonest views of life, to make their dishonesty appear palatable.

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As Chögyam Trungpa Rinpoche said, unless theism is let go, the heart of bodhi cannot be accessed.


Difficult to believe since serious tibetan tantrikas perform pujas from dawn to dusk...

Edited by DAO rain TAO

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Why is western culture being called evil? Seems like every culture perpetuates evil.


oh don't worry, this person knows that. They believe that the chinese are some kind of chosen spiritual leaders, and that since they are doing a bad job of it, that we should kill all the chinese or something.


i don't pretend to understand crazy-violent people...

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As above so below...


There is nothing you can do, just develop equanimity, observe the noble eightfold path, be compassionate to all sentient beings including greedy, delusional, ignorant and humans full of hatred.


Venting on Government and other institutions is not the answer, cultivating your mind is.


In the meantime, don't forget that existence is subjected to constant change and decay:


Good luck and happy practice.

Yup. Seems to me the prerequisite for all spirituality is a quiet mind. Getting too tied up in all the Thems out there is cluttering it up.


Strive for a quiet mind. Do what one can. Go back to a quiet mind.


edit> I'd add, going back to the original post that while I'm not Catholic or Christian I'll stop in Cathedrals when visiting other cities, particularly the beautiful ones. I think there is sacred geometry built into them and seems to me many people there are in meditation, sitting quietly, eyes closed, hearts open. Nooks and crannies in most where you see believers in devout silent contemplation.

Like most religious traditions meditation is there at many levels, from silent heart worship, theological intellectuals who've written on it, mystics both saints and 'heretics' even monasteries with striking similarities to those in the East. Meditation exists and not to far from the surface. You won't find people seated cross legged or priests telling parishioners to join Buddhists temples, but meditation and spirituality is there if you look for it.

Edited by thelerner

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