
My retirement from posting.

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I've been suspended twice within the last few months, both occurrences were questionable in my opinion. In light of this, I've decided that I will retire from discussions on this board for the time being.


In my first incident I called several members out for making antisemitic posts, one was recently suspended for doing this, the other, who made just as reprehensible and unfounded accusations has not had any action taken towards them, to the best of my knowledge. Many people were supportive of me and came to my defense. Many feel as I did that it was questionable at best, but that was the past and I made a concerted effort to refrain from any dialogue that might be construed as violating the ToS.


In my last incident I made a reference to another member whom I had lived with without naming them, their address, or anything remotely close to identifying them as the person in question. They chose to participate in the conversation and reveal the post was about them. Afterwards I removed everything objectionable. I wasn't aware I had broken any rules, but when I did I apologized for doing so and did everything I was asked to do to make amends for the incident. I was led to believe everything was alright and I wasn't actually worried about being suspended, but then I logged on three days later and found out I was suspended. I never received a warning or notice that they were considering suspending from the board. In the logs another member was apparently repeatedly asked to stop revealing personal information and didn't stop until they were suspended. I actually went to great lengths to rectify the situation, even though I thought it unfair and was suspended anyways.


After my suspension I attempted to email the site to ask the reason and also explain my case, but no one ever responded to me. The lack of response and loosely based suspensions is the primary reason why I feel there is an agenda to remove me from this board. I have enjoyed the years I've been here, but there is dark stain in the water and until those waters are still and the stain settles to the bed, I don't feel safe making comments or replying to other people's comments. I think it's only a matter of time before something else arises to give them a reason to ban me.


With my suspension seeming inevitable, I see no point in continuing to post here. I will continue to post to my blog. I will also leave an email on my profile in case I am banned for this post, so people can still reach out to me. I will miss the conversations I've had on this forum. I learned a lot from you guys. I hope that life will find you well and that you reach the destination you seek.


Remember, freedom is not a right, but a virtue that resides within you. Don't give up that freedom for the sake of laws and justice. Live as your heart tells you to.



Edited by Aaron

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While I have no idea whether anyone is really out to get you ,But If you find yourself getting all fired up , and then be having to backtrack , a voluntary break ( involuntary or not) makes sense. Youve contributed quite a lot over a long time and can rest on what youve already tried to communicate.. but I hope at some point you will continue here refreshed.

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Retirement can get boring. Maybe consider it as a sabbatical and wade back in when it feels right.

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Removed... I don't see the point in the pointless.

Edited by Aaron

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